Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1051 Died at the door, it's not pretty

Chapter 1051 Died at the door, it's not pretty

After the second sister-in-law finished speaking, Wang Kefu couldn't help it anymore, and wanted to get up and go out to pick up his heart, but the old man yelled, "Where are you going, Kefu."

Wang Kefu put on a smiling face: "Wanqing is pregnant, the son of our old Wang family."

The old man sneered: "I haven't admitted it yet, you are in a hurry to become this father."

While the old man was talking, he was playing with the finger wrench at hand. Wang Kefu looked a little frightened, and after a while he said dryly: "After all, he followed me, and he is so young."

As soon as the words came out, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family said bitterly: "It's only because of her young age that people are surprised, and she did such a thing at a young age."

Wang Kefu was about to jump up and scold, but unexpectedly, the second sister-in-law Wang changed the subject, "But yes, it's not good if you don't have a good family and education, but since you are pregnant with your eldest brother, we can't kill them all, absolutely. This child is also a child of our family and cannot be treated badly, old man, do you think that this child can be born and handed over to my sister-in-law? My sister-in-law has always understood righteousness and will definitely be willing. "

When she said this, Mr. Wang pondered, and actually thought about it.

Wang Kefu's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't dare to utter a word. In his opinion, this matter is not acceptable. If nothing else, but because his vicious woman wanted to get rid of the child viciously, he felt that he couldn't live with his wife. .

But at this moment, he didn't dare to express his opinion, because whether the child could stay or not depended on the old man's words, and Wan Qing really couldn't run away when the old man said no, neither could he.

Just when Wang Kefu was uneasy, the old man raised his eyes, with a gloomy old face: "Go and call her in."

As soon as Wang Kefu heard this, he got up happily and prepared to call his woman in, but the old man said again: "Let Anxi call."

He turned his head and said to Gu Anxi very gently, "Anxi, you should run."

Gu Anxi looked outside, "It seems to be raining."

This time, Wang Kefu felt even more distressed, and said anxiously: "Wan Qing is still pregnant with the child, why don't I go?"

"What's the rush!" the old man scolded: "It would be better if the child is gone, and nothing will happen."

He is also a person who has lived to this age, how can he not understand that the woman outside is divorced for Kefu, hehe, these women don't care about their own weight, thinking that the gate of their Wang family is so easy to enter .

After he finished speaking, Wang Kefu didn't dare to express his distress, but just looked at Gu Anxi with pleading eyes.

Gu Anxi only thought it was funny, her uncle used to be a person who played games in the world, the eldest son of the Wang family, he was so rich that he lived in the flowers, and a leaf did not touch his body, why was he held by a talented woman, and now he looks like this With an infatuated appearance, she guessed that the eldest aunt was disgusted by his infatuated appearance and went back to her mother's house.

She was amused in her heart, and said to the old man with a serious face: "Uncle cares about it, but I also think that if someone dies at the door in an accident, it won't look good."

The old man loves to hear that, he's already tired of that woman.

After hearing this, Wang Kegui coughed lightly.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family laughed: "Anxi is really transparent, she spoke the old man's heart, hahaha."

The air condensed, especially when Wang Kefu glared at her, Second Aunt Wang didn't dare to say anything.

At this moment, it was the old man who spoke, "Ah Xiang, bring a bigger umbrella to Miss."

The one called Ah Xiang came over immediately, the old man thought for a while: "You go with me, it's safer."

Wang Kefu nodded again and again, very moved: "Yes, yes, the old man is considerate. Pregnant women should pay attention to safety."

The old man sneered: "I'm talking about Anxi, not the bastard woman outside you. That woman needs my attention?"

These words made the elder son unable to get off the stage, and he muttered softly: "But there is your own granddaughter or grandson in my belly."

The old man said very coldly: "If you don't have the surname Wang, you are a bastard."

The atmosphere became even more gloomy, and Gu Anxi lazily said, "Do you want to see someone else, Grandpa?"If not, I will ask my uncle to pick me up. '

Talking to her, the old man became much gentler, "Look at you child, you have no patience at all."

He got up personally, and walked to the hall outside. Ah Xiang held an umbrella and carefully supported Gu Anxi. The old man still worried and added: "This child is weak, don't let her get wet in the rain."

Ah Xiang responded sweetly: "Don't worry, old man."

After speaking, the two of them entered the rain curtain with umbrellas. The rain in the south of the Yangtze River was as long and thin as needles. After only a while, there was a sense of heaven and earth as one. Outside the black carved gate of the Wang Mansion, Shen Wanqing stood in the rain dressed in black, Seeing her, Ah Xiang said with some disdain: "This woman is very bad, and now she's pretending to be pitiful after driving the eldest wife away, obviously she's relying on the child in her belly."

Gu Anxi smiled and teased her: "You understand quite well."

Ah Xiang blushed, not because of embarrassment, but because she was shy when being teased by someone like Miss Anxi. Miss Anxi is capable, and all the people in the Wang family admired her very much, and felt that she was the only one. Can cure that young master who spends his time drinking and drinking but has no skills.

Gu Anxi didn't continue to tease her, but took a few more steps, only two meters away from Shen Wanqing's door.

"It's you." Shen Wanqing's eyes widened slightly, and the rain was all over her face.

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Grandpa asked me to invite you in. By the way, Uncle loves you very much. If your goal is to marry into the Wang family, then at least half of the success will be achieved."

Shen Wanqing sneered stiffly: "Gu Anxi, do you especially look down on me now, despise me, think that I threatened your uncle with the child in my belly, and think that I am despicable and superior?"

Ah Xiang frowned secretly: This woman is really shameless.

Gu Anxi was still lazy: "It has nothing to do with me. Tell my aunt about this, but she will probably slap you."

Shen Wanqing clenched her fingers, "She won't have this chance."

Gu Anxi smiled, asked the guard to open the door, and leaned sideways to let Shen Wanqing in. Shen Wanqing had a very high posture. There is a saying that she pretends to be proud because she lacks confidence. It is used in Shen Wanqing's It couldn't be more suitable.

Shen Wanqing came in, her clothes were all wet, she just looked at Gu Anxi quietly—

Ah Xiang's umbrella was almost all on Gu Anxi's side, and she didn't get a drop of rain on her, so delicate, Shen Wanqing pursed her lips——

In the future, when she establishes a foothold in this family, there will be servants holding umbrellas for her, and there will be no more humiliation today.

Just when she was about to go in, Gu Anxi said: "Shen Wanqing."

Shen Wanqing turned her head: "What advice do you have?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Do you know why I came out to call you, why not my uncle? He obviously treasures you and the child in your belly very much."

Shen Wanqing raised her chin: "It's just that you want to see my joke."

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's because the old man wants me to tell you something."

Ah Xiang on the side was surprised: "But the old man didn't want to speak just now."

Gu Anxi: ...

After a while, she snorted softly, "That's where the difference in our IQ lies."

Ah Xiang felt aggrieved.

Gu Anxi went on to say: "My uncle and their husband and wife may have a problem with their relationship, so Shen Wanqing and you are not a necessity but a coincidence, understand, today he can abandon his wife and son for you, and one day he can also do it for you." Other women don't want you, but have you ever thought about whether your background can support such a marriage?"

In this case, how could Shen Wanqing listen to it, she straightened her waist: "Then I will marry in and see the result."

Gu Anxi smiled: "All right."

Shen Wanqing glanced at her again, and sneered: "Gu Anxi, are you unhappy because you are now taking over the Wang family, and every penny you earn is for me, for the child in my womb."

Her face was as big as a basin, and Gu Anxi had nothing to do with her, but shrugged her shoulders.

When Shen Wanqing walked in front, Ah Xiang complained: "Why is this woman like this? She really thinks that she has become a wife. Even if she became a wife and gave birth to a child, the young master and old man in front would not want it. Besides, there are two As for the wife, the second wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but she is very shrewd."

She whispered to Gu Anxi: "The second wife is very shrewd. You see her kindly say that she is sorry for this child, but in fact, she most hopes that the eldest young master's wife and children will be separated, so that the second young master will value him even more."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Is she so bad?"

Ah Xiang yelled: "She is bad. When Shen Wanqing arrives at home, she may not be able to keep this child. She really thought that a wealthy family is so easy to enter, and the water is deep. I don't know how deep it is." '

Gu Anxi walked forward leisurely, turned around and asked, "Is the Wang family a rich family?"

Now, Ah Xiang's face turned red, and she stammered, "It's considered a wealthy family, anyway, it's very powerful in Jiangcheng."

'Isn't most of the Jiang family's property in my hands? ’ Gu Anxi asked back.

Ah Xiang immediately patted her leg and said, "That's right, it's in your hands, so this woman won't get any benefit. Miss Anxi, you are really amazing."

She said with some anxiety: "But if the old man recognizes the child in her womb and wants to keep her here to raise the baby, will it make things difficult for me?"

Gu Anxi said indifferently: "You little clever ghost, do you want to follow me?"

Axiang smiled embarrassedly.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Okay, I'll tell the old man later to let you go to my place. I will take you with me when I return to Beicheng."

Ah Xiang is very likable: "Thank you Miss Anxi."

Gu Anxi didn't take it seriously, she really liked Ah Xiang's wit.

The two went to the living room while talking. As soon as they entered, they saw a dog, a man and a woman embracing each other. The picture was very poignant, but Mr. Wang's face was very ugly.

Gu Anxi smiled, and went to sit down: "What's the matter, Grandpa, isn't he happy seeing his grandson?"

She turned her face to the side: "Ah Xiang, take out the champagne that the old man treasured to celebrate."

Ah Xiang sighed, and was about to get it, when the old man yelled: "Nonsense."

However, he quickly softened his voice: "Anxi, go play while you play, it's an adult's business."

Gu Anxi snorted: "Ah Xiang, go get some red wine to celebrate my wedding."

Ah Xiang immediately left quickly, the old man was annoyed and funny: "You kid is deliberately against me, isn't it?"

Gu Anxi walked behind the old man, patted him on the back to comfort him, and said kindly: "Don't be angry, old man, you can see that Miss Shen is getting wet, why don't you change your clothes first, or you'll catch a cold. The child is not good."

She added another sentence: "That's uncle's own flesh and blood, old man."

Uncle Wang nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, everything is about Wan Qing's body."

With Anxi's support, he obviously straightened his waist, and asked his servants to take her to the guest room to change clothes. Shen Wanqing pursed her lips and hesitated for a while. At this time, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled softly: "Miss Shen, please forgive me." It's not that the elder brother won't let you into his room, it's because the marriage relationship between the elder brother and the elder sister-in-law has not yet been dissolved, and our Wang family is very polite, so I can only wrong you, but I think Miss Shen is so flexible, this You don’t care about little things, do you?”

Shen Wanqing knew that she was humiliating herself, but now that she was here and the old man was here, she didn't dare to do anything wrong, so she had to follow the servants.

After the man left, the old man sneered and asked the eldest son: "Are you really determined to cut off contact with your wife? Are you going to marry this woman? You have to think about it. You have been a husband and wife for more than ten years. If you say goodbye, you will break up." , I will regret it later, but there is no chance.”

Wang Kefu was a little hesitant at first, but seeing his sweetheart bear the humiliation so hard, he became very proud all of a sudden, "I've made up my mind, I have to take responsibility."

Mr. Wang went over with a stick: "God is responsible, what about your wife and children?"

Wang Kefu swallowed his saliva: "She will take care of the child first, and it's better to be brought by her mother after all. When she grows up, she will take it back. In addition, I will give her a sum of money to be worthy of her. Dad, you can't blame me. It's because I didn't see her cruel look."

There was cruelty in the old man's eyes, but when Shen Wanqing came out, he suddenly sat down slowly.

After being silent for a long time, I said softly: "Well, I don't care about you and your wife. If she is willing to divorce and live with her son, you can do as you wish, but this Miss Shen can enter our Wang family without being pregnant. For those who belong to the family, give birth to the child first, if the child is a son and you still want to marry her, then marry her, if it is a daughter... just give her a sum of money and break the relationship with her."

Wang Kefu cried out: "Dad, what age is there still such a saying? Girls are just as capable. Take a look at our Anxi. She is both good-looking and capable. What a girl."

(End of this chapter)

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