Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1081 Met in the hospital!i don't know you well

Chapter 1081 Met in the hospital!i don't know you well

Chen Ming stopped and caught the pillow, then turned his head and said helplessly, "No."

He just saw domineering under Zhou Su's handsome appearance. With his work and social circle, they will have a bad life in the future. At the same time, just because he gave up Zhou Su doesn't mean he's with Song Jiaren. He also thinks it's inappropriate .

Chen Ming went to the front desk downstairs and took a room, also on the 23rd floor. He was a little tired after a busy day, took a shower and fell asleep, and woke up at seven o'clock the next morning.

He has the habit of running in the morning. He got up and checked his phone, but there was no Zhou Su's call, so he put on his shirt, washed his face and went out. Unexpectedly, he ran into Song Jiaren in the elevator.

For the first time today, she wore a French princess-style shirt, a knee-length skirt underneath, and her small waist looked particularly thin. What was a little abrupt was that she wore a pair of sneakers on her feet.

Song Jiaren looked at him. There were two buttons on his shirt that were not buttoned properly, which was a bit sexy.

Chen Ming suddenly remembered that she had appeared in the hotel early in the morning, and it was on the 23rd floor again. She probably misunderstood.

He wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was unnecessary, so he just smiled lightly.

On the first floor, the elevator stopped with a ding, and then opened. Chen Ming moved aside, signaling Song Jiaren to go out first, but Song Jiaren didn't move. Instead, she took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag and put them on.

Chen Ming has been waiting for her to go out, but she has no intention of moving for a long time, until he couldn't help asking: "Why don't you go out?"

'You go out first. 'Song Jiaren's red lips were lightly parted, showing a rather glamorous and haughty air.

Chen Ming was helpless, and went out by himself without thinking too much. After he went out, Song Jia walked out while holding onto the wall next to the elevator. After walking a few steps, he frowned...

He squinted, it hurts so much.

She was supposed to be filming during the day, but her feet were really bad, so she had to go to the hospital first.

The front desk lady saw her, knew her identity, and immediately stepped forward: "Miss Song, are you injured?"

Song Jiaren shook her head: "A little bit, it's okay."

The lady at the front desk was still very enthusiastic: "Do you need us to call an ambulance for you?"

The corners of Song Jiaren's mouth twitched slightly, "Are all the people here in Jiangcheng so enthusiastic?"

Sprained foot and called an ambulance?

The lady at the front desk had a very good temper, she looked around, and then secretly took out a piece of paper: "Miss Song, I am actually a fan of your movie, can you sign it for me?"

Song Jiaren was a little speechless, but she turned sideways and signed the signature. The front desk lady's eyes lit up, she carefully put it away and said, "Don't you have an assistant?"

Of course there are Song Jiarens, but in foreign countries, there is no suitable one in China for a while, and her temper is not too good and she doesn't want to accommodate others.

The front desk whispered again: "Do you need me to ask for leave to accompany you to the hospital?"

Song Jiaren was a little surprised, and looked up at her: "You..."

She said again, "No need."

Then she straightened up and walked out, and tried her best to make her feet look less serious. She didn't like her fans to be too close to her private life, although she didn't hate this front desk lady, and even thought it was a little cute.

Going out like this, she opened the door until she got into the car, but when she started the car, she realized that her feet were inconvenient, and she couldn't even step on the accelerator. She was a little frustrated, and she lay on the steering wheel without moving for a long time. Finally, it took a long time Only then did he take out his mobile phone and open the app to call a taxi.

Sitting in the car, her feet still hurt, she frowned and swiped her phone for a while.

The driver saw that she was pretty and would tease her from time to time, but Song Jiaren ignored her.

When she arrived at the hospital, she went to the orthopedic department alone. The doctor was quite young and looked very talented. The nurse helped her sit on a chair and said gently, "Put that foot up."

Song Jiaren bit her lip and slowly raised her foot. The doctor originally wanted to ask the nurse to help her take off her shoes, but later gave up and decided to do it herself.

After taking off her sneakers, the young doctor checked her briefly, and said, "Let's go take a picture."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows: "I'll ask the nurse to bring you a wheelchair. It's best not to move around until you're sure there's no problem."

Song Jiaren nodded and said thank you.

The nurse quickly brought over the wheelchair, helped Song Jiaren up, and said with a smile, "Miss Song, let me push you over."

Song Jiaren wanted to refuse, but she really couldn't get rid of the wheelchair herself, so she had to trouble the little nurse.

The little nurse pushed her to take a film. When she came back, there were many people in the consulting room, a man and a woman. After Song Jiaren saw it clearly, she felt uncomfortable, because it was none other than Chen Ming and the kindergarten teacher. She didn't know the name.

But Chen Ming didn't see Song Jiaren, he supported the girl and said softly, "Zhou Su, are you feeling better now?"

Song Jiaren watched quietly and sneered. It turned out that her name was Zhou Su.

Zhou Su shook his head: "I'm fine, Chen Ming, you don't have to blame yourself, it has nothing to do with you, it was me who accidentally fell down again."

Chen Ming said a few more words to the doctor, and repeated: "It's just twisted, isn't it? Are you sure you don't need to take an X-ray?"

The doctor said yes, and then smiled: "Are you concerned about your girlfriend?"

Chen Ming didn't deny it, mainly because there was no need to embarrass Zhou Su outside, and then he arranged for Zhou Su to sit aside to get the medicine by himself, but when he turned around, he saw Song Jiaren.

I saw her well in the morning, but now she is sitting in a wheelchair, and her face is not very good-looking.

Chen Ming was stunned for a while, then instinctively asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Song Jiaren's voice was very light: "It's nothing! Chen Ming, don't worry about my affairs."

The doctor smiled: "So we all know each other." '

Then his eyes fell on Song Jiaren's face, and then at Chen Ming, thoughtful.

The nurse pushed Song Jiaren over, "Dr. Lin, the film is finished, you can call the examination room directly."

That doctor Lin smiled: "I'll check it on the computer."

As he spoke, he began to check, and raised his eyes to Song Jiaren and said, "Wait a minute."

Song Jiaren nodded lightly, then fell silent, and there was no expression on her face.

Chen Ming came back to his senses at this moment, and looked at the shoes on her feet again, "Why didn't you tell me when you saw me in the elevator just now?"

"Do I know you well?"

Zhou Su said cautiously: "Chen Ming only cares about you?"

Song Jiaren took off her sunglasses, her red lips raised mockingly: "Do I know you well?"

Zhou Su's face changed with anger, but he still endured it without making a sound.

But the little nurse couldn't help laughing. Ms. Song's aura is too strong, and this is probably another story of a love triangle, but it seems that this gentleman likes Ms. Song, and his eyes are all blazing. It's hard to understand, but she also likes Ms. Song, Ms. Song is much more beautiful.

When Song Jiaren spoke like this, Chen Ming was slightly dissatisfied, "Don't be so willful."

Song Jiaren put on her sunglasses again, raised her head slightly, looked him up and down like a fool, and ignored him.

At this time, the doctor finished checking the file, looked up and said seriously: "Miss Song, your toe bone has a slight fracture. Although it is not too serious, we also suggest that you rest for a month, otherwise it may become serious."

Song Jiaren frowned: "Is there no way, I have to film."

(End of this chapter)

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