Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1076 She is not reconciled, but she can only ask Qin Siyuan

Chapter 1076 She is not reconciled, but she can only ask Qin Siyuan

Shen Wanqing was really hopeless at this time, it was not true to admit it, and it was not true not to admit it.

She now realizes that she has no status in the Wang family. To put it bluntly, she is a poultry that Wang Kefu found outside on a whim, but even so, she has to go on this road, because she has no way out.

This night, she was very difficult. She didn't want to face Gu Anxi, but she didn't want to face the married Qin Siyuan. If it wasn't for Qin Siyuan getting married, she might not want to trap Wang Kefu so quickly. Wang Kefu's child originally wanted to use this child to soar into the sky, but he didn't expect that he was an idiot, and he was framed by Gu Anxi in just a few days.

Although Shen Wanqing hated that iron could not be made into steel, she also knew that she and Wang Kefu were both prosperous and hurt, and she would find a way to get him out no matter what.

In the morning of the next day, she went to Wang's to block Gu Anxi. She thought she was someone close to Wang Kefu and she was pregnant again. The expression on the phone was very meaningful, and it took a while to reply to her: "If you want to see Mr. Gu, you must first notify Secretary Tang."

Shen Wanqing couldn't help but said, "Xiao Gu and I have always known each other."

The lady at the front desk was not a vegetarian either. She smiled slightly and said gently, "Then, please contact Mr. Gu, and we will let you go immediately."

Shen Wanqing was furious, but she still picked up the phone and dialed Gu Anxi's number. She thought that Gu Anxi would put on a show and refuse to answer, but unexpectedly, Gu Anxi answered, so she didn't know what to say for a while.

Gu Anxi's voice was light and ethereal: "Shen Wanqing, go beg Qin Siyuan, it's useless to find me."

Shen Wanqing suppressed her voice: "You caused the incident, won't you clean it up?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "It has nothing to do with you at first, you have to be like a little white lotus, why, you are allowed to frame me and I am not allowed to reject you, where is there such a good thing in the world, is it because you are weak and you are pregnant and I will marry you?" I should let you go, besides, I didn't get you pregnant when you got pregnant."

Shen Wanqing was furious.

Gu Anxi said again very sincerely: "In fact, your life now is not as good as before."

She paused, and then said very lightly: "Is a sincere relationship worthless in your eyes?"

Shen Wanqing was stabbed, and after a long time, she said in a hoarse voice: "Gu Anxi, do you think everyone is you? Anyone can have it? What you think is easy to get is actually a luxury in the eyes of others. Do you know?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "I don't know if it's a luxury item, but it's a daily necessities for me."

At this moment, Secretary Tang on the side said, "Mr. Gu, you mean that Professor Bo is your daily necessities."

Gu Anxi covered the phone and snorted: "You can also say that."

After that, she didn't want to get involved with Shen Wanqing anymore, so she hung up the phone directly. Shen Wanqing over there knew that she would never see her again anyway. She is not a fool, and there must be some interests in it. If she can't get it right and the Wang family suffers, then the old man Wang and the old lady will not let themselves go.

At this moment, she thought of another person, and that was Lu Heng.

She had eavesdropped on Wang Kefu's phone call, and knew that he was in contact with Lu Heng. This time, it must be to cooperate with Lu Heng, and Lu Heng and Jiang Chaoge were on the same side. She wanted to beg Jiang Chaoge.

However, she met Jiang Chaoge, but the other party rejected it completely. The reason is that this matter was not on Qin Siyuan's body at all. Although he called the police, this was actually Gu Anxi's intention, and it was Gu Anxi's righteous killing of relatives. Gu Anxi didn't say who would dare to let people go, but she heard that Lin Yuan was directly in charge of taking care of them now, and not even a mosquito could fly in that place with iron walls.

After leaving Jiang Chaoge, Shen Wanqing felt a little dazed...

She was walking on the street, it was afternoon, and she was opposite a university.It should be after class, and many boys and girls came out of it one after another, in twos and threes, or young couples together, looking youthful and energetic.

Shen Wanqing stood, reaching out to caress her stomach, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to be only 21 years old, but she had already experienced too much. She stroked her face and realized that she was too old compared to these students. old.

However, she can only move forward.

She went to that hotel, but Qin Siyuan didn't live there anymore, and after inquiring again, she found out that they had a villa in Jiangcheng.It was already 06:30 in the afternoon when she drove there. Seeing that there were no cars in the courtyard, Qin Siyuan should not have come back.

Shen Wanqing honked the car horn, and the aunt at home ran over to ask, and then ran back to open the door.

Shen Wanqing drove a red sports car, the car was parked in the yard, she opened the door, and walked slowly into the hall.The villa is not big, but the decoration is very delicate and exquisite, even with a little girlish style. Shen Wanqing heard that Gu Mingzhu likes this style, and she felt a little sour.

While she was looking at her, Gu Mingzhu slowly came down from the stairs. She was a little defensive when she looked at Shen Wanqing. While she was looking at her, Shen Wanqing also looked at her. Although she knew that she had met before, but It was the first time to meet in private like this. The word "poultry" was given to her by Princess Gu. Shen Wanqing will never forget this humiliation.

But now she has to beg for this girl who is full of honor and favor. She heard that she is not an upright daughter of the Gu family, but she got such a good home. Shen Wanqing felt very uncomfortable.

Just when she was very uncomfortable, Gu Mingzhu came down and sat on the sofa, "Are you looking for Qin Siyuan?"

It was a hot day, she was wearing a bright yellow dress, her face was tender, her facial features were delicate and slender, Shen Wanqing couldn't help but compare herself, she was too thin and haggard.

She said hoarsely: "He hasn't come back yet?"

Gu Mingzhu looked up at the time and said, "He'll be back in a while, what do you need from him?"

"There is something." Shen Wanqing hesitated for a moment: "Is it convenient for me to wait for him here?"

Gu Mingzhu doesn't like her very much. If she would have sent her away before she got married, but after marriage, she has matured a bit. She would rather meet at home than have the opportunity to meet outside. Shen Wanqing is so unreasonable. It's morale.

So, she nodded her head in agreement, and then she hugged a cup of tea and started watching TV. Shen Wanqing thought that her character would probably watch some literature and art, but Gu Mingzhu opened the animation channel, which was still a cat and mouse.

Shen Wanqing's face was a little distorted, and it took her a long time to ask, "Do you see this?"

(End of this chapter)

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