Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1056 Congratulations?No, I'm congratulating her

Chapter 1056 Congratulations?No, I'm congratulating her

Standing in the elevator, she stood quietly in the elevator, and suddenly said: "The original plan has been cancelled, and the [-] billion is gone."

Secretary Tang was puzzled.

She is Gu Anxi's confidant, so Gu Anxi told her, "He followed me to Qingcheng."

Secretary Tang was a little shocked, and stayed for a while before saying, "He must be a lunatic."

Mr. Gu and Professor Bo have already obtained their certificates. Normal people wouldn't follow them secretly, right?

She wanted to ask something, Gu Anxi shrugged: "I accidentally broke his palm."

Secretary Tang's mouth was wide open, and he came back after a broken bone. This must be licking a husky.

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, "It's fine if you come, just make it clear to him that we won't earn the money."

Secretary Tang understood and nodded, "Okay, I'll invite him over later."

Gu Anxi paused: "Just tell him directly, no need to see him."

Secretary Tang nodded again: "Okay, then I will handle it."

Of course, it was not easy to deal with Lu Heng. Lu Heng was naturally cold and arrogant and difficult to get along with. Secretary Tang took off a layer of skin after a lot of dealing with him. Fortunately, he finally invited him away.

After that, she entered Gu Anxi's office. It was rare that Gu Anxi was not playing games, but was studying the data on his notebook. He was very focused, and he didn't raise his head when he heard the door open: "Dr. Lu is gone?"

Secretary Tang nodded: "Yes, let's go."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes, picked up the mug and took a sip of water: "What did he say?"

Secretary Tang smiled helplessly: "Dr. Lu is not easy to deal with."

Gu Anxi didn't ask any more questions, and Secretary Tang said cautiously: "Would you like to tell Professor Bo, I always feel that this Dr. Lu is a little crazy, and it would be bad if I follow you again next time."

"It's okay." Gu Anxi smiled lightly and looked at the notebook again, "I can still protect myself."

Secretary Tang immediately felt relieved, Mr. Gu said that he was fine if he said nothing, but now she thought of something again, hesitated for a while and said: "By the way, when I was sending Dr. Lu downstairs, I saw Mr. Wang coming. "

Gu Anxi frowned: "My uncle."

"Yes." Secretary Tang frowned: "Mr. Wang looked at Mr. Lu with a smile on his face, looking very happy."

She paused for a moment and then looked worried: "I'm afraid that this king will always succeed more than fail. After all, he still has some rights in the Wang family. What if he does something for his own benefit?"

Gu Anxi put down what he was doing, took another sip of water, and said: "That's right, he is with Shen Wanqing, and if he knows Lu Heng, it must be Shen Wanqing who tied the thread through Jiang Chaoge. I forgot about Shen Wanqing Before Wanqing voluntarily became Jiang Chaoge's dog, but it's different now, Jiang Chaoge was not able to marry my elder brother, Shen Wanqing wanted to be my aunt instead."

Secretary Tang's tense mood suddenly relaxed, and said with a smile: "Yes, who would have thought of that."

She was also a little gossip: "I heard people from the company congratulate Mr. Wang, it can't be..."

"Divorced, Shen Wanqing is pregnant." Gu Anxi said quietly, and suddenly she looked at Secretary Tang again: "There is one thing you need to do."

Secretary Tang stared at her.

Gu Anxi took out a piece of paper, drew a picture, and said lightly: "Lu Heng will definitely find Wang Kefu to move Wang's equipment and machines, you can find Lin Yuan..."

Secretary Tang was a little shocked after hearing this, it was really too hurtful.

Gu Anxi leaned back on the chair and smiled: "I see that the Wang family will fall into the hands of the second uncle in the future, as long as the second aunt doesn't act like a demon."

Secretary Tang laughed: "Things in this wealthy family are really complicated."

Gu Anxi glanced at her: "What kind of rich family is the Wang family, just like me, nouveau riche."

Secretary Tang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

While they were talking, Wang Kefu tried desperately to please Lu Heng, dragged him into his office, and apologized repeatedly: "Dr. Lu, my niece is young and energetic, don't be angry with her, kid?" .”

Wang Kefu didn't know Lu Heng's intentions, so he paused for a moment and said, "A child who used to be very good, but after entering the Bo family's door, he became a bad student.

Lu Heng looked at him without saying a word.

Wang Kefu poured him another cup of tea, and said with a smile: "I heard Wan Qing say that Dr. Lu is a very powerful person, even a person like Mr. Wang is very important. I wanted to make friends a long time ago. What I didn't expect was that Dr. Lu Jia and Bo's family are still family friends."

He opened his eyes and told nonsense, just one family friend is untenable, the Bo family and the Lu family are almost blood feuds.

Lu Heng snorted softly and looked at him: "Which Wanqing? Why don't I know him?"

Wang Kefu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and coughed lightly to explain: "It's Dr. Jiang's friend, and she and I are considered to be together now."

Lu Heng said nonchalantly: "I remember Mr. Wang seems to have a pretty big child."

Wang Kefu was even more uncomfortable, stammering: "Yes, but everyone has the right to pursue freedom, right, divorced."

"That's really congratulations." Lu Heng's voice became even weaker.

Wang Kefu finally heard a pleasing word, and immediately smiled: "Thank you very much."

Lu Heng snorted softly: "I'm talking about Mr. Wang's ex-wife."

Wang Kefu suddenly became ill, scolding his mother in his heart, what kind of world is he squinting, this boy with a bad temper is so bad-tempered, if he didn't want to get something from him, he wouldn't be bothered to serve him!

(End of this chapter)

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