Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1052 Isn't it cheating!Who wouldn't?

Chapter 1052 Isn't it cheating!Who wouldn't?

Mr. Wang sneered: "Yes, Anxi is good-looking and capable, but there are also girls who don't have self-respect or self-respect. There are everyone, and what our Wang family needs are heirs, not dubious girls."

When the old man said this, Wu Kefu froze, unable to speak for a long time.But Shen Wanqing was so insulted, her face was pale, her lips moved but she still didn't dare to say anything, she just looked at Wang Kefu.

Wang Kefu's heart is also screwed up, he has the heart to protect his heart, but how dare he refute the old man's words, it is not bad to allow her a place when something like this happens.

The young master of the Wang family is usually a very impulsive person, ignorant and likes to play with women, but now he is really moved, and he is very manly, knowing how to take a step back to seek benefits for his own women, he Licking her face, she said to the old man, "Dad, Wanqing is pregnant, so I have to work with Anxi, and she is not familiar with her place. I think she might as well move back and have a caregiver at home." is not it?"

After he finished speaking, he carefully looked at the old man's face.

The old man was really angry, but he kept his face calm and asked him: "You divorced your wife? Can't wait to bring the newcomer in now?"

After finishing speaking, the old eyes looked at Shen Wanqing: "Is this what you mean?"

Just as Shen Wanqing was about to speak, Wang Kefu answered, "Dad, how could this be Wanqing's meaning? She is very knowledgeable and courteous, so it is what I meant."

The old man sneered: "Knowing the book is a gift? Kefu, your mother always said that you didn't read well. I never believed it, but now I really believe it. I'm afraid you don't understand what these four words mean."

Wang Kefu patted his head and didn't speak for a long time.

The old man wasn't too embarrassed, he looked sideways at Gu Anxi, and said in a gentle voice, "Anxi, what do you think?"

Gu Anxi was enjoying the wine that the old man had kept privately for many years, when CUE suddenly arrived, looked up at a few of them, and then slowly said: "Grandpa, I can't decide this matter, but how to solve it, shouldn't it be Have you invited your aunt back to settle the matter properly?"

The old man stared at her for a while, and then nodded: "That's right."

In this way, Wang Kefu heaved a sigh of relief, and cast a grateful look at Gu Anxi.

Anxi's words are beautiful, this brat finally turned to him for once, but he is grateful, Shen Wanqing is not grateful, she grew up with Gu Anxi since she was a child, she knows Gu Anxi very well, why think about them It doesn't exist at all, Gu Anxi just wants to watch the excitement.

But she knew what to do. In the big house of the Wang family, she was pregnant and drenched in the rain, and she was still standing up to now. Gu Anxi was well protected, and then she was sitting and drinking the old man's wine. This status deviation It's the same as before, so now she can only endure.

Gu Anxi glanced at her, and then said to Ah Xiang, "Help me get a piece of cake."

Ah Xiang went there immediately, and took out a very delicate cake in a short while. The plate was also silver, a French work of art.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family has never seen such a good thing before, she was taken aback and said: "I have never seen such a plate before."

Ah Xiang squatted and placed them while whispering, "This is what Ms. Anxi brought next time. There are eight pieces in a set."

Second Aunt Wang smiled forcedly: "It's a good thing to look at."

But she thought in her heart that Anxi's life was too extravagant, wouldn't it be the money of the Wang family?

Just thinking about it, Gu Anxi smiled: "This is a gift from my uncle."

All eyes fell on Wang Kefu, and for a while the old man said angrily: "Usually I see that you have no taste, but now you are learning from foreigners, but this thing can only be used properly by Anxi, if you Not worthy."

Wang Kefu rubbed his nose and was scolded obediently.

The old man thought about it and said: "Anxi is quite right. In this way, you go and pick up your wife in person and settle the matter in front of everyone. I think she is considerate and sensible. You are so determined now. The land is about to divorce and has a woman and child outside, so I don't think she will embarrass you."

The old man's attitude suddenly changed. Wang Kefu rubbed his hands, secretly a little excited, but he didn't dare to show his excitement, so he put on a sad face: "Old man, is this too fast? Do you want to give her time to slow down?" slow?"

The old man sneered: "Wait a little longer? Can your woman wait? How can you wait if you find her door?"

Now, Wang Kefu stopped pretending, and immediately called out in high spirits: "Ah Xiang, bring an umbrella."

Ah Xiang reluctantly took it, Wang Kefu took the umbrella and went out to drive, but forgot to tell Shen Wanqing.

When he left, the living room was very quiet, and the old man's eyes were sharp: "Everyone is here, let's have dinner first, wait for Kefu to bring him, and settle it in front of the family."

Shen Wanqing said yes softly, then sat down, and immediately helped her add food and vegetables, very thoughtful, even Wang Ersao also smiled kindly: "Wanqing, right, from now on, this is home, if something happens, Find me."

Seeing her kindness, Shen Wanqing also wanted to curry favor in her heart, "I'm not very sensible, so I will ask... second sister-in-law to teach me in the future."

The second sister-in-law Wang covered her lips and smiled, and said jokingly: "Look at you, why do you still call me the second sister-in-law? In the future, when you and your eldest brother bear fruit, I will still call you sister-in-law."

Shen Wanqing smiled obediently again, looking a little shy.

This can be regarded as her special skill, but it can scare people. Seeing her like this, Second Aunt Wang reached out to touch her hand, and couldn't help admiring: "Look, this kid is decent, and he is also a famous painter after all." .”

She then said to Mrs. Wang who had been silent all this time: "Does the old lady like it?"

Mrs. Wang was a little cold, just busy with the scriptures in her hand.

The second sister-in-law Wang was not angry when she was left out in the cold, and said to Gu Anxi with a smile, "Anxi, I heard that you were good sisters in the past, and you became a family and loved each other even more."

Gu Anxi slowly dug into the cake and ate it, and after hearing this, his eyes fell on Shen Wanqing's face.

Shen Wanqing's face was filled with the joy of marrying into a wealthy family, it was a bit funny to see——

Shen Wanqing's background is not good, and she has always looked up to others, especially because she doesn't know the ways of the wealthy family, especially when she doesn't guard against this second sister-in-law. She takes it seriously when people praise her. In fact, second aunt is comparable The eldest aunt is much better. Shen Wanqing has never been beaten, but she doesn't know if the child can be saved after the beating.

Gu Anxi is not the Virgin Mary, so naturally she won't remind her, after all, it has nothing to do with her.

She was still eating the cake slowly, listening to the second sister-in-law of the Wang family talking about interesting things to Shen Wanqing in almost the same way, as if Wang Kefu had divorced and Shen Wanqing had married in.

About an hour later, Wang Kefu came back, his clothes were all wet and he was a little embarrassed.

Behind, followed by Mrs. Wang's family.

I haven't seen her for a few days, and the sister-in-law of the Wang family has lost some weight, with a dull expression on her face.When she came in and saw Shen Wanqing, she was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of hostility in her eyes, but she soon suppressed it and called the old man and the old lady softly.

The old man usually doesn't like to talk to her, but now he speaks very gently: "Sit down."

The sister-in-law of the Wang family sat down slowly, a little numbly.

At this moment, Wang Kefu rubbed his hands and coughed lightly: "Since everyone is here, let's settle the matter today."

Mr. Wang glared at him, then looked at Mrs. Wang: "What do you think?"

The eldest sister-in-law of the Wang family lowered her head, and after a long silence, she said softly, "I have conditions."

Wang Kefu breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay. I know your natal family is in some difficulties now, as long as I can help, I will help."

The Wang family's sister-in-law shook her head: "That is my brother's responsibility. All I ask is that all the shares in the company you hold must be given to your son."

Shen Wanqing frowned secretly.

The corners of Wang Kefu's mouth twitched, and he smiled after a while: "Are you kidding me? I only have [-]% in my hand. If I agree with the old man, I won't agree."

The sister-in-law of the Wang family looked at the old man and said calmly, "What is the old man's meaning?"

Mr. Wang held his teacup with his fingers, as if he was thinking about it. It took him a long time to say: "It sounds like you have made up your mind, and you should have been waiting for Kefu to negotiate terms with you."

"Yes." The sister-in-law of the Wang family did not deny it, "I have to think about my son. Although he is still the grandson of the Wang family, who will know what will happen in the future. Is it true that the ten percent of the old man was given to the eldest grandson?"

The old man didn't think much of her before, but now he thinks she looks a little differently. The daughter-in-law here is not noisy, and there are reasons...Suddenly, the old man looked at Gu Anxi with suspicion in his eyes.

Gu Anxi was playing a game, as if he didn't feel anything.

The old man thought, it seems it's not her.

He turned his eyes to his eldest son who was not up to date, and said in a low voice: "Ke Fu, I think her proposal is reasonable, you are the ones who are sorry for her, and the son is yours, so this [-]% is a bargaining chip for happiness." , then give it."

Wang Kefu was unhappy, not because he didn't want to give it to his son or because he couldn't bear it, but because he lived on the dividends. What did this give him to raise his heart?After that night, Qing would probably think him useless.

He just wanted to refuse, but unexpectedly Shen Wanqing said very decently: "Ke Fu, I have nothing to do with you."

She touched her flat stomach and said very gently: "As long as the child and I are with you, nothing else matters."

Second Sister-in-Law Wang said with a smile: "Brother, you really picked up a treasure and came back. Look at this cute one and it will hurt you again."

When Wang Kefu was praised like this, he actually felt a little smug, "Wan Qing is very sensible."

At this moment, the old man also looked at Shen Wanqing, not admiring, but worried——

This girl is not an ordinary mistress, she actually knows how to choose, knowing that this [-]% cannot be kept, and she wants to enter Wang's house to get more, it's really heavy hearted.

The old man was upset, so he raised his voice: "Anxi, what do you think?"

Gu Anxi threw down the phone, and said impatiently: "What do you think, just sign if you agree, I can't ask for two wives, I see Miss Shen is raining and pregnant at the moment Probably also want to sleep early, don't bother pregnant women."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled and agreed: "What Anxi said is right, the pregnant woman's body is precious."

At this time, Wang Kefu became a little proud. After all, he was an ignorant man. He felt that a girl in her early 20s relied on her to give birth to her own child. She was still a talented woman, and she grew up with Anxi. It made him very excited, so he brought the agreement and signed it as soon as he got excited.

After signing, he pushed it to his wife.

The sister-in-law of the Wang family took it slowly, she didn't look at the documents, she only looked at Wang Kefu's signature.

After watching for a long time, tears were all over his face, Wang Kefu couldn't get off the stage, and shouted: "Why are you crying, you're not a little girl anymore, hypocritical! Besides, it's not like I won't give you anything, this year I have scored a lot , you will have nothing to worry about with your son in the future."

Before the sister-in-law of the Wang family said anything, Gu Anxi said coolly: "Uncle, did you make a good plan, thinking that my aunt will never find another man in this life. If you miss it, can you go and cherish it?"

Wang Kefu almost jumped up: "Where?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "Don't uncle think so?"

Wang Kefu stared at her first, and then he stared at his wife, asking her to explain.

The sister-in-law of the Wang family didn't speak, but just signed the signature silently, and was about to leave after signing, Wang Kefu grabbed her hand for some reason, and asked in a rough voice: "You really don't care about your son and marry someone else? "

"Crazy." The sister-in-law of the Wang family endured it for a long time, and now she signed it again. She didn't want to bear it anymore, so she stretched out her hand and slapped her, "If you get divorced, you don't care if I marry or not!"

Wang Kefu thought about it, and wanted to slap him back but put down his hand again.

The sister-in-law of the Wang family sneered, then looked at Shen Wanqing: "Congratulations, Miss Shen."

Shen Wanqing's lips trembled slightly: "I'm sorry I'm not a bad person, I didn't do it on purpose, if it wasn't for the child in my belly, I wouldn't..."

"If you have children, don't others have children?" Mrs. Wang said coldly, "If your children are children, then other people's children are not children?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't bother to get involved, and was about to leave. Mr. Wang was kind enough to ask the driver to see him off.

The driver, A Liang, came over. The 40-year-old man looked good. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, old man, I will take him there."

The old man was relieved: "I can rest assured that you can do things."

A Liang hesitated for a moment before speaking: "There is one more thing."

The old man was puzzled: "Is there anything else?"

A Liang looked around, then took the hand of Mrs. Wang's wife, and said softly, "I'm going to resign."

Everyone's eyeballs are about to pop out.

Wang Kefu's wife, having sex with Ah Liang?

The old man smashed things right away, and Wang Kefu wanted to fight people desperately... He rushed over and fought A Liang for a while, completely forgetting about a pregnant sweetheart...

(End of this chapter)

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