Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1050 River City!Little 3 is pregnant

Chapter 1050 River City!mistress is pregnant

On the other side, Gu Anxi received a WeChat message from Lin Hua while getting off the plane.

She looked at it for a while, then smiled.

Bo Xichen looked at her, "What about Feng Sheng? Does she know?"

Gu Anxi sized him up, "Uncle, do you have a third eye, can you guess that?"

Bo Xichen carried her small suitcase and said calmly as she walked, "I don't know if there is a third eye, but the third one..."

Before he finished speaking, Nian Yao's father beside him coughed lightly: "Xi Chen, how old is Zai Zai, so you can just joke with her."

Bo Xichen smiled, but remained silent.

Gu Anxi answered the words with a thick skin, and Nian Yao's father suddenly became ill. He caught up with his son and tried his best to persuade his son to teach children to pay attention to physical and mental health...

After getting into the car, Uncle Bo chuckled: "Father, do you still want to hold your grandson? If you are serious every day, you may not be able to wait another ten years."

These words hit Bo Nianyao's sore spot, and he immediately said that young couples still need to pay attention to some fun, and finally said: "No, I have a secret book. Xichen, you can take it when you turn around, and I promise you more Many children and grandchildren."

Gu Anxi whispered: "It works so well, the Bo family won't pass it on from generation to generation."

Papa Bo's face froze, because he had no face.

The car drove back to the villa, and the group of people got out of the car and went back to have a sip of tea. Someone came from the old man of the Wang family.

It was the second sister-in-law of the Wang family who came, and the second sister-in-law had probably been looking forward to Gu Anxi's return for a long time, and she couldn't wait to gossip when she saw someone.Naturally, Bo Nianyao and Bo Xichen would not listen to this, and went straight to the laboratory. When there was no one else at home, Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa and asked lazily, "What big news, Second Aunt, are you in such a hurry to talk about it."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family sighed softly: "It's because something happened to the old family."

"Is the woman outside my uncle pregnant?" Gu Anxi said casually while playing a game. How could he know this, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family made a sharp voice: "Anxi, do you know?"


Gu Anxi immediately put down the phone in his hand, looked at the second sister-in-law of the Wang family, and frowned: "Is it Shen Wanqing?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family beamed with joy: "That's right, it's that vixen who secretly conceived the eldest son's child. I heard that she made a few holes to conceive it. The eldest panicked and didn't know what to do, so I asked her to get rid of it, but the daughter As soon as I cried, the boss's heart softened, hehe, now he doesn't recognize his own son, and he is only thinking about divorcing his sister-in-law."

Gu Anxi slumped on the sofa without making a sound for a while. After a while, she turned her head: "Did the aunt agree?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family sighed: "She is also a poor person. After she found out the news, she moved that surnamed Shen, and went to the hospital to try to get rid of the child, but your uncle passed by, and she was cruel in front of so many people. You slapped me in the face, and now you are only one step away from getting a divorce."

Gu Anxi probably understood when he heard this, and smiled, "The second aunt said this, does she want me to help the first aunt or the vixen outside?"

The second sister-in-law choked, then stroked her hair, and said uncomfortably: "It stands to reason that I should help my sister-in-law, but the child is innocent."

She looked at Gu Anxi earnestly again, "Don't you doctors dislike mutilating little lives the most?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "But I didn't say that I would help Xiaosan protect the child. Besides, this Shen Wanqing is still someone I don't like. Don't you know, Second Aunt?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family's face was a little stiff, "I know, I know, but children are always innocent, right?"

Gu Anxi took the mobile phone and continued to play the game: "A child conceived outside marriage, not a single tadpole is innocent."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family was petrified, and it took a while before she forced a smile: "I'm just a suggestion, yes, I'm here to call you in advance, the old man still needs to ask your opinion on this matter, Anxi, it's not my aunt The thing is, you are the person on the top of the old man's heart now, and the old man thinks highly of you very much."

"Really?" Gu Anxi smiled.

Change the scene, Wang's mansion.


On the huge long dining table, Mr. Wang sat at the first place, and his son and daughter-in-law lined up below. Wang Kefu also came back, probably to fight for the status of Shen Wanqing's mother and son, so even if the old man saw him and got a headache, he still stayed at home with a shameless face. .

Gu Anxi's position is leaning against Mr. Wang. Halfway through the meal, Mr. Wang put down his bowl and chopsticks, holding back his breath and whispering softly: "Anxi, there was a scandal at home, and you know the other party. Look at this matter. How to do?"

Gu Anxi drank the soup, couldn't put it down, asked her aunt to make another bowl for her, then glanced at Uncle Wang, and said slowly: "How can I see it, I didn't make Shen Wanqing pregnant, Find whoever did it."

When she lit the fire like this, Mr. Wang was so angry that he picked up the cane and hit his unworthy son, "You are shameless, you have lost all the face of the family."

Wang Kefu was beaten solidly, feeling particularly wronged in his heart, but he didn't dare to resist, because his heart was still waiting to enter the door, so he only dared to whisper after being beaten: "This is not an accident. what?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "This kind of winning rate is only [-]% and [-]%."

Wang Kefu secretly kicked her, and sent another pleading emoji.

Gu Anxi held his little head, puzzled: "Uncle, why are you kicking me?" '

Wang Kefu felt like dying immediately, and sure enough, the old man came over with a stick again, beating and cursing at the same time: "You bastard, you made a mistake yourself, so I asked the junior to intercede for you."

After finishing speaking, I will fight again.At this moment, the aunt at home hurried over: "That Miss Shen came over, and she was standing outside, no matter how much she persuaded her, she wouldn't leave."

Mr. Wang frowned: "What is she here for?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family said bitterly: "Yes, although she has a big belly now, she has not been approved by the old man after all, and her reputation is not right. If she really comes from a bad background, she won't be shameless."

(End of this chapter)

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