Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1071 Taking pictures, we are professionals

Chapter 1071 Taking pictures, we are professionals

The man said softly, "No, I've been in the office all the time."

Wang Kefu asked anxiously again: "Is that Chen Ming here today?"

"Come here, and I'm also in Mr. Gu's office, and haven't come out yet."

Wang Kefu slapped his thigh: "Yes, this relationship is really good." '

He turned his head: "You help me keep an eye on it, and if you have any news, please pass it on."

After he finished speaking, he said in a high-spirited way: "I captured the little boy alive tonight, and I won't be allowed to rub him round and flatten him later!"

Not only is he rich, but he can also please such a wonderful person. Just thinking about it, Wang Kefu was so excited that he wished that the sky would be dark and he would act immediately.

Just when he was all right, Lu Heng called, and Wang Kefu immediately smiled like a flower: "Dr. Lu?"

Lu Heng's voice was slightly tense: "Tonight, I will go with you."

Wang Kefu laughed again, "Then Cheng, I'll pick you up later?"

He was used to looking for women, and now he was so gentle and considerate to Lu Heng. Lu Heng was so disgusted that he said calmly, "I'll drive there."

Although Wang Kefu was bored, it didn't affect his good mood at all, "You can drive by yourself, pay attention to safety."

Lu Heng couldn't hear it, so he hung up the phone directly, and Wang Kefu looked at the phone with a smile on his face: "Master of the family, you have such a temper."

After finishing speaking, he laughed again, a sweet smile, and the heart of the confidant beside him was very complicated.

Wang Kefu waved him out, and then sat at the computer desk by himself, watching the shopping channel for a while, until he saw a Hanfu store, and the exquisite Hanfu made him stare straight. Now, secretly thinking how amazing that peerless beauty would be if she wore these clothes.

Wang Kefu is used to being rich, and he acts like a nouveau riche. Those clothes are expensive and he has to wait in line, but he bought [-] pieces at once with a wave of his hand. Peerless appearance, she was really happy afterwards, so she hummed a little song alone in the office, the words were really unbearable.

It went on like this until it was time to get off work at [-]:[-] in the evening, when a close friend called and said that Mr. Gu took that person out, and the direction should be to Jiangcheng Hotel.

Wang Kefu put down the phone, rubbed his hands excitedly, walked around the office for a long time before remembering to call Lu Heng, and Lu Heng answered quickly, "I'm already at the door of the hotel."

Wang Kefu's voice was trembling with excitement: "My little boy has already gone, I'll come right over."

Lu Heng's voice was extremely cold, as if he could shake out ice beads at any time: "It sounds like Mr. Wang is very happy?"

Wang Kefu was immediately caught in the cold, and he stammered for a long time: "Isn't it because of our great cause that I just killed my relatives!"

After finishing speaking, he cautiously flattered him: "I know you like my little brat, now that you've got the handle, it's not impossible for Dr. Lu to get what he wants, but if Dr. Lu gets it, don't forget me This is the well digger."

Lu Heng's voice became colder: "Do you think I'm taking advantage of others' danger?"

After that, I hung up the phone.

Wang Kefu over there was very angry, and sneered again and again: "Why are you pretending to be lofty, you obviously want to die, no, I feel unhappy when I choose someone who is not as good as him."

After a while, he finally calmed down, took the car keys and left the company, followed the road to the hotel.

Over there, Lu Heng's car was parked at an inconspicuous corner in front of the hotel, and he even changed another car just to stay there. After waiting for about half an hour, he finally saw Gu Anxi's car slowly driving into the parking lot. Lu Heng His fingers clenched the steering wheel, and his eyes were fixed on the car.

About 1 minute later, Gu Anxi got out of the car with a man and walked into the hall side by side.

Lu Heng narrowed his eyes and recognized the man.

It turned out to be Chen Ming.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he still had the information. Gu Anxi booked a room for a week and came over with Chen Ming every day. When Bo Xichen came home every night, she also came home on time. It showed in every way that she and Chen Ming had a relationship. The ambiguous relationship, Lu Heng's face turned livid——

I didn't expect her to be like this, and she also likes Chen Ming like this.

Where is he, why not Chen Ming?

Unconvinced, the car door next to him was opened, and then Wang Kefu's fat body squeezed in and sat down. Lu Heng looked at the front and said expressionlessly: "Get out of the car."

Wang Kefu sighed lightly: "Dr. Lu, don't reject people thousands of miles away."

After speaking, he smiled again, with a WS expression: "This is not the time, let's wait for a while, and there will be a surprise when we go up at about eight o'clock. I have already got the room card, and it depends on whether Dr. Lu has the courage. "

Lu Heng looked at him as if giving charity.

Wang Kefu stepped forward and lowered his voice: "Dr. Lu only has this chance, if you miss it, you will lose it."

He patted the back of Lu Heng's hand understandingly, and then withdrew it reluctantly.

Lu Heng still looked cold: "Really!"

Wang Kefu saw that he really didn't mean that and was bored, so he stopped talking and stayed until about eight o'clock...

It was dark, the moon was dark and the wind was high, he rubbed his hands: "It's almost time, Dr. Lu, shall we go up?"

Lu Heng glanced at him and didn't speak, just got out of the car, and after getting out of the car, he found that Wang Kefu had brought a few more people, and the battle was quite big, so he said softly: "Ten more Gu Anxi can solve it for you. .”

Wang Kefu scratched his head: "Didn't you still have Dr. Lu?"

Lu Heng took a step, and then said: "I still don't believe it."

Wang Kefu was a little dumbfounded: "I don't believe you, what are you doing here?"

Lu Heng didn't bother to talk to him, and walked slowly towards the hotel lobby. Wang Kefu followed behind in disgrace, and scolded the little boy in his heart: pretend to be noble, pretend to be a wild wolf!

When they got to the elevator, Wang Kefu stood next to Lu Heng, feeling a bit ecstatic. He was in his early [-]s, and Lu Heng was [-]. He felt an unprecedented sense of security, while Lu Heng regarded him as air.

When he reached the top floor, Wang Kefu took out his room card, "This kid will enjoy it. There are only three rooms on the first floor. This night will cost about a hundred thousand."

Lu Heng leaned against the wall beside him and lit a cigarette. Wang Kefu smiled and said, "I know you're feeling uncomfortable, but well, you'll get used to it. It's better than your wife messing around outside."

Lu Heng lowered his head and smoked, his voice slightly tense: "What nonsense, don't go in yet."

Wang Kefu smirked a few times, hummed a little song and brushed the door while saying, "You guys will take pictures as soon as you go in, I'm sorry she won't let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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