Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1067 Feeling distressed?

Chapter 1067 Feeling distressed?

Song Jiaren looked at her with suspicion.

Gu Anxi held his chin: "If you don't know how to eat, you can't bear to invite me. Yesterday, I paid for it. The meal is less than [-] yuan. My heart aches to death."

After saying this, Song Jiaren immediately became furious, and Chen Ming who was at the side said dully, "I'll pay the money."

Gu Anxi glared at him, but he immediately fell silent.

Song Jiaren looked at this, looked at that, and slowly got up, grinding her fine white teeth: "Gu Anxi, you just came here to make trouble, didn't you?" '

"No, I'm just... Brother Yunchen asked me to take care of you and said he wanted to watch you eat." Gu Anxi said abruptly.

As soon as Zhou Yunchen was mentioned, Song Jiaren lost all anger, took the internal line and dialed to order dinner.

After yelling, she looked at Gu Anxi: "Get out after eating."

Gu Anxi smiled and said, "All right, all right, I'll get out after I finish eating."

She looked at Chen Ming, "Do you want to get out together, or stay?" '

Chen Ming was drinking water, almost spit it out, and wiped his lips after a while: "I'll get out together."

Wherever he dares, where is he qualified to stay.

Gu Anxi didn't make fun of him anymore, it's just that the meal took a very long time, from 06:30 to 09:30 in the evening, and he received a call from Uncle Bo in the middle, just because he was busy Time to go back to dinner.

Gu Anxi hung up the phone, turned to Chen Ming who was driving, and said, "Let's come back tomorrow. She is shooting night scenes these days and starts work at [-] o'clock in the evening. If you don't know the place well, let's spend more time with her."

While driving, Chen Ming thought about the way Song Jiaren gritted her teeth when she sent the two of them away, and said, "I see that she doesn't welcome us very much, so don't bother her again."

"Distressed?" Gu Anxi asked calmly.

Chen Ming suddenly lost his temper, and clenched the steering wheel: "No, how can I be qualified."

Gu Anxi didn't say anything more, and sent a WeChat message to Gu Mingzhu——

[I booked a luxurious presidential suite for you and my dear brother-in-law for a week, thank me!Room number is...]

Over there, Gu Mingzhu quickly responded to the message——

[How do you know that we will come to Jiangcheng tomorrow?And we have a place to live. ]

Gu Anxi replied with a smile [Newly married, it is better to live in a suite. ]

Early the next morning, she asked Secretary Tang to send the key card to Qin Siyuan's company. Mr. Qin personally received him. Secretary Tang handed over the key card and gave him a rose as a gift, "Mr. Laughing."

Qin Siyuan sat on the sofa in well-dressed clothes, took the envelope and opened it, a gold-plated room card fell out, he looked at it, and then looked up at Secretary Tang.

Secretary Tang smiled: "Is there any problem with Mr. Qin?"

Qin Siyuan smiled: "You little Mr. Gu, what kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

"Actually, I know it too, but I think Mr. Gu always has good intentions." Secretary Tang smiled.

Qin Siyuan nodded: "That's true. Okay, I'll accept it. Thank you, Mr. Gu, for me and Mingzhu."

Secretary Tang got up: "Okay, then I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Qin Siyuan stood up, walked slowly in front of Secretary Tang, paused before saying, "Send a message to Anxi for me, just say..."

He said, and smiled slightly: "It means that Zhu misses her a lot, so let's meet for a cup of tea when you have time."

Secretary Tang was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, but after a while she felt that it was expected, she couldn't help but take another look at this man, young and handsome, looking frank and frank, she smiled slightly: "Alright Mr. Qin, I will conveyed."

Qin Siyuan sent her out politely, and when Secretary Tang politely said a few words and turned to leave, she thought silently: Mr. Gu has really good eyesight at any time.This President Qin is very good, but Gu Mingzhu may be more suitable for him.

Qin Siyuan sent Secretary Tang away, looked at the room card for a while, smiled, and sat down on the sofa in the office, when his secretary knocked on the door: "President Qin, there is a meeting to be held soon , are you going now?"

Qin Siyuan's eyes fell on the card, and he said softly, "I'll be there in a while, you go get ready first."

The secretary took another look at him, then left.

Qin Siyuan held the card and looked at it for a long time before calling Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu's voice sounded lazily over there: "Aren't you at work?"

Qin Siyuan smiled, and then said with a smile: "I'm at work, but I can pick you up in a while."

"Dining out tonight, or do you have a social event?" She asked him softly.

Qin Siyuan lightly touched the card with his fingers, and his smile deepened: "No, a client arranged for me a presidential suite for a week, and I will pick you up at night."

Gu Mingzhu said softly, "But I want to write a manuscript."

"I have a notebook." He said with a smile.

Gu Mingzhu snorted, and then whispered, "I see you like staying in hotels very much."

Qin Siyuan smiled: "Are you complaining?"

"How dare I?" She only dared to say in a low voice, and then hung up the phone. Qin Siyuan looked at the phone for a long time before smiling, put away the phone, picked up the documents on the coffee table, and went to the meeting. One hour after the meeting, the branch office Everyone found that Mr. Qin was in a particularly good mood...

Over there, Secretary Tang took care of the matter and returned to Wang's. Gu Anxi was still in the office. It took Secretary Tang a lot of effort to find her in the company's gym. Gu Anxi was playing with ice beads and scored a beautiful goal. It drew applause from the two little secretaries.

She raised her eyes and saw Secretary Tang, so she stopped her hands and signaled the two little secretaries to go aside. After they left, she asked Secretary Tang in a soft voice: "Send it over?" '

Secretary Tang nodded: "Send it over."

Although she didn't know what kind of medicine Mr. Gu sold, she still said, "Mr. Qin looks very happy."

"Of course I'm happy." Gu Anxi snorted, and continued to play ice hockey: "It's a man who likes it, let alone they are newly married."

Secretary Tang laughed, and Gu Anxi said while playing, "Pay attention to whether they pass there every day, and record the time."

Secretary Tang was even more puzzled, and asked bluntly: "We pay attention to what their couples do every day? Are they secretly filming reality shows?"

"What do you think?" Gu Anxi gave her a look, and then stopped discussing this topic. Secretary Tang was left thinking about it and still couldn't figure it out. It was only after Gu Anxi sent her a photo that she understood. ...

Secretary Tang couldn't help cursing: "This is really not a thing, I think you are the same for being so low-class."

Gu Anxi smiled, and said while playing: "Think about Lu Heng waiting for news from him. If he finds out that he has been cheated, will my uncle be miserable?"

She wrinkled her little nose, and smiled happily: "It's possible to be beaten black and blue."

(End of this chapter)

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