Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1061 Oh, this is a really good thing

Chapter 1061 Oh, this is a really good thing

The waiter stepped back, Song Jiaren glanced at him, and said softly, "This is French food, not a food stall."

Chen Ming smiled honestly: "Okay, I'll go out and eat some noodles later."

After speaking, he began to cut the steak. He is usually a rough guy. Although he is not a big old man, he is really not used to using a knife and fork, so he cut four pieces of noodles and prepared to swallow them in a big mouthful. For him, it only needs to be in the stomach. , the process is not important.

What did Song Jia want to say, Gu Anxi had already cut his share into twenty neat pieces and pushed it to Chen Ming, "Eat this, and taste it slowly."

She pushed it over and took Chen Ming's share over: "Didn't you say that your girlfriend is a teacher? The current teacher is very flirtatious. What if we eat Western food together in the future and don't like you? You have to practice all these things."

Chen Ming was very grateful to her at first, but after hearing the second half of Gu Anxi's words, he almost spit out. What do you mean a girlfriend is a teacher?

His gaze was indescribable, and naturally he couldn't escape Gu Anxi. Gu Anxi looked puzzled: "Didn't you, you told me this morning? Is there a problem?"

Naturally, Chen Ming couldn't deny it, otherwise it would seem that he was nostalgic for the short relationship with Song Jiaren, so he immediately said, "There is nothing wrong with it."

Gu Anxi smiled: "That's right, the eldest is not young, and your mother is also very anxious to have a grandson. She told me last time that as long as a girl has good character, she can't wait for you to get married immediately and make a grandson early. The grandson came to give her a hug."

Chen Ming smiled wryly, but didn't say anything.

Song Jiaren is not a fool, she naturally knew that Gu Anxi said this to her, but she also heard that Chen Ming did have a girlfriend, regardless of the depth of the relationship, it must be a satisfactory and stable relationship.

She didn't say anything, kept it decent.

After that time, she also felt that there would be no future for them.

After the meal, the few people didn't talk much, and when they were leaving, Gu Anxi remembered and said to Song Jiaren: "You had a glass of pre-dinner wine, let Chen Ming see you off."

Song Jiaren shook her head: "No, the crew's car came with the driver." '

It's a pity in Gu Anxi's heart, it seems that he won't be able to watch such a good opportunity.

However, Chen Ming was quite gracious, turned to Gu Anxi and said, "You wait for me in the car, and I will take her to the parking lot."

Although she was the driver, he always felt that she was dressed too conspicuously today. There were countless pairs of eyes staring at her in the restaurant just now, and he wished he could chop those off.

Song Jiaren smiled lightly: "Alright."

Gu Anxi got into the car consciously, and when she got into the car, she lay on the edge of the car window watching the movement there, and took a sneak shot with her mobile phone.

Hee hee, show it to my uncle later.

Over there, Chen Ming and Song Jiaren were standing side by side. The night wind was blowing a bit chilly. He gracefully wanted to take off his coat and put it on for her, but when he touched it, he realized that he was wearing only a shirt, and the coat was given to Anxi. Just threw it in the car.

Song Jiaren noticed his little gesture and smiled indifferently: "I'm not cold."

Chen Ming lit a cigarette: "Where is the car parked, I will take you there."

Song Jiaren pointed in a direction, 'Over there. '

Chen Ming walked there with her side by side, talking casually while walking: "Is that producer still together?"

Song Jiaren walked a few steps forward before smiling lightly, "We're not together anymore."

Chen Ming paused: "Why?"

"There's no reason! It's normal to have a short-term relationship with a producer in the entertainment circle, and there's no need to make a fuss." Song Jiaren took out a cigarette case from her handbag, took out a cigarette, and moved closer to Chen Ming. superior.

His body was a little stiff, and it took a while before he spoke: "Are you still smoking?"

"Occasionally." She took a sip with a very good posture, and said slowly: "Chen Ming, leave me alone, you have a girlfriend, isn't it good to have a good relationship and get married?"

After finishing speaking, she smiled and pointed to a sports car: "My car."

While talking, he opened the car door and got in the car, put out the cigarette, and closed the car door.

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and immediately chased after him: "Where's your driver? Damn it, Song Jiaren, open the door for me."

However, Song Jiaren had already driven the car away.

Chen Ming chased him for a while before stopping, kicking the stone vigorously and yelling to vent his anger.

Gu Anxi's car drove over slowly, with the window lowered, she smiled and said, "Why, ignore you?"

Chen Ming was sullen, opened the car door and got in the car.

Gu Anxi waited for him to fasten his seat belt before starting the car, and said casually: "You have a girlfriend, so she won't have anything to do with you, Chen Ming, don't forget that Song Jiaren is a queen, and she also has pride." With a small temper, if you really want to be with her, then clean up the people around you. If you don't want to be together, it doesn't matter much to you whether she lives or dies, does it? "

Chen Ming stared at her.

Gu Anxi focused on driving, and took the time to say: "Unless you don't give up, or have some other ideas."

"No." Chen Ming denied it without thinking, and Gu Anxi didn't say anything else, just drove the car back to the villa.

As soon as he went back, he saw Bo Xichen sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting. She went in with Chen Ming. Hearing footsteps, Bo Xichen closed the newspaper: "Are you back?"

Gu Anxi groaned: "Uncle, have you eaten yet?"

Before he could speak, she said bluntly, "Chen Ming and I had a French meal with Song Jiaren, and our stomachs weren't even full."

Uncle Bo picked her ear: "Is this an explanation?"

Her little ears were a little red, but she still looked at him eagerly, her eyes were bling bling: "I don't think there is any need to explain."

Bo Xichen let her go with a smile, and then talked to Chen Ming. Chen Ming was also frank, knowing that they were just a couple fighting, so they chatted about some project matters together. Chen Ming was in charge of security, and talked for a while Auntie started serving dishes, and while she was busy, she chanted to the little dog: "Sir and master came back early to wait for you. I know you must be hungry when you have an appointment with Ms. Song. Those stars need to go on a diet to control their weight." , how can you do it."

Chen Ming interjected, "But Anxi is thinner than Song Jiaren."

This is true.

The aunt complained, "I don't know why, but I can't keep it up. Although I have gained a few pounds, I am still too thin."

As he said that, he felt puzzled again: "I eat a lot all day long."

At this moment, Bo Xichen coughed lightly: "It's because of your physique."

The aunt looked at him, and said quietly: "It can't be the young master's fault, right?"

Just at this moment, Bo Nianyao came out of the shower, changed into a two-piece Chinese short shirt, and laughed when he heard it: "Xi Chen, you see that your reputation at home is not very good."

Bo Xichen's face was red, and Chen Ming said boldly, "It's good, it's good."

Bo Nianyao pulled him to sit down, kindly gave Chen Ming a piece of food, and smiled: "Where is it good?"

Chen Ming suddenly opened his mouth wide, unable to speak...

It seems that the members of the Bo family are different from what he imagined, are they being led astray by Anxi?

But no matter what, the meal was satisfying, and the aunt's cooking skills were very good, so Chen Ming was very satisfied.After the meal, he was assigned to the room next to Manager Ma. The two of them didn't know each other very well, but because they were in a foreign land, they drank some wine together in the living room. bed.

Late at night, alcohol will inevitably make people relax and think about things or people that they usually don't want to think about or dare not think about.

Song Jiaren.

Really unable to sleep, he got up, wearing only a white vest and black shorts, went to the terrace to smoke, the night was dark and foggy, but there seemed to be a beautiful woman hidden inside, wearing a light yellow dress, who would come from there at any time Coming out of the fog...

Her skin is very fair, her face is particularly beautiful, and her whole body is extremely delicate.

He can still remember, remember deeply.

Chen Ming took a puff of cigarette forcefully, and thought about it a lot——

She had a brief relationship with the producer, and the kindergarten teacher he only dated in Beicheng.

In the end, he put out the cigarette butt, smiled wryly: Chen Ming, what right do you have to think about it?

Back in the bedroom, forcing myself to fall asleep...

He slept well here. In the same high-end residential villa, there was a person who was so excited that he couldn't sleep. This person was none other than Wang Kefu.

He was so excited that he was holding a large document bag in his hand, and there were so many good things in it——

The scene where his precious niece is dating a feral man.

(End of this chapter)

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