Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1080 Please, Don't Go

Chapter 1080 Please, Don't Go

Chen Ming didn't know that she had seen Gu Anxi, and scratched his head: "A friend is here."

"Isn't it your little preschool teacher? Is it necessary?" Song Jiaren said coldly, "As for staying in the same hotel as me?" '

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "The tour organized by her unit was booked by her unit."

"Which kindergarten can book a room for 5000 yuan a night?" Song Jiaren asked.

Now, Chen Ming has nothing to say, indeed... Zhou Su said that he was traveling at work, but he didn't see anyone living with her, and the room was unreasonable. The only reason was that Zhou Su knew about Song Jiaren's existence. , came here specially from Beicheng, no matter what, no matter what the reason, he still wanted to entertain.

Originally, he didn't want to stay overnight, but Zhou Su's ankle was sprained, so he had to take care of her foot until it recovered.

Chen Ming had a big heart and didn't think too much, "She sprained her foot, I'll take care of it."

Song Jiaren looked up at the red numbers and said softly, "There is no need to explain, we have nothing to do with each other."

As he said that, the number reached the 23rd floor, which was Zhou Su's floor. Chen Ming glanced at Song Jiaren, wanted to say something but didn't say anything in the end.

She was right, they had nothing to do with each other, and he didn't need to explain some things to her...

After he got out, the elevator door closed again, Song Jiaren's expression relaxed, and then she kicked the elevator. She was wearing high heels, and when she kicked like this, her foot twisted, which was very painful.

I bent down and pulled out the shoe, checked it and found that it was red.

Damn it, I probably hurt the bamboo, and I don't know if I can walk well tomorrow.

Song Jiaren limped when she walked out, and all the good mood of the night was ruined. When she entered the room, she found the medicine box, handled it skillfully for herself, then left it alone, and took out the wine in the wine cabinet. Poured myself a glass, sat on the terrace and drank slowly...

The night blows her long hair, making it softer.

She was a little lonely and bored, and wanted to call her elder brother and sister-in-law, but she was afraid that they would think too much. In the end, she actually called Gu Anxi. Anyway, she hated Gu Anxi the most, and it would be best to wake her up...

The phone rang, and Gu Anxi barely reached for the phone beside him, with a trembling voice: "Are you still awake at this late hour?"

Bo Xichen leaned close to her neck, his voice hoarse: "Just say a few words and hang up the phone."

Gu Anxi looked at him, and then listened to the conversation. Song Jiaren probably drank too much, her voice was very soft and she didn't know what to say, so she hung up the phone directly...

When the phone hung up, Gu Anxi was obviously absent-minded, and Uncle Bo pressed against her ear: "Concentrate."

She let out an oh, and obediently turned off the phone...

Song Jia over there drank for half the night, and Chen Ming on the other side was also in a state of disarray.He was not familiar with that girl, and it was fine before, but thinking about Song Jiaren being in the same hotel, he felt uncomfortable.

He treated Zhou Su's foot injury, put down his hands and asked worriedly: "If tomorrow is bad, shall I take you to the hospital?"

Zhou Su took a shower, put on the cotton pajamas she brought, and hugged her legs: "No, it's nothing serious, you have to work during the day tomorrow."

Chen Ming looked at her, and then at the time: "It's getting late, go to bed."

Zhou Su nodded, then got up and walked towards the bedroom, but after only a few steps, her feet twisted again, she bit her lip and slowly fell into the sofa.

"Let me hug you." Chen Ming said quietly, and then he picked her up horizontally and walked towards the bedroom.

Zhou Su looked up at his resolute face, and suddenly put his arms around his neck lightly, and said a little nervously, "Are you...are you not leaving?"

Chen Ming nodded slightly reservedly, and then said: "Call me when it's inconvenient for you to go to the bathroom at night, and I'll sleep on the sofa."

Zhou Su suddenly put his arms around his neck: "Chen Ming, I...I'm here this time..."

Chen Ming's face turned red suddenly, he quickly put her down, and said hastily, "I'm going to smoke a cigarette."

Zhou Su held him back: "I don't deserve to keep you here, obviously you are willing to stay here overnight."

Chen Ming took a step back, "Zhou Su, let's... this is not a good time."

After finishing speaking, she gently pushed her hand away, turned and walked outside.

Zhou Su's voice came from behind: "Are you still unable to forget her?"

Chen Ming's body froze, and after a while, he turned and stared at her: "Who are you talking about?" '

Zhou Su knelt on the bed, sniffed her nose, and smiled softly: "Song Jiaren, the actress of Berlin, the most beautiful female star in the entertainment industry, didn't you have a relationship with her?"She lives here now, you have been in contact with each other a few days ago, haven't you?Chen Ming, she and you are not from the same world, you are just her pastime when she is bored and lonely, she will never choose you in the end, can you wake up? '

Chen Ming's voice was slightly tense: "You think too much."

"I didn't think much about it." Zhou Su smiled bleakly: "I was very confident in our relationship at first, but you have been very wrong these days. '

Chen Ming lowered his voice very softly: "So you just investigate me?" '

Although Zhou Su is only a preschool teacher, her family has relatives who are quite powerful in Beicheng, so I can find out about his relationship with Song Jiaren. After all, it is not well known.

He was a little angry at this time. Although he was honest, he didn't like to be manipulated by women, but now that someone came and twisted his feet, he had to take care of him basically, otherwise his mother would be hard to explain, and the relationship between the two of them He was a little hesitant about the matter, wondering if they were suitable.

Zhou Su was frightened by his questioning, and it took him a long time to speak softly: "Chen Ming, I didn't do it on purpose, I just like you, I like you so much that I dare not take any risks, so I came here, I live in the same hotel with her, I I just want to know what weight I hold in your heart."

After finishing speaking, she moved herself forward, hugged his waist, buried her face in his broad shoulders, and said in a low voice, "We are so suitable, I don't want to give up, so I'm here."

She raised her head and closed her eyes.

She was indeed delicate and pretty. Chen Ming looked down at her for a long time, then bowed his head and kissed her ruthlessly. After a while, he left in a hurry with a messy breath.

Zhou Su was a little disappointed, and sat down on the edge of the bed: "You...don't like me?"

"I said, it's not a good time, and we've only known each other for less than a month." Chen Ming's voice was a little hoarse.

Zhou Su said quietly: "But you have known her for a few days and you have been with her, haven't you?" '

She stared into his eyes: "these days, have you been with her?"

Chen Ming's gaze faded, and then he asked: "If there is, as long as I choose to be with you, it's fine, right?"

Zhou Su pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

Chen Ming suddenly relaxed all over. He looked at her and smiled lightly: "Zhou Su, I'm sorry, we're not suitable. I'll get a room. If you have anything to do, call my cell phone."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back decisively.

Zhou Su sat there in a daze, she didn't know where she said the wrong thing or what, she was a little annoyed, took a pillow angrily and threw it towards his back: "Chen Ming, you bastard, I came here on purpose Looking for you, now you say that we are not suitable, but in fact you just want to be with her, don't you, in fact, you just can't bear her. "

(End of this chapter)

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