Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1064 Anxi, uncle will keep it a secret for you

Chapter 1064 Anxi, uncle will keep it a secret for you

Wang Kefu thought about it for a long time, but he still felt that this matter had to scare her a little bit. This rhythm must be brought up and shown to her a little bit. As long as she cared about her status in the Bo family, she would not be afraid of her or herself.

In this way, let's send some wonderful photos to her love first...

Thinking about it like this made me feel extremely happy. I picked up a few photos and carefully selected them with my phone before sending them, only to realize that I didn't know that man and didn't have the other's phone number. This was very difficult.

However, he was not in such a hurry, so he admired the photos for a while, and hummed complacently: "I'm afraid you won't be able to escape this time, you little brat."

I was happy for a while, and after thinking about it, I called Lu Heng again.

Lu Heng was in the hotel, he seldom went to the lab after he injured his hand, he always finished the data for Jiang Chaoge to complete, at the moment he had nothing to do and Wang Kefu called.

After picking up the phone, Lu Heng's voice was a little hoarse, "What's the matter with Mr. Wang?"

As soon as Wang Kefu heard the voice, he immediately licked his face: "There is something, a good thing, a good thing, Dr. Lu, do you want to hear it?"

Lu Heng had a glass of water in his hand, he was taking medicine, he took a sip and asked vaguely, "What's the matter?"

Wang Kefu said mysteriously: "It's nothing serious."

He even made a fool of himself: "It's the deal that Dr. Lu said, I think I probably have a way."

Lu Heng was a little unconvinced, took the medicine and took a sip of water before asking lazily: "What's the solution, tell me."

Wang Kefu said somewhat proudly: "I have caught the issue of that brat's private life. As long as I take advantage of it, I'm not afraid that she will not agree. After all, compared with the Wang family, the Bo family is really invaluable."

Lu Heng had just finished drinking the water, and when he heard it now, he immediately spewed out a sip of water.

After a while, he wiped his lips and said wordlessly, "How is that possible? They just got married."

No matter how unwilling he was to admit it, he had to admit that Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen had a very good relationship.

But Wang Kefu over there clicked his tongue and said slowly: "Cut, it's all superficial. I took the photos. It's absolutely true. I don't know if that person has seen Dr. Lu."

Lu Heng leaned against the back of the sofa, hesitated for a while and said slowly, "Send me the photo."

Wang Kefu smiled, "Okay, I'll send a few photos to Dr. Lu first, so that Dr. Lu will trust me more."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and carefully selected a photo. It was a photo of Gu Anxi wearing Chen Ming's clothes next to the car. Gu Anxi put his hand on the car door, and Chen Ming put his hand on her shoulder. At that time, Gu Anxi's coat was about to fall off, and Chen Ming quickly helped him...

As soon as the photo was passed on, Lu Heng received it.

He stared at the picture for a while.

He knew that man, someone close to Wang Jingyao, but he was not very familiar with him. He didn't expect to be so close to Gu Anxi, and the two of them surprisingly matched each other when they stood together.

Lu Heng admitted that he was a little jealous. She was honest with herself, but she was so unguarded against a slightly rude man. He then sent a message and asked Wang Kefu to send him two more.

On the other side, Wang Kefu is also a bit disobedient, this matter has not been done yet, and the benefits have not been obtained. The little boy surnamed Lu keeps his mouth shut and asks him to send photos. Layers of skin.So Wang Kefu hesitated and hesitated, unable to make a decision for a while.

Lu Xi was a little unhappy: "You make me believe you with just this photo?"

Now, Wang Kefu became competitive, and immediately sent a photo of the candlelight dinner. Naturally, Song Jiaren did not appear on the scene. The atmosphere of the candlelight dinner made Lu Heng stunned, including Wang Kefu who was also photographed. He was deceived, convinced that this meal was eaten by Gu Anxi and Chen Ming.

Lu Heng looked at it for a while, and his voice was hoarse: "I see."

Wang Kefu was a little anxious: "Dr. Lu, I'll give you this too. Look..."

Lu Heng said softly: "Aren't you very sure, it depends on Mr. Wang."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Over there, Wang Kefu was treated so nonchalantly, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart. He held back for a long time before uttering a few words: "In the past, I would have to dress up as an actor, and sing ditties for me just for fun." .”

He looked at his mobile phone, said a few more indecent words, calmed down, adjusted his clothes, and prepared to go to Gu Anxi to make a fool of himself. When he went, Gu Anxi happened to come over, sitting on the sofa and hugging him. Drinking milk, swiping the phone with one hand, as if he was chatting with someone.

Wang Kefu knocked on the door to remind him, and then said with a smile: "Anxi, are you chatting with Xichen? Didn't uncle say that your relationship is really good."

Gu Anxi still lowered his head, and said casually, "No, I'm chatting with a friend."

Wang Kefu looked suddenly enlightened, and smiled ambiguously after sitting down, "What kind of friend are you?"

"Uncle, your smile is a bit swaying, isn't Miss Shen enough for you to think about it?" Gu Anxi didn't even raise his head.

Wang Kefu has been a dog for a while, thinking in his heart that this little brat is not doing right, so he is ashamed to talk about him!So he half patted his trouser leg, half seriously and half jokingly said: "Actually, it's not that uncle thinks too much. It's just that you are a big kid and you have a lot of social activities outside. I'm afraid there are many people who like you. Xi Chen I'm too busy to take care of you all day long, it's normal for young people to make a mistake once or twice, as long as Xi Chen doesn't know about it, big things will turn into small things, Anxi, don't you think so?"

Gu Anxi raised his head, stared at him, and laughed after a while: "Uncle, those who didn't know thought you were talking about Wu Da and Pan Jinlian." '

Wang Kefu smiled: "Then how can I compare with you."

He patted Gu Anxi's hand lovingly, and there was something in his words: "Don't worry, uncle will keep it a secret for you."

Gu Anxi tilted his head, and laughed: "Uncle is just talking, what can I keep secret from you?"

At this moment, Wang Kefu won't show his hole cards easily, and he still smiled: "I won't say anything, uncle, you know it in your heart, but you and Xichen's relationship is not easy to come by, so don't be too ostentatious."

Gu Anxi looked at him, wondering what was wrong with him and said these things, but she didn't bother to think about it anymore, it was a waste of time.

She didn't take it seriously and didn't make a sound. Wang Kefu thought that he had hit seven inches. He paused and said, "Anxi, it's not that uncle is cruel to deny you, it's because there is no other way. You said Lu You have done a good job with the doctor's matter, and your uncle has settled your personal affairs for you. Isn't uncle Beicheng familiar with Jiangcheng? If you want to find a cleaner place to do something, uncle will definitely be able to do it."

After finishing speaking, he looked straight at Gu Anxi, his eyebrows and eyes hinting——

When Gu Anxi heard this, he roughly understood that this so-called trick was probably related to men. After thinking about it, he realized that it was Chen Ming. The person who ate together yesterday was probably caught in the hands of this stupid uncle.

It's funny to think about it, Song Jiaren is here too, and they're just a couple... She's just a spectator.

She figured it out, and she didn't expose Wang Kefu. Instead, she seemed to think about it carefully: "Uncle seems to know."

(End of this chapter)

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