Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1055 Uncle, I Can't Sleep

Chapter 1055 Uncle, I Can't Sleep

Bo Xichen was a little surprised and looked down at her.

Gu Anxi smiled, then said softly, "This child cannot be born."

Because with the temperament of the old man, it is impossible to agree to Shen Wanqing to live in so easily, such an arrangement is murderous.The child is gone, can Wang Kefu still call her his sweetheart?

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, Bo Xichen wasn't surprised at all. The fact that the Bo family didn't have these messy things didn't mean he didn't understand. He just fell silent for a while, and reached out to stroke her little head: "Okay, sleep."

Gu Anxi groaned, and put his arms around his neck to hug him.

"You're so delicate." Bo Xichen patted him and her lightly, and smiled.

Later, he reached out and hugged her to the bedroom...

One night, Gu Anxi didn't sleep well. She opened her eyes and looked sideways in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows——

It was still raining outside, and Gu Anxi listened quietly through a layer of glass.

Bo Xichen woke up, looked at her quietly for a while, and asked softly, "Why can't you sleep?"

She stared out of the window, then turned around suddenly: "I don't know why, I was sleepy before."

She thought about it, and said with some embarrassment: "Maybe I'm hungry."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, got up and put on a dress: "Wait here, I'll serve you a bowl of noodles."

Gu Anxi called out behind him: "I want to eat fried noodles."

He glanced at her: "There are quite a lot of demands."

After finishing speaking, she went out lightly, went to the living room to check the time, but it was only past one o'clock, thinking that she was having dinner at Wang's house tonight, and thinking about those people, she didn't eat well.

He smiled, took out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the dining table, lit it and took a puff before going to the kitchen.

Bo Xichen didn't cook often, but his cooking skills were not bad. Under the hazy yellow light, his concentrated appearance was charming.

After making two servings of noodles, Bo Nianyao wandered over without knowing why, and leaned against the door: "Xi Chen, do you stay awake in the middle of the night? Is it because you're hungry?"

Bo Xichen turned his head and looked at Bo Nianyao in surprise: "Why didn't you sleep?"

Bo Nianyao smiled: "It's common to be unable to sleep when you're old, it's not normal for you to be unable to sleep when you are young."

After finishing speaking, he walked over and said to his son with a smile, "I have an extra portion, is it for me?"

Bo Xichen was a little amused: "Let's eat together."

Bo Nianyao held his face unceremoniously, "Okay, you can call Zai Zai, it's a shame if you don't have dinner with her tonight."

Bo Xichen was a little speechless: "You are too used to her."

——When the granddaughter is raised.

Bo Nianyao didn't take it seriously: "Xi Chen, you are wrong, Zai Zai belongs to everyone, not you alone, if your mother hears your words, she will not be happy."

Bo Xichen was helpless.

The two went to the restaurant while talking. At this moment, Gu Anxi had already smelled the fragrance, smelling it like a puppy: "It smells so good."

"Eat more if it smells good." Bo Nianyao said with a smile, "Thanks to you, I can also eat my son's noodles."

Gu Anxi bowed her head obediently to eat noodles, and Nian Yao's father stroked her little head again, and then they ate noodles together in satisfaction.

Bo Xichen could only smoke on the sidelines, but fortunately Gu Anxi ignored him and let him smoke.

In the middle of the night, the family of three did not talk for a while, and then the Bo family and his son talked about work. After eating, Gu Anxi listened to a few words, felt that this was more effective than sleeping pills, and yawned: "I Go to bed first."

Bo Xichen laughed, "We're done talking."

Bo Nianyao got up: "My poor old man, go, go and rest."

Bo Xichen took a look at him, and then took away the cigarette case on the dining table. Bo Nianyao laughed and scolded: "Xichen, you have learned from my son, and you won't leave a single cigarette for your father."

Bo Xichen smiled faintly: "It's not good to always smoke."

"Okay, I know it in my heart." Bo Nianyao said, "It's just that I'm used to being with your mother, and now I'm not used to it."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and went back to his room first.

Bo Xichen himself stood where he was, smoked a cigarette, and returned to the bedroom after smoking.

He went to brush his teeth, and when he came back, he saw that Gu Anxi had fallen asleep, sleeping on his side with a small pillow in his hand, which looked cute, he laughed, sat down, thinking about the first time he saw her The little girl didn't even frown when her hand bones were broken, but now she was sleeping with a small pillow beside him, and it was only more than a year before and after.

He smiled slightly, lay down and looked at her sideways, and fell asleep after a long time.

Although he slept late, he got up early in the morning and went to the laboratory with Bo Nianyao early in the morning.

Gu Anxi woke up, touched the pillow and knew he was gone, stretched her waist and went downstairs, the aunt saw her downstairs and smiled: "Get up, Master Xichen said not to wake you up." '

She paused, pursed her lips and smiled again: "Mr. Da prepared the tonic early in the morning."

"I still want to drink it." Gu Anxi muttered softly, and the auntie gently tapped her little head and said lovingly: "I told you before leaving, I must watch you drink it."

Gu Anxi snorted, and her aunt touched her again: "It's so cute." '

After finishing speaking, he went to the kitchen and quickly served the tonic soup and breakfast together. Gu Anxi pinched his nose and drank it.

The aunt immediately poured milk for her: "Come and press it, I also made your favorite golden cake, and play after eating."

Gu Anxi's small mouth was stuffed: "You are going to the company today."

Auntie was a little surprised: "Go out early in the morning?"

She whispered again: "My wife said girls don't have to work so hard."

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "It's actually okay."

She went out after breakfast, and answered a phone call in the car, it was not someone else but Zhou Yunchen.

After hearing this, Gu Anxi said in disbelief, "She's coming to Jiangcheng?"

Zhou Yunchen nodded: "Yes, it may take a month to build the scene here."

Gu Anxi snorted, and asked him again: "Then do you know that Chen Ming is coming?"

Zhou Yunchen was surprised, Gu Anxi smiled and said, "Let Chen Ming protect her later."

"You little bastard can crawl along." Zhou Yunchen scolded with a smile, and then said: "Congwen is not young anymore, I have to take care of her and she can't run around. You can make an occasional dinner appointment here, she is not Children don’t need to be taken care of.”

It was Anxi who said he needed to take care of her. After all, Anxi was in poor health and young. He just wished for a closer relationship between the two younger sisters. They didn't have many people around them, so their tempers were actually good.

Gu Anxi did not refuse his request, but nodded: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone and went to the company. Secretary Tang was already waiting for her in the lobby.

Although Secretary Tang is just a secretary, she is fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, and has a whole body——

Because she was close to Gu Anxi, she heard from time to time that she was locked together to play games, and Wang had a lot of gossip about her, but she didn't dare to provoke Secretary Tang.

Gu Anxi looked at Secretary Tang and smiled: "What's the matter, you came to pick me up so early in the morning?"

Secretary Tang took two steps forward, and walked towards the elevator together. Her voice was a little low: "That Dr. Lu is here again, and he is now in the reception room."

Gu Anxi frowned: "He's here again?"

It's really haunting.

(End of this chapter)

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