Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1079 Hotel, encounter by chance

Chapter 1079 Hotel, encounter by chance

When he left, Gu Anxi looked at his back and smiled.

Secretary Tang stepped forward and asked softly, "What are you laughing at?"

Gu Anxi leaned on the back of the chair, and said softly: "I just can't figure out why Shen Wanqing followed him. There is no future for the naked eye, and she probably has a wrong mind recently. Having such a husband is a daily headache. "

Secretary Tang smiled: "Miss Shen may be looking at the Wang family's tens of billions of property."

Gu Anxi continued to play with her mobile phone in her hand, and thought for a while: "It depends on whether she can come out of Wang's house alive."

Secretary Tang pursed her lips and said nothing.

After get off work, Gu Anxi received a call. She took a look and found that it was Song Jiaren.

She answered with a smile: "I thought you would ignore me in the future?"

Song Jiaren's voice was cold: "I'm in the suburbs, my car tire is broken, come and pick me up."

Gu Anxi nodded understandingly: "This matter is actually the best for Chen Ming in the past. It is easy for him to change a tire, but Chen Ming is not here today, so I will come over later."

Song Jiaren hesitated for a moment before saying, "I didn't ask him to come, just come and pick me up."

Gu Anxi didn't make it difficult for her to say anything. She was living a boring life and wanted to join in the fun, so she stepped on the accelerator and went out, bought a tire and set off on the road.

When we arrived at Song Jiaren's place, it was getting dark, Song Jiaren sat in the car and got out of the car as soon as she saw her coming.

Sure enough, Chen Ming didn't come.

Gu Anxi carried the tires over and explained: "Chen Ming's kindergarten teacher is here, and he will stay for about a week. He looks very satisfied with him."

Song Jiaren's body froze, she didn't say anything, she just looked at Gu Anxi: "Do you know how to change tires?"

Gu Anxi babbled and carried it over, she was so tired that the T on her body was wet, but she didn't care too much, "When I was in the dark, I had to do everything, so compared to you, you are much happier than me."

Song Jiaren squatted next to the car with her, seeing her proficiency, couldn't help but think of what she had learned in Diablo [-]. Gu Anxi was forced to learn it within a year, and she was more proficient than her. The most she can't learn is not to eat and be locked up in a small dark room, but Gu Anxi has to go into a cage... Just thinking about it makes her feel chilly and terrified.

There was no one else here, so Gu Anxi spoke casually: "By now you must be wondering why I didn't like him after spending so long with Boqing."

As she said that, she lowered her eyes and smiled: "If it were you, you would not like him after years of torture, because you were punished by your master, and as a senior brother, Bo Qing might release a little warmth. It's normal for you to like him."

Song Jiaren looked at her, and Gu Anxi raised her eyes to look at her too. Her face was covered with sweat, but her little face looked very beautiful, without a trace of flaw. There was a half-smile in her eyebrows, and her red lips were raised. The arc will make people feel good after seeing it...

Song Jiaren was stunned for a moment, then said: "If there was no Bo Xichen, would you like him?"

"I don't like it." Gu Anxi replied very firmly, without idle hands, he took off the tires on the car one by one, and put on new ones. He really wasn't squeamish at all. At this time, Song Jiaren was on top of her. She couldn't see the shadow of the Bo family who was favored by Wang Jingyao, but only a very independent girl.

After Gu Anxi replaced the car tires, he washed his hands with water. It took him a long time to wash off the smell of engine oil, but his body was covered in stinky sweat.He straightened up, looked at Song Jiaren under the streetlight, and said softly, "You have actually forgotten about thinness, otherwise you wouldn't talk about him so calmly. In fact, you like Chen Ming. Why don't you dare admit it? You only have one chance. He thinks that little preschool teacher is very suitable for him, and he may talk about marriage in the past few days, do you really want to miss it?"

Song Jiaren's voice was a little tense: "I didn't mean that."

Gu Anxi smiled, and didn't argue with her, just got into his car: "By the way, that girl lives in your hotel, don't suspect that I did it... No, it was booked by her unit, Chen Ming I will be with you these few days, you may meet again, don't lose your temper."

As she said, she put her elbows on the edge of the car window, "Don't forget that you are the queen of Berlin, don't drop your price."

Song Jia was so angry that she slammed on the car door: "Gu Anxi, you came here just to tell me this?"

Gu Anxi stared at her, and then said after a while: "Zhou Yunchen asked me to take care of you, but I thought about it carefully, taking care of you is not to accompany you to a meal, nor is it to help you change a tire, but to let you get what you want. What you want yourself."

Song Jiaren bit her lip: "I'm in the hospital...Gu Anxi, I don't believe you don't know."

"I know." Gu Anxi smiled: "He is a piece of wood, I know that too, but even if it's a piece of wood, you still like it, you can't forget it, and you're not willing to give it away, right?"

Song Jiaren was at a loss for words, Gu Anxi turned her head and smiled, "I can't accompany you for dinner, my uncle came back early today, why don't you go back with me? Chen Ming is not here, maybe he won't come back tonight."

Song Jiaren wanted to refuse, but then she didn't know why she drove after Gu Anxi. In the lobby of the villa, she had dinner with Bo Nianyao, Bo Xichen and the perverted Manager Ma. They didn't avoid it on purpose. Opened the topic of flirtatiousness, and didn't specifically mention it, the content of the chat...was quite interesting.

It was rare for Song Jiaren to feel the warmth other than Zhou Yunchen and Shen Congwen. She really didn't want to leave, but thinking about Chen Ming living here, she just thought about it.

At about 10:30, she drove away.

Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen saw off, watching the sports car drive away, Gu Anxi leaned on Bo Xichen's shoulder, "Uncle, Chen Ming won't come back?"

Bo Xichen hummed: "I heard that my girlfriend has sprained her ankle. It's inconvenient. He has to take care of her there."

After speaking, he lowered his head, leaned close to her fair neck and smelled it, and then frowned: "Why does it smell like engine oil?"

"Is there?" Gu Anxi pretended to be stupid: "It must be because of drinking some wine."

Bo Xichen chuckled, and carried her upstairs to take a shower...

Over there, Song Jiaren was in a good mood, and drove back to the hotel. There was no night show tonight and she had a day off.

However, when she entered the elevator, she was in a bad mood and met an old acquaintance.

Chen Ming and she got into the elevator almost at the same time. After entering, he realized it was her, so he smiled and stood up straight without saying anything else. Song Jiaren looked at the pharmacy bag in his hand and the obvious supper Box, snorted softly: "Aren't you leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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