Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1049 Yes, I Just Like Her

Chapter 1049 Yes, I Just Like Her

Lin Hua heard that he was going to see him off the plane the night before, so when she saw him coming back, she leaned against the bedside and asked, "Xi Chen and the others went to Jiangcheng?"

Wang Jingyao nodded, sat on the edge of the bed, reached out to touch her head, and said softly, "I just came back after delivery, you should go downstairs for breakfast or eat upstairs, I will accompany you."

Lin Hua smiled lightly, "Why are you so good all of a sudden?"

Wang Jingyao pinched her face with his fingers, "Isn't it natural to be nice to your wife?"

Lin Hua looked at him, and Wang Jingyao said briskly, "Go and brush your teeth, I'll go downstairs to get breakfast."

After speaking, he kissed her forehead again, got up and went downstairs.

Lin Hua was a little dazed, and reached out to touch her forehead. After a while, she slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

While she was brushing her teeth, Wang Jingyao came up from downstairs. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, looking young and fresh, with a tray in his hand. It happened that Lin Hua's cell phone rang, and it was WeChat.

Lin Hua heard it too, brushing her teeth and said in a muffled voice, "Jingyao, please help me take a look, it may be sent by my manager, I just asked her something."

Wang Jingyao put the tray on the small tea table by the french window, came over and took her cell phone to check, Lin Hua's cell phone didn't have a password, so he opened it easily.

After looking at it, it was indeed a message from the manager. He read it and told Lin Hua.When it was over and was about to exit, the phone rang again, this time it was from that brat Gu Anxi, and there was only one short line——

I have found Feng Sheng, don't worry.

Wang Jingyao stared at that line of writing for a long time, feeling a little dazed. At this time, the sound of water in the bathroom continued. After a while, Lin Hua's voice came again: "Jingyao, what are you looking at?"

Wang Jingyao came back to his senses, "Oh, it's nothing, come over for breakfast and it's still hot."

He put down the phone, did not delete the message, but naturally stepped forward to support his wife.

Lin Hua sat on the sofa, Wang Jingyao poured milk for her, and brought her a sandwich and fried egg: "Eat it quickly, it won't hurt if it's cold."

She nodded, sipped milk, ate half of the sandwich before asking, "Are you not going to the office today?"

"How can it be, there are many things, I just come back to have breakfast with you." He said softly.

Lin Hua let out an oh, and continued to eat breakfast.

Wang Jingyao looked thoughtfully, and after a while Lin Hua raised his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Wang Jingyao smiled, "It's nothing, I just thought that Zhou Yu was about to give birth, what should we give as a gift, you women know women best about these things, what do you make up your mind?"

Lin Hua paused, "Is it going to give birth? Are they reconciled?"

Wang Jingyao's smile deepened: "It doesn't count as a reconciliation."

She just stared at him while gnawing on a sandwich, Wang Jingyao sighed: "It's not like you don't know Min Xin's deeds in the early years. Stay still, as for the future, it depends on Min Xin's ability."

When Lin Hua heard this, she gave him a sideways glance, "You have done a lot in the past few years."

Wang Jingyao just laughed, smiling politely, with a hint of a beast in clothes, "Compared with him, I am very self-respecting. Besides, I am not as picky as he is."

He thinks that he has a lot of beauties, and it is hard to find them. As for those romances, they are just the ones whose former wives passed away, so he can't count them.

After finishing speaking, she lacked confidence, smiled, and pinched her face again: "Jing Chuan is waiting for me downstairs, I have to go to a meeting, eat more at noon, I will come back early to accompany you for dinner."

Lin Hua snorted.

He walked a few steps and turned around at the door: "By the way, let's move back in a few days. You are more comfortable, and you can also let your mother go to accompany you. If you miss the old lady, come and stay for a few days. "

Lin Hua smiled: "Okay."

Brother Wang couldn't bear it anymore, he came back and kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

Lin Hua heard the sound of the car starting downstairs and knew he was leaving. She slowly finished her breakfast and was about to go downstairs when she heard the phone ring. She went over and saw that it was from Xiaomei again. After exiting, I inadvertently saw the message from Anxi, which was Feng Sheng's business, and the message showed that it had been read.

She was in a daze for a moment, and then remembered that Wang Jingyao had checked her phone just now, and he had obviously read this message, but he didn't say anything or ask.She thought of his strange appearance that morning——

So, he knew that she knew that Feng Sheng was still alive.

However, he didn't say it.

Lin Hua looked at the phone quietly, in a daze for a long time.I don't know how long it took, she mechanically quit WeChat and opened the communication, dialed Wang Jingyao's mobile phone, and he answered after only two rings, but the voice was still hoarse: "What's wrong?"

Lin Hua wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't speak at all, so he waited patiently.

After a long time, Lin Hua finally said, "Jingyao, come back early this afternoon, let's go pick out gifts for Zhou Yu together."

Wang Jingyao clenched the phone tightly, calmed down a bit, and then said in a brisk voice: "Okay, I'll be back at four o'clock."

After saying a few more words, I hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jingchuan asked, "Didn't you say you won't go to the office today? Why are you going to have a meeting all of a sudden?"

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes, and coughed lightly when he opened them again: "The meeting ends before three o'clock in the afternoon."

Wang Jingchuan really couldn't understand him, it happened one after another, but he still asked, "Do you have anything else to do at three o'clock?"

"Well, go and see that bastard Zhou Yunchen." Wang Jingyao said with displeasure: "At the wedding banquet the day before yesterday, you could see the indifference on his face, as if he never knew me."

Wang Jingchuan pretended not to understand: "Who doesn't know you in this northern city."

Wang Jingyao glanced at him, "Stop pretending, you know that's not what I meant."

The Secretary-General still pretended to be stupid: "Then what do you mean?"

Old brother Wang was so angry that his face darkened and he stopped talking. Old Zhao said in a low voice, "Secretary-General Wang, how dare you make Mr. Wang unhappy like this?"

Wang Jingchuan smiled mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "Usually I don't dare, but today is different. His old man is in a good mood today so that the clouds will open and the moon will shine."

Old Zhao rubbed his head with one hand, and smiled honestly: "I'm a rough person, and I don't know what it means to keep the sky and see the moon." '

Wang Jingchuan deliberately amplified his voice; "It's just describing a idiot who has been waiting for a little fairy's decision, and finally got it."

As soon as Lao Zhao heard it, he became excited and wanted to dance, "I know, it means licking a dog."

As soon as he said that, the atmosphere froze.

Wang Jingchuan rubbed his nose, but he didn't make a sound. Old Zhao hadn't reacted yet: "Secretary-General Wang, isn't that what he means?"

Secretary-General Wang didn't dare to answer the conversation anymore, he looked back quietly, darling, the boss's face is blue, Lao Zhao is still talking, so he calmly said: "What is the identity of Mr. Wang, please be careful when you speak. "

Only now did Lao Zhao remember, and immediately shut up, feeling terrified to death.

Who knew that when the car arrived at the entrance of the office, Wang Jingyao glared at him when he got out of the car, and said lightly, "That's right, I'm Lin Hua's licking dog."

Old Zhao froze.

Wang Jingchuan followed, turned back to Lao Zhao and said, "Old Zhao, you are finished, you didn't say anything."

Old Zhao is so wronged...

(End of this chapter)

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