Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1059 touched his mind

Chapter 1059 touched his mind

After Wang Kefu finished asking, he went out immediately after thinking about it. He asked the manager of a club in Jiangcheng for the address of the shooting range, and then drove there.

He will definitely catch this girl, and then get the deal done, and then she will obediently listen to him, and he will definitely get what he wants.

Thinking of that peerless beauty, Wang Kefu immediately became energetic, and he didn't take Shen Wanqing seriously. It's normal for him to be a playboy, and he was dizzy because of Shen Wanqing's various worship. After the incident happened, he realized that he was nothing, and everything returned to his original nature.

On the other side, Gu Anxi took Chen Ming to the shooting range, Chen Ming smoked casually with the window open, and at a red light, Gu Anxi asked him: "Are you okay?"

Chen Ming raised his hand and smiled: "It's okay, gentlemen, this little injury is nothing."

Gu Anxi didn't ask any more questions. He talked to Chen Ming casually while driving. Chen Ming was still a simple person. He felt that Gu Anxi was very serious in his work and was very sincere to his friends. How could he know that he was trying to plot against him.

Whatever Gu Anxi asked, he said.

At the end, Gu Anxi said casually: "By the way, Song Jiaren has also come to Jiangcheng, do you want to meet?"

Chen Ming pinched out the cigarette and looked at her: "It's gone, it doesn't matter."

Gu Anxi held the steering wheel with both hands, "Why, still can't forget? Has Auntie introduced you to a girlfriend recently?"

"I met one or two, and one of them is dating now." Chen Ming said flatly, honestly.

Gu Anxi frowned slightly: "Well, why didn't you bring Jiangcheng?"

"As for work, how can I bring it? Besides, it's not that close." Chen Ming said very slowly. Later, when the car stopped at the entrance of the club, he turned on his phone and slid to a photo: "That's it."

Gu Anxi leaned over to take a look, a little surprised.

That girl is surprisingly beautiful and pure.

Chen Ming said: "He is a kindergarten teacher, and his age is also suitable. If he gets along well, he might get married."

In his words, it was obvious that he was satisfied with this girl, but it could be heard that he didn't get along very well, maybe he just got to know each other on a blind date in the past few days. Appearance is a good thing. Chen Ming had not been active before. Just talk about marriage.

Gu Anxi looked at it for a while before saying, "It's quite beautiful."

She suddenly asked Pipi: "But it seems to be a little worse than Jiaren."

Chen Ming said bluntly: "It's a lot worse, but on this condition, I can just live a normal life."

Gu Anxi leaned on the back of the chair: "Chen Ming, are you making a compromise or compromising your life."

Chen Ming had already put his hand on the doorknob, and said helplessly after hearing the words: "Don't make fun of me, people don't think highly of me."

He paused: "It's impossible for me to die alone for a short-term relationship, that's all in the novel."

"That's right, it's better to be more pragmatic." Gu Anxi got out of the car after him, and when he closed the door, he said something vaguely: "However, I still think Song Jiaren is more suitable for you."

Perhaps Chen Ming is ordinary, but he is also extraordinary, so he deserves someone like Song Jia to match him.

Chen Ming lit a cigarette casually, and glanced at her as he walked: "Don't make fun of me."

Gu Anxi was still smiling, and they walked into the club together. Although it was Gu Anxi's private place, it was open for business. There were not many people. After all, Jiangcheng is a small place. She and Chen Ming stayed in the club for a noon and afternoon, almost completely dressed. She was sweating a lot, and she was refreshed after taking a shower. Fortunately, she prepared her clothes here.

Chen Ming was not so particular. After the training, his whole body was covered with male sweat. He wiped his sweat with a towel: "Anxi, should we go back now or do we have other tasks?"

Gu Anxi sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone: "Go to eat, and then play or go home after eating."

Chen Ming sat down: "Are you asking Professor Bo for instructions, or will he come over later?"

"Oh, no, I made an appointment with someone else." Gu Anxi smiled: "We made an appointment in the first place, let's eat together."

Chen Ming didn't doubt anything, and nodded: "Okay, then I'll go with you."

He was originally sent by Mr. Wang to protect Anxi. Since she had a private appointment, he naturally wanted to follow her. Originally, he wanted to tell Bo Xichen, but then he thought that there was no secret between them. Saying it seems a bit redundant, so I gave up after thinking about it.

While he was thinking, Gu Anxi put away his phone and got up: "Let's go."

Chen Ming looked at her short jacket and short sleeves, and frowned: "You wear so little, Mr. Wang said that you are not in good health, so you should wear a coat."

After finishing speaking, he put his coat on Gu Anxi casually. Gu Anxi was annoyed: "Chen Ming, why are you as annoying as him now?"

Chen Ming chuckled: "Mr. Wang also cares about you, he said..."

Chen Ming was a little embarrassed: "I told you to be obedient."

Gu Anxi felt a little warm in her heart. Although she had a falling out with the old bastard before, he was so kind to her after the reconciliation. Thinking of this, she sighed softly and said nothing else. She put on her coat obediently, but Just a little disgusted: "Chen Ming, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day, the smell of cigarettes is so bad." '

Chen Ming scratched his hair and smiled embarrassedly: "Try to smoke as little as possible in the back." '

(End of this chapter)

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