Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1066 It's so beautiful, I have a nosebleed

Chapter 1066 It's so beautiful, I have a nosebleed

Gu Anxi over there quickly put away the phone, Chen Ming didn't know what to do, and asked her softly, "Professor Bo confessed?"

"Yes." Gu Anxi smiled, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at Chen Ming's arm, and patted it lightly: "Yo, it's strangely strong." '

The hairs all over Chen Ming's body stood on end, no matter what he felt that Gu Anxi was harboring ill intentions, but after a while he convinced himself that Anxi had no reason to harbor ill intentions towards him——

Thinking about it, he let go of his heart again.

The car drove for about half an hour, and arrived at the hotel where Song Jiaren was staying. At this moment, Secretary Tang had already booked the room. After entering the hotel, Gu Anxi pretended to drop something on the car and asked Chen Ming to wait for her in the elevator. I went back to the front desk and took a key card, put it in my pocket, and walked slowly into the elevator.

Chen Ming didn't doubt that he was there, he stood upright, looking at the red numbers and still struggling for the last time: "Anxi, you two little girls are chatting, I'm not suitable for a big man."

"What's inappropriate," Gu Anxi squinted: "Or you can't stand the test?"

Chen Ming was silent for a long time before he said, "No way, I just don't think it's necessary. By the way, Anxi, you won't trick me."

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "Where do you want to go!"

At this moment, the elevator reached the top floor, and the two walked out of the elevator together.

"This is where Song Jia lives." Gu Anxi rang the doorbell and waited patiently.

She knew Song Jiaren was in the hotel, but she didn't know what she was doing.

After waiting for about 2 minutes, the door opened, Gu Anxi blew a whistle: "Take a shower?"

Song Jiaren only had a white bathrobe on her body. The material was a little thin, the neckline was low, and her hair was still a little wet.

She was a little surprised to see Gu Anxi and Chen Ming coming over. She was dazed for a while and wiped her hair with a towel, while stepping away: "Why are you here suddenly?"

"Come and have dinner together." Gu Anxi said with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Ming felt that something was wrong, and looked at Gu Anxi: "Why, you didn't make an appointment?"

Gu Anxi was about to answer him, but when two tubes of bright red blood flowed down Chen Ming's nose, she looked a little straight, and said bluntly, "Chen Ming, you have a nosebleed."

"Really?" Chen Ming wiped his nose with his hand, and it was indeed nosebleed.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

Song Jiaren leaned on the sofa, also a little stunned, then looked down at the bathrobe on her body.

She was a little annoyed, a little shy, and didn't know what to do?

If Gu Anxi was not present, her fist would probably have passed by now, or she would give him a slap first, but now she can only invite him in with a good voice, and ask Gu Anxi to think of a way to give him a hand. He stopped the nosebleed.

Gu Anxi closed the door slowly, and asked Chen Ming to press his nose lightly with a smile: "Don't look up, it's a mistake."

Chen Ming's eyes fixed on Gu Anxi's face, and he didn't dare to move aside.

Gu Anxi was amused, and directed for a while, Chen Ming's nosebleed finally stopped flowing randomly.

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and made amends for himself: "It's probably because it's too hot."

At this moment, Song Jiaren came over with a glass of ice water and said softly, "Drink some water."

Chen Ming didn't dare to look at her, thanked her, took a sip and drank it.

Gu Anxi pretended to be surprised: "Chen Ming, look at you and say thank you without looking into people's eyes, it's not polite."

Chen Ming's face flushed a little, he grasped the water glass in a rough way and didn't know what to say, he just rubbed gently on the glass body, the roughness and the fineness of the glass body formed a stark contrast, even Song Jiaren was silent I took a few glances quietly.

Her gaze was too fierce, Chen Ming couldn't ignore it, and he would look at her if he didn't pay attention.

Then, there was some tragedy, the nosebleed that had just stopped flowed down again, he quickly covered it, and said vaguely: "You go and change your clothes."

Otherwise, he would have to confess here today.

Song Jiaren gave him a hard look, but went back and changed into a home dress. When she came out, Gu Anxi was helping Chen Ming deal with it. Ming: "You should restrain yourself. If you have a girlfriend, you can't just look at the woman next to you and get excited like this. If your kindergarten teacher finds out, it will probably be pornographic."

Chen Ming didn't know Song Jiaren came out, so he lowered his voice: "Stop talking."

He paused before saying, "She won't know about it. Besides, it's due to the weather."

Gu Anxi bent down and looked at Chen Ming. He didn't dare her, so she pulled his face and forced her to look at herself, smiling: "My mother is pretty enough, you don't have a nosebleed, right? Looking at the excitement today, there is still a chance now, and you probably won't have a chance until something happens between you and the little kindergarten teacher."

She smiled gloatingly: "Think about it, isn't there some regret?"

Chen Ming was about to refute, but when he raised his eyes and saw Song Jiaren coming out, his expression was not so good, he hesitated and said, "Anxi is talking nonsense."

Gu Anxi turned her head and even agreed with him: "Yes, I was talking nonsense."

Song Jiaren sat on another sofa, took out the cigarette case on the coffee table, took out a long and thin cigarette, lit it, and took a slow puff: "Chen Ming, you don't even know that your brain has been sold by Gu Anxi."

As he said that, he looked at Gu Anxi again: "Is there something you came to see me for? Or is there something else ulterior?"

When Gu Anxi heard this, he laughed, sat next to her and put his arms around her shoulders, quite rudely: "What's the matter, I just miss you."

Song Jiaren stared at her.

Gu Anxi raised his hand: "OK, let me tell you the truth, it is Chen Ming who misses you, and desperately begged me to bring him to see you."

Chen Ming was stunned immediately, and it took him a long time to say a word: "It's not me!"

Gu Anxi was still smiling: "It's not that you miss her, but I miss her?"

There seems to be nothing wrong with these words!

Chen Ming didn't know what to say, his face turned even redder.

Song Jiaren glanced at him, not sympathetic, he didn't appreciate her in the hospital at that time, she smoked slowly, Chen Ming first pursed his lips, and then coughed lightly: "It's not good for women to smoke. "

Song Jiaren was still smoking unhurriedly, staring at Chen Ming quietly.

Chen Ming got a little angry, went up to smoke the cigarette in her hand, and put it out.

When the atmosphere was tense, Gu Anxi said haha: "It's getting late, let's eat."

Song Jiaren curled up on the sofa, not very happy: "I don't want to go out."

"Just order room service, I don't mind it." Gu Anxi spoke nicely.

(End of this chapter)

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