Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1065 Don't dare to see?Because she's in such a good shape?

Chapter 1065 Don't dare to see?Because she's in such a good shape?

Wang Kefu cheered for himself in his heart——

If the kid actually admitted it, then the matter would be much easier to handle.

He smiled again and said, "Don't worry, my uncle is one of my own people, and the ones who are close relatives are the ones in the back. You see, Anxi, our Wang family finally met such a good opportunity. Uncle and I have made some mistakes recently. It made the old man and everyone else unhappy, and now uncle urgently needs a chance to regain the old man's trust."

He patted the back of Gu Anxi's hand lovingly, "The most capable person in our family is you, Anxi, uncle's happiness for the rest of his life depends on you, you will help uncle, right?"

Gu Anxi withdrew his hand, leaned on the sofa with a pillow in his hand, and asked with a smile, "How can I help?"

"Dr. Lu's project is just approved, and we will get rich after doing all the bills. Wouldn't this day be prosperous?" Wang Kefu smiled.

Gu Anxi nodded: "That makes sense, no matter how you say this matter is a win-win situation."

Wang Kefu breathed a sigh of relief, and praised: "I'll just say that you have a small brain and a clever mind, and you can understand a little bit. It's not in vain that uncle loves you."

Gu Anxi smiled: "If my uncle loves me, he won't expose me and threaten me, will he?"

"This can't be exposure and threats." Wang Kefu made a face on purpose, and said playfully, "Let's help each other."

After finishing speaking, the more I looked at this little niece, the more pleasing I was, and I wished I could hug her and kiss her. It was strange to say that he was really kind, and Anxi was not his own niece, but he never had any bad thoughts about Anxi. Maybe this kid is too bad...

Gu Anxi was still smiling, not seeming to mind.

Wang Kefu immediately became more confident, and stood up: "Okay, let's make an appointment with Dr. Lu to sign the contract with Dr. Lu."

After speaking, he walked out briskly, his fat body was as light as a swallow for the first time.

After he left, Secretary Tang came in with a puzzled look on his face: "What's wrong with Mr. Wang, looking at the spring breeze. '

Gu Anxi played with his mobile phone, with a pensive look on his face: "He thought I was having an affair with Chen Ming."

Secretary Tang almost spit out, "Is there a mistake? It's just... kicked in the head?"

Gu Anxi rested his legs on the tea table, and said after a while, "He's not far away from this."

After thinking about it, he smiled again: "Besides money, what else should my uncle be interested in?" '

As for what it was, she was too embarrassed to say it, but she could only say that Mr. Gu understood it very well.

After they finished talking, on the other side, Lu Heng put down his phone and fell into deep thought.

Gu Anxi and Chen Ming, impossible!

However, the photo is here, so he couldn't help but not believe it. He checked Bo Xichen's itinerary. He was in the laboratory at dinner time yesterday, so Gu Anxi really had a candlelight dinner with this rough man. ?

Why is her vision here?

Lu Heng felt very uncomfortable, and his face was not good-looking. When it was time to get off work, he drove to Wang's, and instead of going upstairs, he parked the car in the parking lot.

Gu Anxi got off work early, and when he came down from the stairs, he was not alone, but Chen Ming was with him.

The two walked side by side, without any scruples about other people's eyes. Lu Heng happened to be sitting in the car watching, his fingers clenched the steering wheel tightly, and his thin and beautifully shaped lips were tightly pressed.

When Gu Anxi passed by, she saw Lu Heng inadvertently. The only thing she didn't care about was that his car was enough to show off. She pretended not to see that she had thrown the car keys to Chen Ming. When she got into the car, she rolled her eyes: "Go to Song Jiaren's hotel, I'll go see her."

Chen Ming fastened his seat belt and said, "Didn't we just have dinner together yesterday?"

"Well, I still want to eat with her today. Chen Ming, don't you think she has a particularly good figure, and it's good to eat while sitting face to face." Gu Anxi said deliberately, and after a while she looked thoughtful again: "By the way , you know her figure better than me, don't you?"

Chen Ming choked, and while coughing, Fangzheng's face turned red unbelievably...

Anxi this guy is really too much.

After calming down, he said; 'By the way, you can go up in a while. '

Gu Anxi tilted his head and provoked him with a smile: "Why, you dare not see, afraid that you will not be able to control yourself?"

She nodded again, with a look of understanding: "That's right, after all, I have a good figure."

An honest person like Chen Ming was no match for her, and she immediately faltered, stammering, "Who's afraid?"

Gu Anxi was quite satisfied: "Okay, let's go up together later."

While Chen Ming was driving, she slowly sent a message to Secretary Tang, asking her to take a room in Song Jiaren's hotel under her own name and book it directly for half a month. Secretary Tang over there was a little puzzled the...

What does Xiao Gu want a room for?

(End of this chapter)

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