Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1078 Hehe, I have been fooled by Gu Anxi from the beginning to the end

Chapter 1078 Hehe, I have been fooled by Gu Anxi from the beginning to the end

"Because I like it." Qin Siyuan smiled slightly: "Otherwise it wouldn't be so fast."

Later, when he went back, she sat alone in the car thinking about what he said.

Because I like it, otherwise it wouldn't be so fast.

Suddenly, she cried bitterly, and then lay on the steering wheel.

That's right, he got married so quickly because he liked it, for fear that Gu Mingzhu would fly away, and he didn't like it that much when he was engaged to him at the time, otherwise he would have been able to get married in college, but he never thought about it...

It turned out that she was the substitute for him.

Naturally, she did not complete the task, and the situation in the Wang family was even more difficult. Except for the second sister-in-law of the Wang family who was willing to talk to her, not to mention the old man and the old lady, even the servants did not take her seriously, and the word "hot and cold" was used on her Couldn't be more suitable...

Later, it was Mr. Wang who came forward and released Wang Kefu to save him from being lost. After Wang Kefu came back, he was in a bad mood, and he didn't have any thoughts of getting tired of Shen Wanqing. For a while, this life was simply...

After this incident, Wang Kefu was not angry, but very angry. He hid at home for several days and did not go out or go to the company. It was not until Mr. Wang beat him with a cane that he got up from the bed——

The old man's anger still persisted: "Look at what you look like now, don't you want to frame Anxi with bad intentions? Don't talk about getting yourself in. Now you look like a ghost or a ghost. I see you have touched a ghost recently. .”

Wang Kefu scratched a few strands of hair, "Dad, don't say it so harshly, what do you mean I framed her, I did it for her own good."

The old man sneered: "It's still for her, this brat is so smart, how can you do it for her?"

He waved his hand: "From now on, you don't care about Anxi's affairs, it's really embarrassing and embarrassing, and I let you stay with her so that you and her can learn their skills. You are good, and you can't change it if you sneak around. "

Wang Kefu felt aggrieved: "She went to the company, but apart from playing games and looking at pretty girls all over the building, I'm not as good as her." '

The old man passed by with a stick: "What are you talking about!"

After a while, he stared: "She still has this hobby?" '

Now, Wang Kefu said something human: "She just likes to watch, what can I do, but how can I learn anything like this?" '

While talking, she became angry again: "This girl is really a villain, Dad, you can see that she clearly knows what I'm thinking, and deliberately dug a hole for me to jump."

It's okay if you don't talk about it, but when you talk about the old man, you will get angry: "You are stupid, and you still have to blame people."

Wang Kefu didn't dare to say anything, and covered his head: "I'll just go to the company."

The old man said unhappily again: "The kid surnamed Qin and Anxi are also in the same way. This incident did not lessen our Wang family's threat. It is rare to be cut off after a long time."

Wang Kefu immediately asked, "Where did Anxi go?"

"They wear a pair of trousers, do you think she will help us?" The old man roared angrily, and after the roar, he asked his second son to get the quick-acting Qiuxin pill and swallowed it in one gulp, "I'm so angry, why did I raise such a stupid son like you? Even if you're stupid, don't find someone with better genes to neutralize it, it's all right now, our Wang family is over."

Shen Wanqing heard it downstairs, she could only cry secretly, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled and said, "Don't be sad, didn't even Kegui and I scolded me, it's just because we didn't live up to expectations."

She paused for a moment and then said with a smile: "Our family is so lucky. I can't have a child and bring one in my arms. Hehe, it turns out to be such a smart child. The old man and the old lady are very respectful now."

She patted Shen Wanqing's hand again: "Don't be angry, you are so talented, the children in the future must be smart."

Shen Wanqing hummed softly, and then said softly: "Sister Xiufen, what if Anxi does not let go of occupying the property of the Wang family in the future?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family laughed: "That's not very good, Anxi is so capable, we can be rich and idle together."

After finishing speaking, I didn’t say anything else, just took the sweater on the side and started knitting, saying: “Don’t think so much, give birth to the child well, I made several sets of small clothes for the child, all of which are pink and blue, you After a good birth, the child will be beautiful and cute, and the old man will definitely pay attention to it."

Shen Wanqing forced a smile: "Now I don't know if it's a man or a woman."

"Look, it must be a boy." The second sister-in-law of the Wang family said with a smile.

At this time, Shen Wanqing's heart calmed down a bit. She remembered what Qin Siyuan said. If she had succeeded in her proposal that day, Wang Kefu would probably have doubted her. affair...

She relaxed a little, but then she thought of Gu Anxi again, and she gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart.

For so long, Gu Anxi has always stood in her way no matter in Qingcheng Beicheng or Jiangcheng.

If there is no Gu Anxi...

A look of hostility appeared on Shen Wanqing's face.

Doesn't that Lu Heng like Gu Anxi very much? If... Gu Anxi is taken away by him, then the world will be clean.

Shen Wanqing clenched her hands quietly, she didn't want to be this rich and idle person, what she wanted was to control everything, she gave birth to a child and she was the eldest sister-in-law of the Wang family, she deserved everything, when Wang Kefu indulged in sex again, what would happen? She became the master of the Wang family when she was born.

She thought deeply, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family looked at her thoughtfully, and then smiled softly...

Around noon, Wang Kefu finally went to the company. Although the matter was suppressed, someone would know that Wang Kefu couldn't lift his head up and walked with his nose pinched.

When he arrived at the office, he sat there thinking for a long time and still couldn't figure it out. How could this brat Anxi guess what he wanted?And set up such a big trap?

Just thinking about it gives me a heart attack.

Later, I thought of that wonderful person Lu Heng, who was a dishonorable person after all, and couldn't help but dialed the phone again, but Lu Heng didn't answer it directly.

Wang Kefu was so angry that he threw down the phone, cursing, and when he calmed down a bit, he realized that the beauty was probably angry with him, and it seemed that he had to make some achievements before he was willing to talk to him.

For people like Wang Kefu, the more difficult it is to get started, the more greedy they become. A Shen Wanqing who was treated like a baby before now doesn't feel so fresh anymore, and I'm glad to have her in the family. She didn't dare to bother him too much in the old house.

Thinking about it like this, Wang Kefu finally felt better, and went to Gu Anxi's office to wander around again, apologizing without limit, and finally got the matter out of the way.

(End of this chapter)

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