Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1085 After eating yellow soup, I became more courageous3000 words

Chapter 1085 After eating yellow soup, I became more courageous3000 words

Gu Anxi was drinking water, and almost spit out after hearing this: "Uncle, you still know the rising sign."

Wang Kefu said happily: "A little research."

He said bluntly: "Dr. Lu's promotion after [-], I think it is suitable to find a gentle and considerate person."

Lu Heng looked at him like that, disgusted, but his face was like a spring breeze: "How to say?"

Wang Kefu asked Song Jiaren about it again. Although Song Jiaren could blame him, it was good to think that Lu Heng could be disgusted, so he said it. Two up."

Gu Anxi suppressed a smile: "Then uncle, do some calculations about which girl here is suitable."

In the end, none of them were suitable. Wang Kefu also summed it up: "It seems that Dr. Lu's peach blossoms are relatively late, and there may be a sideways move."

I can't say this anymore, it would be a bit outrageous to say it any longer. After all, Lin Yuan is not as old as Gu Anxi, so he diverted the conversation... It's a pity that Wang Kefu didn't make any suggestions after all this What about him?

Not only was he a badass in his heart, but most of the people present were also a badass in their hearts. For example, Song Jiaren and Chen Ming didn't expect to meet at night, and it was still such an occasion.

Song Jiaren was particularly bright and charming tonight. Apart from Qin Siyuan, several investors were quite interested in her, but the actress was a little cold, and besides, she had a strong back, and no one dared to post her cold shoulders.

Song Jiaren was in a bad mood, so she wanted to drink, but when she got it, Gu Anxi took it away, and cast a glance at her: "Didn't your foot hurt, and you still drink?"

"You care about me?" Song Jiaren's voice was cold.

Gu Anxi smiled and said, "I'm in charge of you. By the way, don't think that you can be ranked second because you are a few years older than me. I have been Zhou Yunchen's younger sister longer than you, so you have to be ranked third. I take care of it."

Song Jiaren glared at her.

Gu Anxi was not angry either, and said softly, "A person, if you don't cherish yourself, who will cherish you?"

A simple sentence made Song Jiaren's nose sore and her eyes a little hot, but she was used to it after all, she didn't make a sound and just put the wine glass aside.

Only then was Gu Anxi satisfied, and after disciplining her, he chatted with Lin Yuan again. The young actors also knew Lin Yuan's identity, and talked softly around them from time to time, even boasting with Gu Anxi, who I don't know Gu Anxi's identity.

Gu Anxi also respected them quite a bit, and occasionally drank a little wine. Chen Ming was a little worried: "Can your body drink alcohol?"

Gu Anxi didn't care too much: "A little bit is fine, besides, this wine is warm."

Chen Ming was relieved when he saw her expression as usual, but Wang Kefu felt itchy in his heart. The beauty was there, but she was so cold and noble that he couldn't stand him all at once, so he could only start with Anxi.

In this kind of atmosphere, you still have to drink, and everything will be easy to talk about after drinking.

So Wang Kefu, the uncle, took Gu Anxi and kept trying to persuade him to drink. Gu Anxi tasted himself a lot of yellow soup, and after a few rounds, he lost his composure and his hands were very strong.

At this moment, an actress sang a song, a very well-known one, with a bit of charm, which attracted applause from the audience. After several cups of yellow soup, Wang Kefu's eyes became blurred, and he held the actress' hand and kept on The son agreed, and then stumbled to Lu Heng's side and grabbed his hand suddenly.

All around, there was a sudden silence.

Everyone was waiting for Lu Heng's reaction. After all, in Lu Hengshan's capacity, Mr. Wang was very rude and disrespectful.

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, and Chen Ming approached her and asked, "Is there any problem?"

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "What's the problem? He's drunk, but Lu Heng is not drunk."

Chen Ming was a little relieved, and looked over again, but saw that Lu Heng didn't pull his hand away, but looked at Wang Kefu with a half-smile: "Isn't Wang always drinking too much?"

Wang Kefu was so excited that his eyes became even blurred: "You are very sober, Dr. Lu, you don't know something. I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. I always feel like a handsome scholar written in a book. I was forced to become a famous actress, and I was amazed when I got on stage."

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to speak out, which was too much.

But Wang Kefu, Huang Tang, was still awake. He clasped his hands and said, "Dr. Lu, as long as you open your mouth and are willing to go on stage, I'm willing to give away any amount of money, and I'm willing to dissipate all the family wealth. I just ask you to sing a song."

Lu Heng chuckled, but slowly pulled his hand away, his bony fingers clinging to the body of the cup, he sipped his mouth lightly and looked sideways with his phoenix eyes: "Mr. Wang is really fascinated by opera."

"I'm very fascinated." Wang Kefu's eyes and heart were full of turmoil, and he wished to get closer, but how could it be possible with Lu Heng's status, he just held a glass of wine, took a sip, and his lips were crystal clear, making him even more charming.

Wang Kefu's eyes were glued to him with hatred, and he leaned closer and said, "How about we have a little reunion later?"

I thought that Lu Heng would reject it straight away, but what I didn't expect was that Lu Heng agreed and asked Wang Kefu to arrange a good place. At the end, Lu Heng said softly, "It's better to be in a quiet place."

Wang Kefu was terribly excited: "That's natural, that's natural." '

Gu Anxi's ears were very sharp, she heard it vaguely, and smiled——

Then he sighed: Tonight, if my uncle is not dead, he must be skinned.

She didn't say anything, she was still smiling.

The reception lasted until early in the morning. Gu Anxi was about to leave first. Chen Ming was going to see her off, but Gu Anxi turned around and said, "Uncle Lin is going to discuss things with Papa Bo. Let me go with him. You send Song Jiaren off." , besides, it’s on the way.”

Chen Ming is not a coy person, he nodded after thinking about it: "It's okay."

He looked at Song Jiaren: "I'll drive you."

Song Jiaren stood in the night with her mobile phone in her hand: "I'll ask my assistant to pick me up."

Chen Ming took her mobile phone away: "You ask a little girl to pick you up so late, she is not safe, you have to wait."

He added: "Me too."

Song Jiaren was no longer hypocritical, "Okay, thank you."

She was polite and unfamiliar, and Chen Ming didn't pay much attention to it. He opened the car door and helped her to sit in, and then he walked around to the other side and got in the car. Only then did Song Jia ask, "Is this Gu Anxi's car?"

Chen Ming put on his seat belt, and hummed: "Yes, she took Lin Yuan's car, and I drove her car."

Song Jiaren couldn't help snorting: "You are so close to her."

Chen Ming smiled: "A very good friend, Anxi didn't think much about it, so why should I think about it, besides, we gentlemen are asexual in her heart, only Professor Bo has gender."

Song Jiaren looked at him suspiciously, and then said, "You do have self-awareness."

Chen Ming smiled lowly, and continued driving without saying anything. He didn't leave until he sent her to the hotel and made arrangements. The matter of Zhou Su's separation was two different things in his mind. If Zhou Su was not suitable, it did not mean that it had something to do with Song Jiaren.

After finishing everything, Chen Ming sat in his room. He took off his shirt and left only a white vest. His body was lean. After sitting for a while, he took out his cigarette case to take out a cigarette, and leaned against the back of the chair. After smoking two cigarettes, there was a knock on the door, and he frowned, walked to the door and opened it.

As soon as it was opened, Zhou Su was standing at the door.

Chen Ming was startled for a moment, and then looked at her quietly, but she didn't make a sound, the two of them just confronted each other like this, and after a long, long time, Zhou Su said, "Did you meet Song Jiaren?"

After Chen Ming frowned, he said lightly, "Yes, I participated in a dinner."

Zhou Su's face was ugly, Chen Ming didn't explain more, but said softly, "Zhou Su, we're not suitable, if you keep guessing what I'm thinking and who you're with, you'll have a hard time."

He suddenly made a decision: Anxi is right, if he continues to be ambiguous with her like this, and if he continues to take care of her like this, she will definitely have hope, so it is better to cut the mess quickly, so he said: "I won't stay here tonight , Check out later, if you feel that life is really inconvenient, you can ask your mother to accompany you."

Then, he took a step back and bent down to her: "I'm sorry for wasting your time."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the living room, took the shirt, put it on his shoulder and put out the cigarette butt, and said sorry again when he passed by Zhou Su, at this time he probably understood that the girl's feet were not hurt at all, just To hold him back.

Although he won't be angry, there is no need to get used to it.

When he walked a little farther, Zhou Su turned around abruptly and shouted in his direction: "Chen Ming, you are just making excuses. If you didn't meet her here, everything is fine. You just like her and you just let her go." No, so you deceive yourself and me, I look down on you."

Her voice was hoarse, but he was unmoved.

Zhou Su sat down slowly and fell on the cold ground.

Chen Ming was also having a hard time. He wiped his face when he entered the elevator. He originally wanted to marry this girl. If she didn't come to Jiangcheng or waited for him to go back, they would get married after a period of time together.

He is a very simple and down-to-earth person, the little girl's twisted intestines are too troublesome for him, but there is another voice in his heart saying to him, that's not the case, you are two Biao, you don't treat Song Jiaren like that, no matter how duplicity she is, you still think she is cute, you still think she is not that annoying, and you will never leave her there to cry and leave her alone.

Chen Ming thumped the elevator with his hand, and let out a sigh of relief: "I'm an asshole."

(End of this chapter)

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