Chapter 1082

At this moment, the nurse was very excited: "Miss Song, you are really that Miss Song, I really like your play, can you give me an autograph?"

"I'm in a bad mood." Song Jiaren said hesitantly.

At this moment, Chen Ming's voice was calm: "I can't talk like this even if I'm in a bad mood."

"Does it have something to do with you, Mr. Chen?" Song Jiaren's mood became even worse, her face stinky.

The little nurse at the side quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay, Miss Song can sign when she is in a better mood."

She bumped the wheelchair lightly with her body: "Actually, if Ms. Song lacks personal nurses, I can resign. I am very professional."

Chen Ming was a little dumbfounded.

Song Jiaren suddenly took out a pen and signed her name on the little nurse's uniform. The little nurse desperately restrained her joy, and was so excited that she was about to shed tears.

Only then did Song Jiaren look at Dr. Lin with a slightly arrogant voice: "Tell me, what can I do to make a film?"

Dr. Lin thought for a while, "I'll put a bandage on you, but you can only walk a few steps at most. It's best to sit or lie down at ordinary times. If you feel the pain is unbearable, you must rest. It's best to rest every other two days." Come check it out."

Song Jiaren could accept it, and then looked at the little nurse: "I have no one to take care of me here, would you like to be my life assistant, 50 a month, I will stay for about a month."

The little nurse hid her excitement, restrained herself, and said after a long time: "I am willing, I am willing, I have annual leave."

As she said that, she looked at the young doctor Lin blissfully, thinking that this doctor was her boss.

Dr. Lin smiled: "Okay, just remember to come back to work in a month."

The little nurse was so happy that she died, and then she became a little embarrassed: "Miss Song, can you also sign our doctor Lin, he also likes your drama very much, and is a loyal fan."

Song Jiaren smiled, "Really?"

Dr. Lin coughed lightly: "Next time, or when I visit Miss Song."

He's extremely measured, mostly because he's working, and it's not his place to be.

Song Jiaren had a good impression of this young doctor. He came over and squatted down, then raised his head: "I'll help you put on a simple bandage, so that the force will protect the injured area."

After finishing speaking, he gently helped her take off the shoes, he bent his knees, and she put one foot on his knees...

The doctor was very professional and did it very quickly. Song Jiaren was in some pain, but she was used to it and could bear it since she was a child, but her eyes were a little red... The little nurse beside her was extremely nervous and kept cheering her up.

These three seem to form a closed loop, and it feels like no one else can get in.

Chen Ming watched and listened quietly, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.Seeing his expression, Zhou Su's heart was overwhelmed. He also said that he had nothing to do with Song Jiaren, but seeing the doctor treat Song Jiaren's wound, his heart was probably sore.

Song Jia didn't care about them, she bandaged them up, left a phone number with the little nurse, and was about to leave.

Chen Ming stopped her: "Shall I see you off?"

Hearing this, Zhou Su clenched his hands tightly.

Both Doctor Lin and the little nurse looked at Song Jiaren.

Song Jiaren said coldly: "Mr. Chen stepped aside, he said that we have nothing to do with each other, don't be related."

Chen Ming frowned: "Your feet can't walk."

"No, I'm coming to the hospital too." Song Jiaren said coldly, and then she stopped him and walked outside. At this moment, Doctor Lin said, "Wu Cui, you should take a vacation from now on."

Nurse Wu immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, Dr. Lin."

Then he asked Song Jiaren to wait a while, and quickly changed her clothes, and quickly borrowed the wheelchair.

Song Jiaren looked at her: "Can you drive?"

"Yes. I have taken the photo for two or three years." The little nurse nodded.

Song Jiaren hummed: "Okay, let's go back to the hotel now, and you drive me to the set. I'll call you Xiaocui from now on?"

"Just call me by my name." Wu Cui smiled.

Song Jiaren looked at her with a bit of a sleazy expression, she looked quite similar to Gu Anxi sometimes, she couldn't help but look at her more, and she felt a little bit of joy in her heart, and then she disliked herself a little, why not like Gu Anxi, Take time to feel sorry for yourself.

The little nurse didn't know what she was thinking, she just thought she had a bad temper, but it didn't matter, she was cute no matter how she looked at it.

Song Jiaren was sitting in a wheelchair, the little nurse pushed her out, and Chen Ming followed.

Song Jiaren sat alone with a disability, but she was very imposing: "Stop following me, I hate mother-in-law's men."

She squinted at him: "Aren't you afraid that your kindergarten teacher will be angry?"

Chen Ming's lips parted. He wanted to explain but he still couldn't. One matter is another matter. What's the matter with him explaining to her?

He stood there, watching the little nurse push her away. It took him a long time to react.

Although she didn't say anything, she was angry with him.

Chen Ming sighed softly, and returned to the consulting room after a while. There had been a change of nurses there, and that Dr. Lin was prescribing medicine. Zhou Su sat there with a slightly tense voice: "Dr. Asking a nurse to take a month's leave, isn't it against the hospital's regulations and against medical ethics? Just because you also like Miss Song's play?"

Dr. Lin paused at the tip of his pen, and then said softly, "Because this hospital was opened by my father, I can make the decision."

Zhou Su fell silent for a moment.

Chen Ming came in and said to Zhou Su: "I got the medicine, I will take you back to the hotel."

He looked at her feet again: "Since it's inconvenient and you can't go anywhere, why don't I send you back to Beicheng?"

Zhou Su raised her head and looked at him: "My mother doesn't know that we are pornographic."

Chen Ming rubbed his nose: "Okay, then I will tell her in person some other day."

Zhou Su didn't make a sound, just turned a cold face, and said after a while: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to take care of me, Chen Ming, you don't have to force it, I can do it myself."

Chen Ming's heart was broken: why are all women like this?

Yes, he decided to have sex with her, and it is true that his personality is not suitable. Besides, due to the nature of his work, he will have to quarrel with her in the future. It is better to break up before it starts. Here for a day, he couldn't ignore the situation and reason, so he sighed: "Okay, I'll take you back to the hotel first, and find someone to take care of you first."

Zhou Su is satisfied with this arrangement. As long as she stays in Jiangcheng and Chen Ming is willing to take care of her, she will still have a chance.

She likes Chen Ming very much. Such a man will really love his wife, and it can be seen that Mr. Wang thinks highly of him.

She will never let him go.

So what if he likes Song Jiaren, but it's just a rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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