Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1070 You are thinking about farting

Chapter 1070 You are thinking about farting

These words were not pleasant to hear. Shen Wanqing lowered her brows and bit her lips for a long time without saying a word, but just sat down silently. The second sister-in-law Wang immediately poured her a glass of milk, and then said to her father-in-law: "Brother, be more romantic." , but these have nothing to do with Wan Qing, Wan Qing is such an obedient girl, she is pregnant again, and there is no one amiable in our family, and she doesn't care what the elder brother wants to do outside... Besides , she didn't go through the door either, and the old man needs to mention something about the eldest brother."

Mr. Wang looked at her and said unhappy, "You will always excuse her."

After a pause, he said, "Forget it, let's eat."

Shen Wanqing was wronged, and she couldn't eat any more. The second sister-in-law of the Wang family said in a low voice, "The old man and the old lady will be happy if they eat more. They are probably also unhappy about what happened last night. From now on, if the elder brother is Meng Lang, you have to control yourself." , here is no better than outside, and besides, it is normal for a man to spend a little, and you are pregnant now, and someone will help you share it."

Shen Wanqing's lips trembled, and it took her a long time to hold back.

Only then did she realize that she was nothing more than a reproductive machine in the Wang family, and she had no rights at all.

She endured her nausea and ate breakfast, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family patted her hand: "That's good."

Looking up again, he looked at the second elder and smiled.

The two elders of the Wang family were expressionless. They really didn't like Shen Wanqing.The old lady went to chant scriptures after dinner, and the old man went out to meet friends, leaving Shen Wanqing at a loss, and she couldn't tell if she regretted entering this house. She thought it would be wonderful, but now Not as expected.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family inevitably comforted her for a long time...

Later, Shen Wanqing thought that Wang Kefu was carrying out a plan. As long as Gu Anxi could be pulled down and Wang Kefu had the right to speak at home, her life would be much better. She didn't care that he had women outside. don't like him--

How could she like a fat pig with big ears?

However, this is also her best home.

Shen Wanqing sat for a while, then told the second sister-in-law of the Wang family that she was going out for a walk, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family was going to accompany her when the phone rang, so she picked it up, "Wan Qing, I'll go find you later. "

Shen Wanqing hummed, and then went out alone to walk around the villa area. It just so happened that she lived in the same residential area as Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen. She knew this car, she had seen Professor Bo drive it several times, and he was not with Gu Anxi recently.

Is it because Gu Anxi has someone else, so he doesn't cling to Professor Bo?

Shen Wanqing stood there, and waved her hand lightly when the car passed by. Bo Xichen stopped the car and slid down the window, and asked very calmly, "What's the matter?"

Shen Wanqing was a little nervous, thinking that her makeup was inappropriate, whether her clothes...was covering her belly, what mood did Professor Bo look at her?

She took a deep breath before saying, "Good morning, Professor Bo."

Bo Xichen nodded slightly, and was about to close the window and drive the car away, but Shen Wanqing hurriedly stepped forward: "There are some things."

Bo Xichen was expressionless.

Shen Wanqing put her hand on the car door, gently pawed it, bit her lip as if hesitating for a while and said, "It's about Anxi."


Shen Wanqing bit her lip, hummed softly, and then her voice became softer: "Yes, Anxi. I heard that Anxi recently... recently got a little close to a man, always going to the hotel..."

A trace of panic suddenly appeared on her face like a white flower, and she said hastily: "I think they must be discussing business, Professor Bo, don't think too much about it."

When Bo Xichen heard this, he smiled slightly: "I didn't think much about it."

Shen Wanqing raised her eyes and bit her lower lip lightly: "It's good for husband and wife to trust each other, but there are some things... it's better to be careful."

Bo Xichen said lightly, "Thank you for reminding me."

"No... I'm not reminding you." Shen Wanqing lowered her eyes: "I grew up with Anxi, I just don't want her to go the wrong way."

Bo Xichen nodded his head lightly, with a very understanding look: "It seems that he has realized after suffering."

After speaking, the window was raised, and the expensive sports car drove away slowly.

Shen Wanqing's eyes were a little dazed at first, she couldn't figure out what Professor Bo meant, but after a while she had hope again, even if Professor Bo didn't believe it now, Gu Anxi would not be able to run away when Wang Kefu got the evidence himself.

She knew that Wang Kefu was using it to threaten Gu Anxi, and she didn't want Bo Xichen to know, but for her, she didn't care about those interests, she just wanted Gu Anxi to die...

Just as she was thinking about it, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family came out with a thin coat, and from a distance she saw Shen Wanqing stop a car, which was Xi Chen's car if there was no mistake.

In the eyes of a woman like the second sister-in-law of the Wang family, Bo Xichen is as unattainable as the stars and the moon in the sky, and they are completely different from the world, and only someone like Anxi can be worthy of it, and this Shen Wanqing does not know how much She still wants to hook up after getting the goods, and she really doesn't look at herself.

She was contemptuous in her heart, but kept her face calm, and called Shen Wanqing from afar.

Shen Wanyan tilted her head, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled and put a coat on her before saying, "Who were you talking to just now?"

Shen Wanqing was startled, and then said softly, "It's Professor Bo, who taught me before. Let me say hello."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled understandingly: "It's a good thing not to forget, let me walk around the garden with you."

Shen Wanqing hummed, and the two went for a walk together. When they walked downstairs to Gu Anxi's building, Shen Wanqing couldn't help asking: "Sister Xiufen, if... I mean, if Gu Anxi did something to apologize to Professor Bo... , Professor Bo found out again, will they... divorce?"

The Wang family's second sister-in-law looked surprised: "Anxi can't, Xichen is a good-looking talent with status in the family, and academic expertise, how can she not think about it!"

Shen Wanqing smiled slightly but didn't make a sound, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled again: "But people are like this, no one knows what someone will do in the future, Wanqing, don't you think so?"

Shen Wanqing nodded: "Yes, no one knows."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family patted her hand: "I know you are good, and you are different from Anxi's wild temper. You have to take good care of your pregnancy and contribute to our Wang family. It will benefit you in the future."

Shen Wanqing's ears turned red, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family joked for a while and finally let her go...

On the other hand, Wang Kefu didn't survive a day and went to see Lu Heng at noon.After returning to the company after a full lunch, he immediately asked his confidant: "Is Mr. Gu doing anything during the day?"

(End of this chapter)

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