Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1084 Dinner!Hehe, they are all old acquaintances

Chapter 1084 Dinner!Hehe, they are all old acquaintances

Wang Kefu sighed softly: "You think I like children? Come on, you little brat doesn't understand adults' affairs. Anyway, I'm a little regretful now. If time can be turned back, I will definitely not touch her. far away."

"I'm so sad to hear that." Gu Anxi said casually, "If uncle likes children, he can take your big baby out to live, and if he doesn't, he can live with her in the house."

Wang Kefu immediately shouted: "How can I disobey what the old man wants, and besides, the old man has been bothering me recently."

Gu Anxi smiled, "Okay, your child doesn't feel bad, and I don't have to feel bad for you."

The words have been reminded, if Wang Kefu doesn't take it seriously, it will be Shen Wanqing's fate.

The words were almost finished. After Wang Kefu gave the address, he went to socialize impatiently. Gu Anxi dialed Chen Ming's number in the car. Before Chen Ming got off the phone, she hung up the phone and beckoned him to go: "accompany me Go to a bar."

Chen Ming didn't suspect him, so he sat in her car directly, and then asked, "Where are you going?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's just an ordinary dinner, Mr. Wang invited some famous people. Chen Ming, you have nothing to do, Zhou Su, do you want to arrange it?"

"Someone is taking care of her." Chen Ming smiled lightly, then knocked on the back of her chair: "I'll drive."

Gu Anxi thought about it, it was okay, so he got out of the car and exchanged places with him.

Chen Ming is a real person. He thought that Gu Anxi would not joke with him anymore after what happened last time. How could he know that this time he was tricked again. He asked while driving, "Who are you calling?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "Dr. Lu."

Chen Ming was stunned: "Lu Heng? What did you call him for?"

Gu Anxi didn't make a sound, because the phone was already connected. She asked Lu Heng calmly if he had time to attend the reception. Lu Heng was also surprised, but soon he asked, "Are you going?"

"Go, Chen Ming and I will go there." Gu Anxi said lightly, "I heard that Lin Yuan is also going there, don't you really want to see him?"

Lu Heng had already returned to the hotel, and now he took the car keys, "Give me the address, and I'll be right over."

Gu Anxi said the place and hung up the phone, and Lu Heng also hung up there. He looked at the phone and was still a little puzzled. Of course, he knew that Gu Anxi would never be peaceful. This girl has a lot of tricks, and Wang Kefu Being fooled by him and getting himself inside, the Wang family paid a lot of price.

After being dazed for a while, Lu Heng put his mobile phone into his pocket, and then he was about to set off. At this moment, Mrs. Lu came out to see her son, and then she came back and asked, "Lu Heng, why did you ask me when you came back?" Going out for a while to eat."

Lu Heng paused, "There is a dinner."

Lu Xueman said dissatisfiedly: "There is an important dinner in Jiangcheng, you have to go. Besides, your hand injury is not healed yet, so you can't drink."

Speaking of this, she became even more dissatisfied, "You were killed by that girl Gu Anxi last time after chasing Qingcheng, Lu Heng, you have to be more careful, I see that everyone in the Bo family is well-behaved , why did Xichen marry such a wicked girl, and you, Lu Heng, you have to worry about what is so good about this girl."

Lu Heng raised his hand and looked at it: "It's almost good, besides, it was an accident."

Lu Xueman was still worried: "Anyway, it's better for you to stay away from her. I don't think it will be a good thing to meet her. By the way, she won't be here tonight, right?"

Lu Heng's heart jumped, and then he smiled: "No, how could it be?"

"It's fine if you don't have one. Remember to come back earlier. Your father is not in a good mood recently." Mrs. Lu took care of her.

Speaking of Lu Ze's mood, Lu Xueman felt a little heartbroken again. Lu Ze obviously still thinks about Lin Yun, and will linger outside recently. She has seen photos of that little girl, and she more or less looks like Lin Yun when she was young. Kind of looks like.

After Mrs. Lu finished speaking, Lu Heng nodded and left. The car drove to the club he mentioned, and the waiter took him to a box on the second floor. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that it was as luxurious as the first-class club in Beicheng. , and, all old acquaintances.

Not only Gu Anxi and Chen Ming were there, but also Song Jiaren, several second- and third-tier actresses, and even Qin Siyuan and Lin Yuan were also there. What surprised him the most was that the bastard Wang Kefu was also there.

The people inside saw Lu Heng at the door with mixed surprises, especially Wang Kefu who came over with a glass of wine in surprise and joy, and his voice was trembling with excitement: "Dr. Lu, I didn't expect you to come, really..."

He was a big bastard who didn't know how to describe it. He turned his head and looked at the person over there: "I didn't even think about it, and I don't know who had the face to invite Dr. Lu here."

Lu Heng didn't expect such a big gift as soon as he came, and he felt disgusted inside, but he still had to pretend, Yushu walked towards the wind, and said as he walked, "Anxi invited me, Mr. Wang didn't know?"

After finishing speaking, he picked up a small cup and raised it slightly: "Toast Mr. Gu, it's a big surprise for me."

He is not as stupid as Wang Kefu. As soon as he saw Wang Kefu, he knew that Gu Anxi deliberately disgusted him, but he didn't particularly care about it, it was just that Wang's eyes made him uncomfortable.

Gu Anxi leaned on a set of leather sofas, and the light hit her face, she had a pretty half-smile, "I don't dare to say surprises, as long as Dr. Lu is happy."

After finishing speaking, he gestured for him to sit down, and said to Lin Yuan, "Uncle Lin, Dr. Lu, are also old acquaintances."

Lin Yuan smiled hehe, stretched out his hand and patted the back of Qin Siyuan's hand, looking very affectionate: "Boss Qin invested in a movie, but it spoiled us ordinary people. I am lucky to meet Miss Jiaren and Dr. Lu. I heard that Lu The doctor is the fifth king of diamonds, and he is very sought after."

Qin Siyuan smiled: "Mr. Lin is too much."

Lin Yuan also laughed, and then looked at Chen Ming as if there was nothing, and then continued: "Actually, Anxi called Lu Heng to come over, and he also intended to have a fight with Lu Heng, Chen Ming, what do you think, don't you?" Male talent and female appearance match well?"

Chen Ming didn't expect to be CUE directly to himself, and complained incessantly in his heart. After a while, he said, "It depends on the intention of the person involved."

Lin Yuan took a sip of the wine: "Chen Ming can't tell, you've become a clever little ghost after following Anxi for a few days, and you talk in a different way. Okay, I'll ask them."

Before he asked, Wang Kefu said nonchalantly: "I look good on the outside, but the constellations may not be compatible. Some people are compatible now, and they may not be compatible when they rise."

Gu Anxi was drinking water, and almost spit out after hearing this: "Uncle, you still know the rising sign."

(End of this chapter)

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