Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1054 Professor Bo, you don't remember me?

Chapter 1054 Professor Bo, you don't remember me?

Gu Anxi saw it too, but didn't make a sound.

At this moment, Mr. Wang said again: "Anxi, you also followed. Didn't you grow up with this Miss Shen?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Okay."

She was so straightforward that Shen Wanqing immediately became on guard; "Gu Anxi, what do you mean?"

Gu Anxi clasped his hands in front of his body: "You seem to be very scared, is it because you are afraid that the people here will harm you, or what? If you are afraid, it would be better for uncle to keep you outside, otherwise you will always live in this mansion Yes, after all there are other people besides me, there are more chances to harm you."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Mr. Wang with a half-smile.

Mr. Wang's old face was as heavy as water, and he left first with his two sons.

When the men left, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family took Shen Wanqing's hand with a smile: "We're all one family, so there's nothing wrong with it. In the past, we must have been towards my sister-in-law, but now I'm divorced from my elder brother. Naturally, it's our family, Wanqing, you put your heart in your belly to raise your baby here, and work hard to give birth to a son for your elder brother. When the old man relaxes, you will be the real eldest and youngest mistress of our Wang family. "

Shen Wanqing smiled weakly: "You're kidding me again."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family caressed her hand: "Who are you kidding, you said you look like this, even if I am the eldest brother, I would choose you."

Turning around while speaking: "Anxi, take her to the room, and I'll find her two pajamas."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Okay."

She is familiar with the way here, and took Shen Wanqing to a guest room on the first floor. The room was decorated like a hotel, and it was updated from time to time. It didn't look like a place where girls lived. Shen Wanqing was somewhat lacking.

She's pregnant isn't she?But no one cares too much.

Gu Anxi went to the window and opened the curtains, turned his head, with a half-smile.

Shen Wanqing couldn't take it anymore: "Gu Anxi, why are you looking at me like this?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "You bought that Ah Liang?"

A look of uneasiness slid across Shen Wanqing's face, and she sat down on the sofa while holding her skirt: "I don't understand what you mean."

"Give him [-] to seduce Wang Kefu's wife. You didn't do it?" Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "I can't tell, you still have some brains."

Shen Wanqing was very defensive: "Then what do you want to do, tell Wang Kefu?"

"I'm not that boring." Gu Anxi put one hand on the armrest of the sofa, tilted her head and stared at Shen Wanqing, and when she stared at Shen Wanqing, she said slowly: "I don't care how you rob me." Men's, but I have to tell you one thing, children are not allowed to touch. Otherwise, since my uncle can let you go, I won't let you go."

Shen Wanqing was terrified, but she pretended to be indifferent: "Gu Anxi, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You understand. You understand too well." A sneer appeared on the corner of Gu Anxi's mouth: "It's still the same sentence, your child is a human being, and other people's children are also human beings."

Shen Wanqing blurted out: "That child has no blood relationship with you either. '

"You don't have any." Gu Anxi laughed softly: "Don't use the stupid idea that if something happens to your child, your child will get double the family property. If something happens, I can guarantee that you don't have a penny, so you not only You can’t harm him, you have to spend money and efforts to protect him.”

Shen Wanqing was furious, she had been oppressed by Gu Anxi all the time, even now that mother and child were expensive, she still threatened and taught her a lesson.But she held back and raised her chin slightly: "Then thank you for reminding me."

Gu Anxi said softly, "You can do it yourself."

He said and looked around: "This is not a place where you can come when you want, or leave when you want to leave. A person like my uncle can like you today, and he can like other little girls tomorrow."

"I have children."

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Doesn't my aunt also have children?"

Shen Wanqing was very upset, "Are you cursing me?"

"A kind reminder. Usually I don't have much to do, just for Aunt Chen's sake." Gu Anxi smiled calmly, wanting to say something else, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family came over with her pajamas. He said with a smile: "In the end, it's the feeling of growing up together, which is different from others."

Gu Anxi just smiled lightly, which was a little meaningful.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family coughed lightly: "By the way, Xi Chen is here to pick you up."

Gu Anxi checked the time, it was already eleven o'clock at night, she immediately got up and went out.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled: "This child, everything is lost."

After finishing speaking, she picked up her phone and was about to chase after her. Shen Wanqing immediately said, "I'll go."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled: "Alright."

Shen Wanqing hurried out with her mobile phone in hand, she wanted to meet...Professor Bo.

She wanted to see what kind of expression he looked at her. Now that she is the daughter-in-law of the Wang family, she is closer to them... She still remembers when she saw Professor Bo get off the car last year on Fengshan Mountain That feeling of astonishment.

She walked away in a hurry, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family said softly from behind: "Be careful, those who are pregnant."

However, Shen Wanqing was so eager, how could she hear her.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family stared at the door and smiled.

In the hall, Bo Xichen sat leisurely on the sofa and waited for Gu Anxi, the soft light shone on his face, his profile was charming, Gu Anxi almost jumped over and threw himself on him: "Uncle, come and pick me up. "

He reached out and patted her, smiling: "If I don't come, you are not planning to go back. How many days have we been married?"

She was a little embarrassed, and buried her small face on his shoulder: "It's just that a little thing happened."

Just as Bo Xichen wanted to ask, that trivial matter came over, and he still had a mobile phone in his hand.

Bo Xichen looked at Shen Wanqing, a little surprised, but not surprised.

Compared with his calmness, Shen Wanqing felt a bit like a poor man suddenly rich. She felt that she had already firmly occupied the position of the young mistress of the Wang family, and could talk to Professor Bo. She looked at Gu Anxi and was still tired of Professor Bo. body, so he glanced a few more times, disapproving, and then called out very softly, "Professor Bo."

Bo Xichen nodded lightly, looked at the phone in her hand: "Anxi's?"

Shen Wanqing hummed: "Yes, she fell in my room just now."

Bo Xichen took the phone, handed it to Gu Anxi, and was about to take her away. Shen Wanqing said hurriedly, "Professor Bo, I'm just...we met."

How could Bo Xichen forget her, but she was just a decent person, and smiled lightly: "I remember she is a student of Qingda University."

Shen Wanqing stifled, and was about to say something else, but Bo Xichen obviously didn't want to say too much, so he patted the little guy on his body lazily: "Go back to sleep."

Gu Anxi snorted, leaned close to him and sniffed him like a puppy: "You have taken a bath."

He didn't say anything, just patted her and picked her up.

At this moment, Ah Xiang came over to pass the umbrella, and gave Gu Anxi a look. Gu Anxi said a few words silently, and Ah Xiang smiled happily.

Shen Wanqing turned sideways with a gloomy expression on her face.

She is pregnant, she is standing in the Wang family, isn't she standing high enough, but that gentle man still doesn't look at her.

She quietly looked at the rainy night outside, at Gu Anxi lying on the man's back, at the man supporting her with one hand and holding the umbrella in the other, and Gu Anxi only needed to hug him tightly.

That scene moved people just looking at it, so moved that she wanted to destroy it with her own hands.

Ah Xiang turned around and saw her eyes, and rolled her eyes: "Miss Shen, it's a bit wet outside, do you want to go back to the room to rest, besides, it's not too early."

Shen Wanqing's voice was a little tired: "Okay. '

When she went back, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family was packing up and was about to leave. Seeing her come back, she smiled and said, "Wan Qing is back, let's see how it goes. I know little girls don't like Su Jing, so I specially found a set for you." Put on a pink four-piece suit, see if you like it?"

Shen Wanqing went over to see that it was a very high-end four-piece suit. She touched it with her hand and thanked her.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled happily: "Thank you, we will be a family from now on, you can go to bed first and don't wait for the boss. I guess the old man will let him out in a while."

Shen Wanqing got her kindness, so she couldn't help asking one more question: "Will the old man recognize me?" '

"You've already moved in, and you still ask such silly things." The second sister-in-law of the Wang family patted her on the back of her hand: "Put your heart in your belly, raise this baby well, and you will have nothing to lose if you are more competitive during childbirth." , although the boss is a little bit hard-working, but I see that he is sincere to you."

Shen Wanqing finally felt relieved after she said this, and after a while, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family asked casually: "By the way, you and Xi Chen also know each other?"

Shen Wanqing pursed her lower lip, and said distastefully, "Professor Bo taught us at Qingda University for two months before."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family said, "That's the case, so it's not surprising."

She smiled again, and chatted casually: "Why didn't Professor Bo take a fancy to you at that time? Although Anxi's appearance is indeed more upright than yours, but you are obedient, I thought you were such a rich man. People like to behave better."

Shen Wanqing didn't say anything.

Second Wife Wang smiled again: "Did I say something wrong, don't forget to take it to heart, brother loves you now."


Over there, Gu Anxi lay on Bo Xichen's back and walked 200 meters away for 10 minutes, because the little girl was really dishonest.

She lay on his back, her small face was close to his neck, warm and comfortable, and there was a faint smell of men's fragrance.

Bo Xichen also enjoyed the atmosphere quite a bit, so he didn't walk quickly, but he just put a coat on her to prevent her from catching cold, so he talked one after another.

When she returned to the villa, she wasn't wet yet, but Bo Xichen's clothes were drenched a lot, so she went to change after returning.

When he came out, Gu Anxi was lying on the sofa, not knowing what he was doing.

He went over and picked up her neckline: "It's getting late, go to bed."

Gu Anxi groaned, but took advantage of the situation to pull him down: "It's getting late."

Her little face was slightly hot, and he immediately understood what she meant, and leaned down to approach her: "Tired?"

She groaned, put her arms around his thin waist, leaned her little face closer, and then said a little sourly: "If one day Shen Wanqing approaches you, what will you do?"

"What are you doing?" Bo Xichen lowered his head and pinched her cheeks: "Where did you think you were going?"

Gu Anxi continued to stick her cheeks together, and said quietly: "My uncle and aunt are divorced, and Shen Wanqing is pregnant and living with grandpa, but I see that grandpa doesn't seem to want to keep this child."

That's right, the Wang family, how could they allow a Shen Wanqing to give birth to a child, just to make the child disappear, just borrow someone's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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