Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1060 Fight, fight

Chapter 1060 Fight, fight

The two went out together, and when they got outside, Gu Anxi was still driving the car.Still chatting casually, the atmosphere is very relaxed, after all, they are very familiar and have a brotherly relationship.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a high-end restaurant. Chen Ming looked at it and patted his head: "I'm not used to Western food. If you're worried, I'll wait for you in the car."

Gu Anxi unbuckled his seat belt and said flatly, "Here you are, let's eat together."

Chen Ming sighed: "I'm really not used to these foreign forks, don't blame me if you lose face after a while."

Gu Anxi smiled mysteriously: "They are all acquaintances, so you can't lose face."

Now, Chen Ming was stunned, "Acquaintance?"

"Yes, you'll know when you go in." Gu Anxi was afraid that Chen Ming would run away, so he stretched out his hand and pushed.

As Chen Ming walked in, he said strangely, "Who is so important that I have to meet him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he froze.

He saw Song Jiaren.

At this moment, Song Jiaren was sitting at the dining table with a French menu in her hand, she was quiet and elegant, and of course her clothes were also very eye-catching.

The pale yellow dress with thin straps, long wavy hair on the shoulders makes the skin white and thin, and the delicate facial features are very eye-catching. At least half of the people in the restaurant are looking at her.

Gu Anxi looked at Chen Ming's eyes, smiled, and then said, "Did you notice that she is different?"

Chen Ming's gaze was still fixed, and he couldn't look away for a long time. After a while, he cleared his throat: "It's still the same as before."

Gu Anxi stood still and did not leave, and said softly: "She was not angry after my master left, but now she is enjoying life and working hard, Chen Ming, what do you think is the reason?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment before saying hoarsely, "Anxi, I don't have such great energy."

Gu Anxi smiled again, and gave him a slight push: "Okay, let's go and eat."

Chen Ming looked at Song Jiaren again, hesitating a bit: "Isn't it convenient for you two girls to eat together as an old man, or I can just go to the car and order a takeaway, what a great atmosphere you have together what."

Before Gu Anxi could speak, Song Jiaren spotted them and looked towards them. When she saw Chen Ming, she obviously stabbed her eyes, as if her eyes had been pierced, and then waved to Gu Anxi.

Chen Ming whispered: "Since when did you get along so well?"

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "As long as I think about it, there is nothing I can't get."

After she finished speaking, she dragged Chen Ming to sit there. She and Song Jiaren sat on one side, and Chen Ming sat on the other side.

After sitting down, Song Jiaren glanced at Chen Ming and asked Gu Anxi, "Why is he with you?"

Gu Anxi took a sip of water: "Chen Ming is here on a business trip."

Song Jiaren also heard Zhou Yunchen talk about the project, so she didn't ask any more questions after knowing a thing or two. She only talked to Gu Anxi. Their relationship is not good or not. Recently, Zhou Yunchen was caught in the middle. She only knows about her brother now. It was the one who liked Gu Anxi, not the one who was a younger sister, but the one who could only wish for it, but luckily he didn't get it.

Far, because of fickleness.

Although she was relieved now, it was impossible for Song Jiaren to be as affectionate as that idiot Gu Mingzhu was.

The two chatted casually, and the job of ordering food was handed over to Chen Ming. He couldn't understand the French and threw it to Song Jiaren, and took a sip of water: "I don't understand these foreign characters, please correct them."

Song Jiaren took the recipe, glanced at him, lowered her head and said quietly, "You have been with Wang Jingyao for several years, isn't it shameful that you don't even know French?"

Chen Ming's heart was beating a little bit, but his face was calm, "Isn't there Secretary Wang, he is proficient in eight languages, so I don't need it."

Song Jiaren didn't say anything more, just bowed her head to order food, and communicated with Gu Anxi from time to time. The whole process was in French, and Chen Ming felt uncomfortable. He should have insisted on waiting in the car just now. How delicious is it to eat a takeaway? This place is as uncomfortable as a prison.

Just when he was feeling extremely uncomfortable, Song Jiaren had already ordered the meal and handed it over to the waiter before continuing to chat.

Gu Anxi was very concerned about Shen Congwen, and after asking a few words, Song Jiaren thought for a while and said, "Mr. Tianwang has been to the house twice these days."

Gu Anxi didn't make a sound, just looked at her.

At this moment, the waiter brought the pre-dinner wine. Song Jiaren played with the goblet and said softly, "Mr. Wang wants my brother to return to the office and work for him." '

Of course, Gu Anxi knew about this a long time ago, but she still didn't expect that her elder brother would put down his dignity and go to Zhou Yunchen to beg. Older Wang's temperament is very arrogant, which shows that the current situation is not particularly good.

When she said it, Song Jiaren smiled and took a sip of her wine before continuing: "But my brother doesn't seem to have that intention. My sister-in-law is pregnant now, and even after she is born, AMP Company can't manage it for the time being. He prefers to manage Anpu. Pu, be an idler."

Gu Anxi nodded: "That position is really hot."

Song Jiaren twirled the wine glass lightly with her fingers, as if she was thinking about something, but Gu Anxi remained silent. Sure enough, after a long time, Song Jia raised her lips and said bitterly: "What he doesn't want is precisely because many people end up I can't reach it in my lifetime."

Gu Anxi was also silent.

After a long time, she said softly, "It's almost half a year."

Song Jiaren forced a smile.

In fact, these days, she has figured it out a little bit. It is true that Anxi killed Anxi directly and indirectly, but why should she, Song Jiaren, hate her? In terms of closeness, Gu Anxi is closer than her, and the Bo family is his blood relatives Well, her hatred was so unreasonable, it was like her wishful thinking towards him.

Gu Anxi sighed: "Your brother asked me to entertain you, but you are so sad today that I dare not have dinner with you."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chen Ming and squeezed his eyes.

Chen Ming swallowed his saliva, and said abruptly: "Actually, the past is the past, and the future will be important."

Song Jiaren glanced at him, and quietly echoed: "That's right, the past is over, there's nothing to talk about."

Chen Ming wished he could bite his tongue. This mouth is too stupid. Isn't this obliterating their past?

But then he thought again, wouldn't it be good to erase it, don't you still miss it?

Chen Ming shut up.

Song Jiaren continued to drink her pre-dinner wine.

Gu Anxi was watching the play from the sidelines.

That's great, it's really interesting to pretend that you're not familiar with it even though it's full of sparks.

Fortunately, the waiter brought the meal in a while. The high-end French meal is very small in each serving. Chen Ming looked forward to a slightly more decent steak, but eating just this one was just stuffed. Just a gap between teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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