Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1077 Did you marry Gu Anxi because of her?

Chapter 1077 Did you marry Gu Anxi because of her?

Gu Mingzhu stared intently for a while, 'Is there something wrong? '

Shen Wanqing's lips were tightly pursed, she was going crazy with jealousy, how could Gu Mingzhu have gone through so much, and she can still sit here peacefully watching cats and mice, while her life is full of humiliation.

She was stunned, Gu Mingzhu turned her head again, and said softly: "If it wasn't for Qin Siyuan, I wouldn't talk to you, so don't think I'm easy to bully."

Then the voice became softer: "You are still a poultry in my heart."

Shen Wanqing was so angry that she was about to refute when she heard footsteps, she turned her head and saw that Qin Siyuan had returned.

He probably just came back from a meeting, dressed neatly, with straight eyebrows, and more mature than before.

Shen Wanqing's eye circles turned red immediately, and she called softly, "Siyuan."

Qin Siyuan glanced at her, put the briefcase on the sofa and sat next to Gu Mingzhu. Gu Mingzhu sat upright and ignored him.

Qin Siyuan smiled lightly, and then said softly: "Go upstairs, I have a few words with Miss Shen."

"If you don't leave, I'll just sit here." Gu Mingzhu glanced at him, and then took a sip, looking stubborn.

Qin Siyuan was a little surprised, because he found a little bit of Anxi's shadow on her body, but it belonged to Anxi's childhood appearance, which was so cute, and then he realized that Anxi would probably only be with Professor Bo if he appeared again, and Mingzhu would only be with her. will be with him.

He sighed helplessly, and his voice suddenly became hoarse: "Then don't make trouble, or you can go and see if Auntie's dinner is ready."

'It's all my favorite food. ' Gu Mingzhu glanced at him, a little bit of a demonstration.

Qin Siyuan didn't say anything, then moved to the side, and then looked at Shen Wanqing: "Is it because of Mr. Wang's business?"

Shen Wanqing said hastily: "Siyuan, you have to help me."

Qin Siyuan didn't react immediately, but got up to get a glass of water and put it in front of her.

Shen Wanqing's eyes were a little sore, she was pregnant, so he gave her ice water.

Qin Siyuan didn't think much about it. He did know that she was pregnant, but naturally he wouldn't feel bad if it wasn't his wife. It was clear when they separated, and he didn't feel any burden.

Sitting down again, he took a sip of a cup of scented tea in front of Gu Mingzhu, which was given by Gu Anxi, Mingzhu liked it very much, and he drank a little occasionally, thinking... Anxi really knows how to enjoy it.

After drinking and putting down his glass, he said softly: "This matter has nothing to do with you, why bother to push yourself forward, Miss Shen, some things will be better if you don't start from selfishness and don't deal with it selfishly, and you will live a little easier."

He meant that she was too scheming.

Shen Wanqing couldn't bear it anymore, she pursed her lips again and again, and finally said a word: "Did you marry her for the sake of relaxation?"

After she finished speaking, Gu Mingzhu glared at her, but still chose to ignore her in a good temper and continued to watch her cartoons.

Shen Wanqing sneered: "Look, Gu Mingzhu, you can't even face the answer yourself. What Qin Siyuan likes is Gu Anxi, and you are just a substitute. Don't you feel guilty for taking this happiness? This is your sister's. Man, you took away her family and her man, you are such a selfish girl."

Gu Mingzhu was stunned when she heard this, the cartoons were no longer good, she didn't want to cry, she just stared at Shen Wanqing, and after a while she said softly: "Does Anxi still have brother Xichen? Let's talk about it , it seems that you are the one who robbed, right?"

Then she looked at the direction of the TV, and said childishly: "Don't think that if you become Gu Anxi's aunt, I don't know that you were engaged to Qin Siyuan before, but Anxi didn't."

Qin Siyuan was a little amused, and reached out to pat her head: "I told you to go up earlier."

"I don't want it." Gu Mingzhu snorted, "I'm already polite enough."

Qin Siyuan lowered his eyes, seeing this extremely delicate little girl leaning on the sofa, speaking childish words, he couldn't help feeling very soft in his heart.He has been immersed in the business world, and has seen so much darkness, but when he comes home, he can see a simple (single) little wife who is getting younger and younger, and all the exhaustion seems to be baptized...

It's not just about relaxation, it's about happiness.

It's not that he has someone in his heart, but that he likes to be with her, which is what Gu Mingzhu has now.

It's not that I don't think of the past at all, but it's less and less. When I see Anxi occasionally, I only think of her appearance when she was a child. She is very cute, but it overlaps with the current Pearl...

Qin Siyuan coaxed his little wife a few words, and then said to Shen Wanqing: "You go back."

Shen Wanqing became a little anxious: "Siyuan, you really don't miss any old love."

Qin Siyuan leaned on the sofa, looked sideways at his little wife, and said softly: "There is no old relationship between us. Besides, the Wang family came to me to find this matter. Ms. Shen, you really think you can do it after asking me." Your status in the Wang family will rise? That will only make Mr. Wang doubt you, so... people can't be too short-sighted, begging anyone is better than me."

Shen Wanqing was a little dazed, and when she realized it, her whole body shivered.

That's right, she succeeded in her pursuit, what would Wang Kefu think of her when he came out of it?

After regaining consciousness, there was a burst of sweat on the back.

Qin Siyuan was still calm: "You go."

Shen Wanqing's lips parted, and she wanted to say something, but Qin Siyuan had already got up to see off the guests.

He didn't treat her as a stranger, he didn't pretend not to know her, just someone he knew.But he still sent her to the parking lot outside, and he would more or less have a few words to say to her in private, and he didn't want Mingzhu to hear those words.

By the side of the car, the moonlight was rising, and Shen Wanqing looked a little lonely when she turned her head, "Siyuan, forgive me, I had difficulties at the time, I have nothing, if I continue to be with you, I don't know if I will meeting……"

"Do you have it now?" Qin Siyuan sighed softly.

The expression on Shen Wanqing's face froze, and she shook her head gently for a long time.

She still doesn't.

She had nothing but the child in her belly, she put down her paintbrush, and there was only Wang Kefu left in her world.

Shen Wanqing looked a little confused, Qin Siyuan lit a cigarette and smoked quietly: "Don't come here again."

She was startled suddenly, and asked subconsciously: "Are you afraid that she will see me?"

Qin Siyuan shook his head, and then said lightly: "It's just that there is no need to meet. Our matter is so long ago that it is not worth mentioning."

At that moment, Shen Wanqing's eyes were covered with mist——

During what she thought was the happiest time in her life, Qin Siyuan summed it up in four words that were not worth mentioning. She left, and before leaving, she asked him: "Did you marry Gu Mingzhu because of Gu Anxi?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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