Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1073 Gu Anxi, can you explain it?

Chapter 1073 Gu Anxi, can you explain?

Gu Anxi groaned: "Am I so boring?"

She patted Chen Ming on the shoulder: "Of course it's for you, you don't want to see her?"

Chen Ming immediately stopped talking.

Gu Anxi smiled, "Okay, let's go home, wait to be scolded!"

Chen Ming followed behind her, "Is there nothing you can do?"

"No, I will definitely be scolded." Gu Anxi said pitifully.

The two left while talking, ignoring Lu Heng.

Lu Heng finished smoking the cigarette in his hand and got into the car. He sat in the car and leaned on the back of the chair. He closed his eyes and rested for a long time before slowly opening them... He was tricked a lot today, but he didn't seem angry, but rather thankful.

She should be like this, how could she give herself to men as easily as those vulgar women, she wouldn't.

Lu Heng squinted his eyes and drove the car away...

Over there, Gu Anxi and Chen Ming went back together, the car stopped, and saw Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang, and the Wang family sitting in the living room in darkness, waiting for her. Father Bo and Uncle also came back. One is drinking tea while the other is looking down at the newspaper.

I can't see the expression clearly.

Seeing her cowardly look, Chen Ming turned off the car, "Are you scared?"

Gu Anxi hummed, "I'm not afraid."

Chen Ming glanced at her again, the two of them got off the car together, and before they entered the living room, Shen Wanqing came up to her with tears in her eyes: "Anxi, I know you don't like me, but you can let me go no matter what, okay?" , he is your uncle, come to me if you have anything."

Gu Anxi coughed lightly, but said to Bo Nianyao, "Father Bo, you are drinking tea."

Bo Nianyao nodded: "Yes."

"No wonder there's such a strong smell of tea, it's here." She bypassed Shen Wanqing and sat obediently beside Bo Nianyao, leaning a little closer, looking like a pitiful child seeking protection.

Bo Nianyao felt amused, and reached out to pat her small head: "Talk about something slowly, drink some tea first, by the way, have you had dinner yet?"

"I've eaten." Gu Anxi said obediently, and squeezed Bo Nianyao's shoulder again, "Father Bo, how are you doing?"

Bo Nianyao enjoyed it very much, and smiled from ear to ear: "You're still a caring girl, I don't blame your mother Bo for loving you."

Gu Anxi sat next to him, not daring to look at Bo Xichen at all.

The uncle's face is so ugly, as if he wants to eat her.

Bo Xichen wasn't in a hurry, his attitude was to settle the outside affairs first, close the door and then slowly deal with her.

At this moment, Shen Wanqing looked at Gu Anxi with pear blossoms and rain. She was asking for thousands and thousands of dollars, and she really wanted to win the favor in front of the old man and the old lady. The old lady was a little moved, and said to the old man: "This child is also Poor guy, Kefu went in again while pregnant, what a good thing."

Mr. Wang spoke, but he said to Bo Nianyao: "Nianyao, I shouldn't ask for this as a father, but that place is not a good place, and Anxi was there at the time, or let Anxi let him go. That Boss Qin listened as soon as he said it."

Bo Nianyao looked down at the little girl beside him, and said with a smile: "Let's listen to An Xi's clarification, maybe it's a misunderstanding."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Anxi immediately nodded like a chicken: "It's definitely a misunderstanding, and it has nothing to do with me. He broke into Qin Siyuan's room. Chen Ming and I were eating at Song Jiaren's place. We ate there." It's been a few days...'

She looked at Chen Ming again: "Chen Ming?"

There is nothing wrong with these words, Chen Ming can only nod his head: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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