Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1075 Shen Bailian wanted to harm others, so she tricked herself

Chapter 1075 Shen Bailian wanted to harm others, so she tricked herself

The people left, it was already late at night, Chen Ming stood still and scratched his head: "If it's okay, I'll go back and rest."

Bo Nianyao stopped him: "Chen Ming was scared, don't worry, this little brat is spoiled by her mother Bo, she is not afraid of anything, just thinking about it, let me wipe her ass if something goes wrong, Otherwise, there is Xi Chen, today's incident... is actually not a big deal, just mischievous."

Chen Ming played with Gu Anxi before, and he didn't expect that Gu Anxi could mess up the world if he was mischievous. He didn't know what to say for a while, but he knew it in his heart. thing -

Qin Siyuan might be able to use this to gain the favor of the Wang family. Jiangcheng is the foundation of the Wang family, and Qin Siyuan will do things much more smoothly in the future.

He...has met Song Jiaren many times.

Shen Wanqing probably had some thoughts about Professor Bo, and Anxi beat her up.

All these things were done in such a one-stop manner. A person like Chen Ming, who has a straight gut, can't figure it out. It's amazing.

Bo Nianyao didn't take it seriously, he still smiled, "Chen Ming, come on, let's have a drink together, it's been a long time since we relax."

Chen Ming was also a little greedy, so he sat down immediately, and the aunt happily went to finish the food and drink.

Here, Gu Anxi stretched his waist and greeted Bo Nianyao: "Father Bo, I'm going to bed." '

Bo Nianyao looked up at his son, and coughed lightly: "Xi Chen, don't be too aggressive."

Bo Xichen laughed, "How could that be!"

But, he said no, it was not the case when he went upstairs, Gu Anxi was beaten up by him, and after the beating, she lay on his lap and sulked, with two tears in the corners of her eyes that could not be shed. .

"Bo Xichen stretched out his hand and pinched her little cheek: "Will you still dare in the future? "

She lay on her stomach, crying miserably, "I dare not."

He laughed, turned her over like a bean bag egg, and kissed the cold little face: "Okay, don't cry."

Gu Anxi refused to look at him, his eyes were red and his nose was red, and he was beaten badly.

What's more, Uncle Bo didn't say anything, and started directly.

Her little face was buried in his waist, and she muttered softly: "It's really not a good habit to beat your wife." '

He smoothed her hair, lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice: "I won't say what's wrong, and you know it in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't be so obedient and let me beat you, would you?"

She still remained silent, hugged his thin waist with one hand, played with his buttons with the other, and suddenly laughed softly, "Uncle, are you jealous?"

He patted her, and his voice was hoarse: "how could that be!"

Although he didn't admit it, but what Gu Anxi knew, he knew it himself. Both of them were silent, and there was some ambiguity in this silence, and everything changed after that...

Downstairs, Chen Ming, an honest man, became worried while drinking a little wine, "Mr. Bo, is Anxi okay? I saw Professor Bo just now, is Anxi... going to be beaten?"

Bo Nianyao took a sip of wine comfortably, and smiled at Chen Ming: "Chen Ming, you are not married yet, you may not have a thorough understanding of the relationship between husband and wife... I know you also have a short-term emotional experience, but That's really the tip of the iceberg, how can the two get along so one-sidedly, don't worry, but tonight will be fine."

Holding the wine glass, Chen Ming's heart swayed, and he couldn't help but think of a person...


The Wang family on the other side is not as peaceful as this side.

Wang Kefu committed a crime, and even Shen Wanqing felt uncomfortable. At this moment, she felt as if she was being roasted on a fire.

After returning home, the Wang family also held a small meeting, the center of which was to ask Shen Wanqing to talk to Qin Siyuan and impress her with old love.

Shen Wanqing was naturally unhappy in her heart, but she was isolated and helpless in this family, and only the second sister-in-law of the Wang family was willing to say a few words for her.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family scolded Gu Anxi because the child was too unfeeling and did not show mercy to his relatives. Hearing that the old man and the old lady were very upset, the old lady said: "Say these things. Is it useful? It's not that Kefu himself is stupid enough to provoke him."

She whispered again: "Is Anxi so easy to provoke?" She, who has been separated by two generations, usually looks at her disobediently. Either they don't make a sound, and if they make a sound, they dig a hole and fill it up unevenly.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family took the opportunity to pick up the conversation: "Don't blame Wan Qing, the old lady, they are all little girls. I look at Anxi with deep thoughts, maybe..."

She smiled, and then said: "I saw that Wan Qing and Xi Chen knew each other too. Could it be that Anxi misunderstood something and made things difficult for Wan Qing on purpose. Anxi's possessiveness is also a reason for this."

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Shen Wanqing's lips moved, and she found that she couldn't say a single word.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family is still smiling like a flower: "If this is the reason, we will prescribe the right medicine. In the future, Wanqing should stay away from Xichen, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, and give Anxi a good gift and apology. As for On the other side of Mr. Qin, there is a past friendship, I believe Mr. Qin will not refuse to give this face."

After she finished speaking, the old lady nodded: "Xiu Fen, you are becoming more and more intelligent. You speak clearly and logically, and it sounds reasonable."

When it was over, I looked at Shen Wanqing again, who was actually quite disgusted, "You heard what the second sister-in-law said, and now I'll beat you up too, Xi Chen is no better than Ke Fu, although he has good looks and good family background, but that kind of person is not You can think about it, and you are not as stupid as Kefu who abandons his wife and children for your belly, no matter what you think now, stop this idea as soon as possible."

Shen Wanqing bit her lip, her eyes were red, "I didn't."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family came out to smooth things over at this time: "Wan Qing said there is no, so it should be."

The old lady was still unhappy, thinking that this was the arrival of the mourning star. The relationship between the Wang family and Anxi was already tense, but now it’s fine. This woman encouraged Kefu to do such a thing, and I don’t know why in the future. .

The Wang family retreated, and Shen Wanqing sat alone in the living room crying.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family was by her side, handed her a tissue, and then said, "Wan Qing, don't blame me for making things clear. I'm saving you. Last time I saw you talking to Xi Chen, I felt something was wrong." .”

She patted the back of Shen Wanqing's hand: "When you enter this door, you have to obey the rules. It will be a big deal if the elder brother finds out about this thought. Although he doesn't care how he spends it, you... can't do it."

(End of this chapter)

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