Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1086: Being Beaten to the Unable to Take Care of Herself3000 words

Chapter 1086: Being Beaten to the Unable to Take Care of Herself3000 words

After checking out the room, he got into the car and didn't leave right away. He smoked two cigarettes before driving the car away. It was already midnight when he arrived at Bo's residence. Bo Nianyao was still awake and was drinking with Lin Yuan Talk over tea.

Lin Yuan was full of ambition in middle age, and was promoted by the Bo family, but Bo Nianyao was very easy to get along with, and the two had similar interests, so they chatted late. When Chen Ming walked in, Lin Yuan laughed: "Chen Ming, you didn't have a date with a beautiful woman. Why did you come back now? Everyone said that the spring night is short. You can't do it."

"Mr. Lin, don't make fun of me." Chen Ming scratched his head and sat down, then looked upstairs: "Is Anxi asleep?"

Bo Nianyao took a sip of tea and smiled: "Kid, go to bed early."

Chen Ming went to pour a cup of tea himself, and then sat down to listen to their conversation, but after sitting for a while, someone from the Wang family came, and it must not be a good thing to come here at night.

The person who came was Axiang, with a flustered expression on his face, "Mr. Bo, our young master was injured, can you go over and have a look?"

Bo Nianyao frowned: "Wang Kefu?"

Ah Xiang pursed her mouth: "It's not who he is. He doesn't come home all day long. When he came back, he was carried back and thrown at the door. His whole body hurts when he moved. The old man said, please go and have a look. Don't worry if you don't take a look." Hospital."

Bo Nianyao looked at Lin Yuan: "He wasn't the one who ate with you, why is he being beaten now?"

Lin Yuan figured out what was going on right away, and pretended to have a sip of tea to hide his smile: "Maybe he accidentally provoked someone who shouldn't have been provoked?"

When he said that, Bo Nianyao understood a little bit, but Chen Ming, an honest person, still couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Bo Nianyao stood up and smiled: "Okay, let's go and have a look, and help if we can, after all, we live in someone else's house."

Lin Yuan clapped his hands: "I may not have seen my old comrade-in-arms for a long time, why don't we go and see together."

He paused: "Why don't you call Xi Chen together? He is more proficient in surgery than you in bruises."

While Bo Nianyao was still hesitating, Gu Anxi's voice sounded from upstairs: "Let's go together."

As she said that, she slipped off the handrail, and Bo Nianyao was so frightened that she hurried over to catch her, and then said to the noble son who came down upstairs, "Look at you, a little brat Not well taken care of."

Bo Xichen changed into a set of home clothes and looked very comfortable. He picked up Gu Anxi after stepping down slowly: "Don't be naughty in the future."

When he blamed him like this, Bo Nianyao started to talk about his son again: "She is young, so it's normal for her to be naughty."

Lin Yuan took a sip of tea and covered the corners of his upturned mouth.

Xi Chen is really difficult.

Chen Ming couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and said dully: "Well, that's better to go to Wang's house first, I heard that it's very serious from Ah Xiang."

A few people passed by, and it was indeed quite serious. Wang Kefu was lying on the sofa with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with injuries all over his body. The worst thing was that his hand might have been taken off, and he looked very miserable.

Mr. Wang hates that iron cannot be made into steel, but at the moment he doesn't care much anymore. He stepped forward to greet him: "Nian Yao, I don't dare to disturb you in the middle of the night unless it is absolutely necessary. I only hate this unsatisfactory person who makes trouble everywhere, although I hate it. I don’t want him to be disabled in the future, so I beg you to show me.”

Bo Nianyao had experienced a lot on the scene, at this moment he naturally shook hands to comfort him, and when Mr. Wang saw Lin Yuan coming over with him, he felt better again, so he asked someone to make tea, and personally led Bo Nianyao to see him.

Bo Nianyao is proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, he put his hands on his pulse and listened carefully for a while, and then said: "There is no problem inside, I'm afraid it's the pain of the flesh."

He raised Wang Kefu's arm again, and when he touched it, he howled like a pig, "It hurts, it hurts."

"I'm afraid it's taken off." Bo Nianyao got up and looked at Bo Xichen: "Xichen, you set Uncle Anxi's bones. Except for this arm, although the other parts of the bones are not taken off, there are many borrowed places. I counted enough. It's [-] yuan, if you don't come back right away, you may never come back in a few days."

Mr. Wang was dumbfounded when he heard this: "This, this is not a simple bruise, is it? The little hooligans outside are not so powerful, right?"

Bo Nianyao glanced at Wang Kefu.

Wang Kefu provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked today, and after experiencing such a serious crime, he was frightened and stupid, so he dared to say it, so although the pain was unbearable, he pretended to be stupid: "I don't know, I don't know what kind of enmity I have. .”

Bo Nianyao only smiled slightly.

Gu Anxi squatted beside him, squeezed Wang Kefu's face with his hands, and smiled: "This is not honest, who beat uncle, how could uncle not know? By the way, uncle left with Dr. Lu Henglu today, right?" , Said that he wanted to drink some wine, and asked Dr. Lu to sing you a little song, maybe Dr. Lu's hands were itchy after drinking too much."

Wang Kefu's eyes showed horror.

Firstly, the brat Anxi spoke accurately, and secondly, because of the tricks of that beauty, just being frightened made cold sweat run down his back.

But at this moment, he woke up again——

When Lu Heng went to the party, hey, it was Anxi's brat who made an appointment, so did he get beaten because of Anxi's brat's plan?

Just thinking about it, Wang Kefu's life would be worse than death, and he wanted to jump up and pinch Gu Anxi's neck to question him.But I can only think that he can't move now.

Lying in such pain, the people around him are either crying or talking, and they will mention Lu Heng more or less. People like Wang Kefu will feel ashamed...

And Shen Wanqing, who was standing by the side, kept tearing up. She was more ashamed than Wang Kefu. She always thought that he was just a man with a more romantic heart, and at most he was looking for a few women outside. As long as she has the means, she can sit firmly in Mrs. Wang But now she knows how much a person can be humiliated when the reality is cruel.

She stared at Gu Anxi suddenly, her eyes were venomous.

When Bo Xichen was setting Wang Kefu's bones, Shen Wanqing quietly moved to Gu Anxi's side and whispered, "I have something to ask you."

Gu Anxi looked around, "It's late at night, is it okay for us to be alone together?"

Shen Wanqing sullenly asked, "What's inappropriate?"

Gu Anxi clasped his hands together: "What if you roll and bump yourself somewhere and say that I hurt your child?" '

Shen Wanqing's complexion changed, and then her voice was hoarse: "I won't make fun of the ions in my stomach."

Gu Anxi nodded: "Yes. I believe it."

After speaking, she and Shen Wanqing walked to the foyer, the hazy yellow light hit Shen Wanqing's face, and her already haggard face became even more yellow at this time, she stared at Gu Anxi: "Is that that person?" Can Dr. Lu become rich?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "Is there any doubt?"

Shen Wanqing's body swayed, she managed to stabilize herself, and then asked again: "Then why did he beat Kefu?" '

Gu Anxi's smile faded: "What do you think? Shen Wanqing, don't you understand why you don't dare to admit what kind of man you found? I said earlier that my uncle is not a mortal, and everything is wrong. If you can do it, you have to touch everything. It’s not that the child in your belly can touch him and let him be a good father in peace. His wife and daughter can abandon him. What else can’t be done? .”

Shen Wanqing bit her lip, her face turned paler.

Gu Anxi looked at her, and said softly: "Isn't it a good thing? If it wasn't because he met Lu Heng, but other third-tier young actors, if he got this problem again, it might not be as simple as hurting his muscles and bones. Then Your situation is not what it is now."

Shen Wanqing was a little excited: "Do you think I care?"

'Yes, you don't care, what you care about is the wealth brought to you by the name of Mrs. Wang, but Shen Wanqing, you must know that my grandfather can't tolerate such things. Uncle let him down so much. Will he still be the main one?Don't forget that I am not only one uncle. '

These words made Shen Wanqing tremble.

That's right, apart from Wang Kefu, there is also Wang Kegui, besides, Wang Kegui has always been valued more by the old man than Kefu. When today's incident happened, the old man didn't know what to think.

Gu Anxi smiled very lightly: "If you want to get it, you have to manage it, not just have a child. Shen Wanqing, you really think that my uncle is stupid and doesn't know what you think, but it's just what you give It’s all about what he gave you, you want to be vain about the title he gave you as Mrs. Wang, you don’t care about the chaos in the family, you don’t want a good husband, you pamper him, he didn’t let you down, did he?”

For a while, Shen Wanqing couldn't say a word to refute, but just looked at Gu Anxi.

After a long time, she asked gently: "Is all this related to you?"

Gu Anxi put his hands in his pockets and shook his body: "Joke, what does it have to do with me? Shen Wanqing, why do you associate everything with me? Oh, Wang Kefu has been my uncle for [-] years, although It’s nothing like that... It’s not that you hooked up with him and I recognize this uncle again, and the causal relationship should be done well, so that everyone in the world is not plotting against you.”

After finishing speaking, she was not interested in saying anything more to Shen Wanqing. What was the point? She was just a woman who was more and more succumbing to life. In this regard, she was not as good as Aunt Chen. Aunt Chen was at least content to earn a share with her hands Life.

Gu Anxi went back to the living room first, leaving Shen Wanqing standing there alone. After a while, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family came over and patted her on the shoulder thoughtfully: "Anxi speaks louder, don't take it to heart."

Shen Wanqing originally had mixed feelings in her heart, and she was also wary of Wang Kegui and his wife, but it was Wang Kegui's second sister-in-law who comforted her at this fragile moment, and she couldn't help saying, "Sister Xiufen, I... You are the only one who cares about me at home."

Gu Xiufen smiled: "What are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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