Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1057 Uncle, what I say doesn't count?

Chapter 1057 Uncle, what I say doesn't count?

Wang Kefu was in a bad mood immediately, but he still put on a big wild wolf look to please him: "In fact, everyone is free."

As she spoke, she said with some distaste: "She has also found true love."

Lu Heng sneered: "Then I should congratulate you even more."

The corners of Wang Kefu's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say for a while.He was not without anger, it was not wrong for him to abandon his wife, but it was even more of a problem if his wife ran away with the driver at home.

He was upset and didn't dare to hate Lu Heng, he was really sad to death, Lu Heng looked at him at this moment, and said lightly: "By the way, Mr. Wang, do you still have the final say on the company's affairs?"

Wang Kefu's heart trembled, and he felt that the opportunity to make a fortune had come, so he immediately patted the chestnut: "This is naturally up to the decision, the company's name is Wang."

Lu Heng smiled lightly: "I thought the surname was Gu."

This time Wang Kefu lost face very much, with a sullen face, he paused for a long time before saying: "Dr. I will do it for you, and I will do it for you if I can't."

With such lofty ambitions, Lu Heng put down the cup in his hand, Wang Kefu was still dazzled by his elegant manner and slender fingers for a while, thinking in his heart: Dr. Yang who came back from abroad is as beautiful as a little boy, Although he always has a sullen face, but this appearance is really feminine. In the past years, this is better than an actor on stage, and Wang Kefu is a meat-and-vegetarian, so he looks a little crazy when he looks at it.

Rich people, more or less, will have some problems.

As soon as Lu Heng raised his eyes, he saw his stupidity. He is also a rich man, so how could he not know the tricks in it, but he was not annoyed, and just smiled lightly: "Yes. What? Then it depends on whether Mr. Wang can handle this matter."

When he smiled like this, Wang Kefu became a little obsessed, and said bluntly, "Dr. Lu, please tell me."

Lu Heng said it lightly. After listening to it, Wang Kefu was a little dumbfounded and remained silent for a while.

"Why, Mr. Wang can't do it?" Lu Heng sat sideways, reached out to hold the cup, and took a shallow sip of water. His posture was very good-looking, and his lips were moist after drinking the water.

Wang Kefu stared at it for several seconds, swallowed and said in embarrassment: "This matter... I have to go back and discuss it with the old man."

Lu Heng didn't like to fight, he put down his cup and got up, and said very calmly: "Then I'll wait for good news from President Wang."

Seeing him walking to the door, Wang Kefu was a little anxious, and grabbed his arm: "Dr. Lu is leaving now?"

Lu Heng tilted his head, his noble face showed no expression, but the more he looked like this, the more attractive he was, Wang Kefu couldn't help staring at it again, his voice was also a little trance: "Would you like to have a meal together?"

Lu Heng is tall, around [-], and Wang Kefu is ten centimeters shorter. He lowered his head slightly and looked closer: "Do you want to have dinner with me?"

Wang Kefu nodded.

Lu Heng chuckled lightly, and took a step back: "Call Mr. Gu, and I'll have this meal with you."

Wang Kefu came back to his senses, "Dr. Lu, you don't...don't you like that girl Anxi?"

Lu Heng glanced at him: "Can't you?"

Wang Kefu immediately shook his head: "No, it's not impossible, it's just that girl Anxi is married."

He chuckled: "Xi Chen looks gentle and gentle, but he is not easy to mess with. I heard that his skills are even stronger than An Xi's."

Lu Heng chuckled again, raised his injured hand, looked at it, and left without saying anything to Wang Kefu. Wang Kefu was greedy for the benefits later, and flattered him: "Okay, I'll find a chance to take it Anxi called out."

Lu Heng looked sideways at him.

Wang Kefu licked his face and asked, "How can Dr. Lu thank me then?" '

There was a little coldness in Lu Heng's eyes, but there was a faint smile on his face: "How do you want me to thank you?"

Wang Kefu didn't dare to look more under such staring eyes, and said haha: "Just if Dr. Lu has any business in the future, he can take care of me."

Lu Heng still had a half-smile, but it was just a little more casual: "I thought you would make other requests."

Wang Kefu suddenly became bolder and wanted to say something, but Lu Heng had already walked around him and walked out. When the people walked around and calmed down, Wang Kefu was shocked, and the moment just now was like a dream.

He went to the sofa and sat down, picked up the cup of tea and drank it slowly, and went to Gu Anxi's office after drinking it.Gu Anxi was busy, when he opened the door and came in, Secretary Tang got up immediately: "Mr. Wang."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes, then smiled: "Uncle, what do you want me to do?"

Wang Kefu glanced at Secretary Tang, and Gu Anxi understood, "Secretary Tang, go out first."

Secretary Tang looked at Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang was no longer interested in her, "I have something to say to you little Mr. Gu."

Secretary Tang smiled, guessed in his heart, and left wisely.

When the door was closed, Gu Anxi closed the notebook and raised his eyes: "What's the matter, mysterious? Are you begging me to help you talk to grandpa again? Didn't you take Shen Wanqing back?" , and the child will be born as soon as he has it.”

When mentioning Shen Wanqing at this moment, Wang Kefu didn't have much energy, firstly, his wife ran away with the driver last night, secondly, the old man beat him hard at night, and thirdly, Shen Wanqing cried and cried with him later After crying for a long time, he was upset by crying, and when he slept alone at night, he couldn't help but think of the past happy days.

In the past, even though he had a wife, he turned a blind eye to him, but with Shen Wanqing, sweetness is sweetness, but she is also very jealous, and he hasn't gone out for a long time. In the wonderful days, he feels that what he got now may not be good, but things have reached this point, and he can't allow him to think too much.

Wang Kefu sighed, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Anxi, uncle has something to ask you. Now you are in charge of the big and small things in the company, right? Uncle has brought a lot of business to the company now. It's up to you whether you want to do it or not."

Gu Anxi knew what was going on as soon as she heard it. She leaned on the back of the chair and turned around casually: "Did Lu Heng tell you?"

Wang Kefu moved on the sofa, got closer, and slapped his thigh: "I'll just say you're reasonable."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Uncle, it's not too late for you to praise me after I agree."

"I know you are so shrewd and capable, and you will never let go of the benefits that come to your lips, right?" Wang Kefu smiled, expecting and pleading for praise.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Anxi always felt that something was wrong. It was true that her uncle loved money or was a bit stupid, but it seemed that he had been spending time and drinking all the time, and he was not very professional. What was the reason for his enthusiasm now?

Of course, Wang Kefu's dark thoughts couldn't have been imagined without seeing the scene, she just wondered for a while, then thought about it and said: "You should also know that Lu Heng asked me, but I didn't agree. "

Wang Kefu got closer, and stretched out his hands to compare a number: "The Lu family has let go, and is willing to give this number."

He made a five-character comparison, which was the 50 billion proposed by Gu Anxi.Wang Kefu was a bit complicated in his heart, 50 billion, it took several generations of the Wang family to earn this amount, but Anxi, the girl, did it easily.

After hearing what he said, Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "I don't want to sign this contract now, I will keep those plants and equipment for use."

Wang Kefu leaned over and muttered in a low voice: "Anxi, this is not good. This is the Wang family's property, [-] billion, but it is our Wang family's loss."

Gu Anxi asked him back: "Isn't this property under my name? Uncle, doesn't it count if I say it?"

(End of this chapter)

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