Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1072 The people in the hotel suite turned out to be Qin Siyuan and his wife

Chapter 1072 The people in the hotel suite turned out to be Qin Siyuan and his wife

Several subordinates nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, we are professionals."

Wang Kefu was very happy, he got the things in a while, and he would be ashamed in front of the old man when he turned around. There was another meeting at home, and Anxi was not allowed to be uncompromising. At that time, he would be able to think about not only the business but also the property of Anxi Northwest City. Thinking about it this way, Wang Kefu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The door opened gently, and some familiar voices were heard.

Wang Kefu laughed even more, turned his head and gestured to Lu Heng. Lu Heng also heard it, and his face immediately turned pale, very ugly.

Wang Kefu smiled, a few people stooped to go in, touched the door of the master bedroom and slapped it inside, which naturally alarmed people...

With a scream, Gu Mingzhu hid himself, Qin Siyuan's face was so ugly that he turned around in a livid voice: "Who are you?"

For a moment, his eyes fell on Wang Kefu, the leader at the door, and he gritted his teeth: "Mr. Wang, can you explain?"

After he finished speaking, he called the front desk and told the police to call the police.

Wang Kefu was so shocked that his legs trembled, and the big eyes on his chubby face were staring like copper bells——

How, how is it possible, how can... like this?

Isn't it Chen Ming? How could it be Qin Siyuan?

Could it be that Chen Ming protected Gu Anxi and came here to date his first love?It must be so!

Thinking like this, Wang Kefu was about to go over and try to get Gu Anxi out, but Qin Siyuan kicked him, "Who do you think Mr. Wang is?"

Wang Kefu took a hit, blamed him for being shameless, stood up straight and said, "Isn't it Gu Anxi?"

"It's my wife." Qin Siyuan's face was very ugly, "Gu Anxi is in the next room, eating with Song Jiaren."


Wang Kefu stuttered again, and he got bored.

His face was ashen, which had never happened before.

At this moment, the door of the suite next door opened, and it was none other than Gu Anxi.

She was accompanied by Chen Ming and Song Jiaren.

Gu Anxi looked at Lu Heng who was smoking, and Lu Heng also looked at her, no, it should be said that he was staring at her.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he was disappointed or relieved, he did nothing but looked at her.

At this moment, he had guessed that she did all of this, just to see a good show, or to be naughty.

It's rare for him to see a little girl in her early [-]s so naughty, but it's almost the same as when he first saw her, and the weird feeling in Lu Heng's heart surged again.

Except for Gu Anxi, Chen Ming and Song Jiaren were all at a loss, especially Chen Ming looked at the open door next door, and asked very puzzled: "Isn't Young Master Qin living here? Why is the door open? "

He looked at Lu Heng again.

Lu Heng smoked his cigarette and said quietly, "Why?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's fun, and my uncle's skin is a little itchy."

After she finished speaking, she walked in with a big thorn, and Wang Kefu came out in a gray state, and was scolded bloody by Qin Siyuan. In addition, the hotel staff came over at this time, and the police also reported it. Difficult to end.

Wang Kefu looked at Gu Anxi and opened his mouth. No matter how stupid he is at this moment, he knows that he has been fooled by this brat.

Really poisonous!He was lured here by taking Chen Ming around in the hotel, and now he broke in privately. If he was accused of ruining the reputation of the Wang family, the old man would be the first to let him go.

Wang Kefu was really trembling at this time, softened his body and begged Gu Anxi: "Anxi, uncle was also confused for a while, I was afraid that you, a girl, would suffer a lot, how could I have thought that President Qin and Mingzhu lived here, and after giving uncle a face, uncle Thank you so much."

Gu Anxi smiled happily: "It has nothing to do with me. You have to ask Mr. Qin about this matter. After all, you broke into Mr. Qin's room."

Just as he was speaking, Qin Siyuan came out from inside, his face was livid and very ugly.

He glared at Gu Anxi first, and then said to Wang Kefu seriously: "Mr. Wang, this matter can only be done in business."

Wang Kefu was a little dazed, he was going to arrest him, he immediately hid behind Gu Anxi, swallowed: "Anxi, Anxi, tell him, let him let me go."

Gu Anxi sat on the sofa and said lightly, "Why should I tell him, isn't uncle here to grab my pigtail?"

Wang Kefu smiled wryly: "How dare I, misunderstood, misunderstood, I will give you a coat when it's cold."

Gu Anxi was lying on the sofa, his face buried in his arms and he couldn't lift his smile. The hotel staff stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, but the police officers are already waiting for you outside for investigation."

He pointed at Wang Kefu's subordinates again: "The equipment in their hands needs to be inspected by our hotel, and the images must be destroyed."

In fact, nothing was photographed, at most it was Qin Siyuan's back, but this break-in of the hotel was enough for Wang Kefu to go in for a few days, and it would not sound good if it spread.

Wang Kefu begged bitterly, but Gu Anxi was unmoved and watched him be taken away.

After the person left, Qin Siyuan glared at her again, "Mingzhu hates you to death."

Gu Anxi stretched her waist: "I'm so tired, Qin Siyuan, you sleep on the sofa." '

Qin Siyuan froze, subconsciously said: "You want to sleep here?"

"Is there a problem?" Gu Anxi smiled: "I haven't seen Mingzhu for a long time. Although she is angry, she must miss me very much and wants to sleep with me."

Qin Siyuan had nothing to do with her, so he sat on the sofa beside him and lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I'll coax her later, you go back!"

He said seriously again, "Of course someone will take care of you when you go back."

Gu Anxi immediately jumped up: "Uncle is reluctant to deal with me."

After finishing speaking, he ran away. Chen Ming looked at him and shook his head, "Boss Qin, next time you can't sleep in the free room. Anxi really doesn't have such kind intentions."

Qin Siyuan also thought it was funny, but luckily nothing happened, he had already noticed when people entered...

"Follow her back, pay attention to safety." Qin Siyuan sighed and said helplessly.

After they left, he went back to the bedroom and comforted Gu Mingzhu well.

Gu Mingzhu's pillow was about to bite through, and she scolded Gu Anxi to death, and Qin Siyuan was also scolded to death.

He laughed when he heard it, and stretched out his hand to pinch her little face: "Are you so angry?"

She burrowed like a caterpillar, and blushed for a long time before saying, "Although... I didn't see anything, but... it's not good at all."

Qin Siyuan kissed her on the cheek: "This time I have closed the door."

Gu Mingzhu's face flushed very red, "I want to go home."

He coaxed her: "Go back tomorrow morning."

Gu Mingzhu protested, but he was so good at coaxing her. In the end, she bit her small mouth and said softly and fiercely: "Anyway, I didn't forgive Gu Anxi, and you..."

Qin Siyuan smiled lowly, it is so important to forgive or not at this time.

Outside the hotel, Gu Anxi watched Wang Kefu being taken away, and she sighed softly: "Poor."

Song Jiaren clasped her arms in front of her body, and asked coldly, "That's why you stay here with me every day? Gu Anxi, you are so bad, you lie to me every day while tricking Qin Siyuan to come and live."

Gu Anxi squeezed out a smile: "I'm not boring!"

Song Jia was so angry that she closed the door and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Gu Anxi looked at Chen Ming, Chen Ming looked at the door eagerly, and after a while asked Gu Anxi anxiously: "Anxi, are you really here because of Mr. Wang?"

(End of this chapter)

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