Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1083 Anxi, You Are My Big Baby

Chapter 1083 Anxi, You Are My Big Baby

Zhou Suming was only sprained, and the injury wasn't serious, but Chen Ming wanted to hug her as if she couldn't walk. Chen Ming was in a hurry, so he couldn't care much about it. He just wanted to arrange for her to go to work quickly. There is something important to do this morning.

He drove her back to the hotel, and when he took her out of the car, Song Jiaren's car passed by. Song Jiaren happened to see her sitting in the car. She was sitting upright, and the little nurse driving beside her said angrily: 'That woman is too bad, obviously her foot injury is not serious, but to put it bluntly, she is just pretending. '

Song Jiaren's voice was cold: "Drive."

She added another sentence: "They are boyfriend and girlfriend, hugging is nothing, they can still get out."

The little nurse swallowed violently. Miss Song spoke so violently that she couldn't even think of it.

Over there, Chen Ming actually saw Song Jiaren's car, and his body froze for a moment.

Zhou Su raised her head and said suddenly, "Chen Ming, do you want to chase her?"

Chen Ming glanced at her, didn't say anything, just carried her to her room, went to the front desk to find a housekeeper to take care of her, and then left.

Sitting in the car again, he leaned back, a little irritable.

Things seem to be messed up...

He was in a bad mood, disturbed, and made a lot of mistakes at work. Gu Anxi stood behind him with a cup of tea and smiled: "Why, did something earth-shattering happen when I didn't go home last night? Living with my girlfriend gone?"

Chen Ming glanced at Gu Anxi, and said helplessly: "How could it be! I just feel a little bad."

Gu Anxi suddenly said: "Song Jiaren had dinner at home last night. She didn't leave until ten o'clock. It's a pity you weren't here."

Chen Ming's body froze for a moment, then he turned sideways without making a sound.

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's not a big deal, her car tire is broken, she called me and I went to help her change a tire, and then we went back together naturally, she seemed to like Papa Bo very much. Yes, I may go there often in the future... Oh, it's unlikely, it may be inconvenient for you to be with her."

Chen Ming's eyes fell on the screen again, and his voice was hoarse: "I met her at the hotel last night."

Gu Anxi was immediately interested: "A hotel? Then Chen Ming, did you sleep at her place or Zhou Su's place last night?"

Chen Ming said unhappily: "Not at all, I took a room by myself."

After a while, he thought for a while and said, "Zhou Su and I... have nothing to say."

"Because of Song Jiaren?" Gu Anxi supported the table with one hand, rested his chin, his face was very close to him, Chen Ming turned his head to her face, and said helplessly, "No."

Gu Anxi was surprised: "What is that for?"

Chen Ming continued to work, and it took a long time before he said softly, "It's not suitable."

Gu Anxi was still smiling with his chin propped beside him: "It's really not because of Song Jiaren? I was very happy to see you a few days ago."

"I'm not that kind of person, and she doesn't like me anymore, it's all in the past." Chen Ming didn't want to say any more.

Gu Anxi stood up straight and shrugged: "Okay, I won't ask any more."

She didn't ask anymore, but the words she had asked took root in Chen Ming's heart, and she couldn't calm down...

In the afternoon, Gu Anxi got off work and asked him casually, "Are you going to stay in a hotel or go home?"

Chen Ming hesitated for a moment: "Let's go to the hotel. I want to go to Zhou Su to send it back, but she refuses and insists on staying here."

Gu Anxi smiled: "The girl is not giving up, Chen Ming, I advise you to say something clearly if you really think it's inappropriate, and explain it to her family, otherwise you will regret it in the future, girls don't As simple as you men think, if you take care of her, she will feel hopeful. '

Chen Ming looked at her, and after a while said softly: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. For example, when Song Jiaren saw you taking care of Zhou Su like this, she must have felt that you were together, and even felt that you had spent the night together last night." Gu Anxi smiled.

Chen Ming couldn't take it anymore, and frowned: "This matter has nothing to do with her."

All right, the dead duck has a tough mouth, and Gu Anxi didn't force him to admit it, so he took the things and went home.

When I drove downstairs, I saw Wang Kefu also driving away, so Gu Anxi lowered the car window, "Uncle, go home?"

Wang Kefu looked at her little face, panicked in his heart, and smiled like a candy with PISHUAING inside.He paused before saying: "There is a small entertainment, I heard it is an international superstar, by the way, Anxi, is your friend a female star?"

Gu Anxi frowned: "International superstar, Jiangcheng also has this thing?"

Then she thought it might be Song Jiaren, she pursed her lower lip, and asked him again: "Why are international superstars having dinner with you?"

Wang Kefu chuckled: "Isn't this a wealthy businessman who sponsored the film? A piece of meat is indispensable for a meal. Anxi, why are you asking this? Do you also want to go to stardom?"

Gu Anxi was quite speechless, and then she remembered something, and turned her eyes: "That's fine, then I'll go and have a look, anyway, I promised Zhou Yunchen to take care of her."

Wang Kefu was stupefied all of a sudden: "Is it really her?"

Gu Anxi's voice slowed down: "You know who Zhou Yunchen is, right? In addition, let me tell you another news. It is very likely that Zhou Yunchen will return to Wang Jingyao's office. Everything depends on his own wishes. If his The girl was bullied by you, what kind of result would you say?"

Wang Kefu wiped off his sweat, but said sincerely: "Anxi, you saved me. My uncle was blind before and didn't know that Chen Ming was also a person next to Mr. Wang. If there is too much yellow soup tonight, I will offend someone else. , wouldn’t it mean that my intestines are full of regrets?”

Gu Anxi held his chin and smiled: "Then why don't I bring Chen Ming with me? You just explain to him that everyone works together, but you can't look up and you can't see down." '

As soon as Wang Kefu heard this, he immediately got excited, "Okay, okay, Anxi, you are really my big baby."

Gu Anxi vomited to death in his heart, but he couldn't bear it on the face: "It's okay, let's stop doing this. I'm not your big baby, but the one in your family."

Wang Kefu was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head, got out of the car and walked towards Gu Anxi: "Anxi, to tell you the truth, I don't know why I was so obsessed before this, so I wanted to have sex with you." We were together when we were young, but now we are separated from your aunt, and I think of her better, at least there was a woman who took care of me when I went home, so I didn’t worry about everything, and I lived a happy life when I was young.”

Gu Anxi smiled: "Uncle is very happy now, he said that he will have a son in a few months."

(End of this chapter)

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