Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1068 You Get Out

Chapter 1068 You Get Out

Secretary Tang's eyes suddenly became a little bit like that, really offending no one can offend Mr. Gu.She asked in a low voice: "Are you still going to Miss Song's place today?"

"Go, of course." Gu Anxi said with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with going back, it's good to take Chen Ming out for a walk."

Secretary Tang only felt that she was quite miserable. Chen Ming was miserable, Song Jiaren was miserable, and Mr. Wang would probably be even worse...

At six o'clock in the evening, Gu Anxi and Chen Ming appeared at the door of Song Jiaren's hotel room again. Song Jiaren said blankly, "Gu Anxi, do you have no food at home?"

Gu Anxi snorted: "Uncle isn't here, I've done some calculations, and I think you are the cutest."

Song Jiaren put on a dark face, and reluctantly let the two of them in. As soon as she sat down, she dialed an internal line and ordered dinner, put down the phone and said rudely, "You guys go away after eating."

Gu Anxi clicked his tongue twice: "Look, you are so fierce, I even brought cards here, let's play with the three of us."

Song Jiaren stared at her.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Gu Anxi, I don't have time to play with you."

"Ah, I thought you liked me very much." Gu Anxi said to herself, she looked like she was a baby, the kind that was especially popular, Song Jiaren had never seen her so shameless, now she said why Always bring Chen Ming, is it on purpose?

Today, Song Jiaren had already made preparations. She wore house clothes instead of bathrobes. She didn't know if she had a premonition that these two shameless people were coming.

Gu Anxi went over to sit down, shuffled and cut the cards skillfully, "Anyway, we have to wait a while for the meal, let's play for a while."

Chen Ming first said that he was not very good at playing, and Gu Anxi smiled: "I will let you."

Song Jiaren sat over unconvinced: "I'm serious, and I don't know who will let whom."

She is very good at holding cards, and after thinking about teaching Gu Anxi a lesson, she will not dare to be so arrogant again. It is really annoying, but after playing a few rounds, Song Jiaren sat up straighter. Look at Gu Anxi, it's hard to say!

Do you want to do this!

But it was only half an hour of waiting for the meal, Gu Anxi won her a lot of money by accident, but Chen Ming was able to keep his capital. She glared at Gu Anxi: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "Ah, is there?"

Then she said: "Chen Ming still wants to keep some money for his wife, how can he win his money, besides his salary is so much, of course he wants to catch a rich HAO."

Song Jiaren leaned on the back of the sofa, picking her delicate fingernails, and stopped talking, but silently remembered the day when Chen Ming gave her a necklace, and after she threw it away, she told him that he had nothing, so what to support her with.

She was silent all the time, Chen Ming probably guessed what she was thinking, smiled lightly and said nothing.

Things have passed for so long, there is really no need to dig them out again.

Just like that, both of them were silent, Gu Anxi looked at this, looked at that, and then laughed... They were also silent during the meal, and then they played cards for a while, until nine o'clock in the evening Gu Anxi checked the time When he felt that it was almost time to leave, Chen Ming said uncharacteristically, "You go downstairs first, and I will come down in a while."

Gu Anxi clasped his hands together, "Private chat?"

Chen Ming's face was a little hot, "I just have something to say."

Gu Anxi nodded: "Okay, then I'll go down first."

She patted Chen Ming and said earnestly: "Don't make mistakes of principle."

Chen Ming's old face was flushed red.

Gu Anxi let him go and went out first.

When she left, the room was silent. Song Jiaren leaned on the sofa and played with the pillows, and asked very casually, "What else do you want?"

Chen Ming hesitated for a moment before turning around, staring at her silently for a while, until Song Jiaren raised his eyes and said awkwardly: "I don't know why Anxi comes here every day, in fact, I have no other intentions."

Song Jiaren was a little impatient: "Why are you telling me this? Don't want me to misunderstand, or do you want to say that you have a girlfriend?"

Chen Ming lowered his eyes: "No."

He didn't know why he said these things, maybe he was just afraid that he would accidentally stab her before, but now she doesn't look like she will be hurt, that's right, why can Chen Ming hurt her?She didn't take him seriously at all.

Chen Ming calmed down, looked around, and said: "In short, you are a girl who is careful in everything outside, after all, you are not by your brother's side."

Song Jiaren was choking for breath, and her nose was a little sore. After a while, she turned her head and looked out of the window, and said quietly: "We have nothing to do with you now. Save these words for your... Kindergarten teacher."

Hearing this, Chen Ming's breathing became hotter and fluctuated a bit, Song Jiaren turned her head and stared at him: "If you want to get out, don't stay here with me."

After finishing speaking, a pillow was thrown over, hitting Chen Ming's face right in the face.

He was a little stunned, then picked it up in a good temper, patted it and handed it back to her, his voice was still gentle and gentle: "Don't lose your temper at every turn, it's easy to change early."

Song Jia was so angry that she jumped up on the sofa and stood up, "I'm not even [-]."

With this jump, he got very close to him invisibly, and he held her waist with one hand.

With a very thin waist, he can wrap it around with one arm. Her body fell on him. Because of martial arts, his body is as hard as iron, so she wanted to struggle. Chen Ming's voice was hoarse: "You also practice martial arts, why is your body so soft?"

At this moment, his face was pressed against her shoulder, and as long as he wanted to stretch out his hand, he could pull her down.

Song Jiaren was a little annoyed, she struggled for a while but couldn't break free, she asked angrily: "Chen Ming, what are you doing, let me go."

Chen Ming was still holding her waist, looking a little at a loss. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Don't stand on the sofa, come down."

As he spoke, he lifted her off the sofa with one hand, and Song Jiaren slapped him the moment he landed, but it wasn't heavy. She moved to the back, her breath slightly confused: "Get out."

Chen Ming looked at her: "I won't do anything to you! Don't worry."

After speaking, he walked to the door of the room and opened the door to leave, but for some reason he turned his head again——

Song Jiaren stood there straight, her eyes were red...

At that moment, his heart felt like an electric shock.

He wanted to go there and wipe away the tears she was about to shed, but he couldn't move his feet. He had...a girlfriend, and although he had just confirmed the relationship, he couldn't be that scumbag.

After a long time, he said softly, "I'll go first."

Song Jiaren didn't make a sound, and quietly watched him open the door and leave.

When he left, she began to smash the pillow, and she was extremely annoyed as she smashed it: "Bastard, scumbag, who do you think you are..."

(End of this chapter)

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