Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1087 Uncle, I want a child too3000 words

Chapter 1087 Uncle, I want a child too3000 words

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family caressed her hair tenderly, and sighed: "Boss loves you very much, this time he was confused, and the old man will definitely discipline him later, but... I don't blame my sister for saying harsh words, you It's time to take care of the boss. It's fine to find a woman outside before. The old man can't handle it with a blind eye. hurt myself."

She said earnestly: "My good sister, the boss and you are tied to the same rope, we both prosper and we all suffer together."

Shen Wanqing's previous precautions against her all collapsed at this moment, she leaned on the shoulder of the second sister-in-law of the Wang family, and couldn't help crying weakly, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family coaxed her for a while, and then it was over.

Over there, when Gu Anxi walked into the hall, Bo Xichen was still setting Wang Kefu's bones. Wang Kefu hummed weakly at first, and then howled like he was killing a pig when he got stronger... Hearing that, Mr. Wang felt a little distressed.

Bo Nianyao drank hot tea and said, "Don't worry, old man, it's just a small scene."

The old man looked at the scene suspiciously, and wiped off his sweat: "Xi Chen is really strong, can he handle it by himself?"

Bo Nianyao smiled: "Of course it is possible. Xichen's hands are a bit stronger, but he can cure all diseases. If you suffer a little now, you will be rich and benefit for life."

He added: "Jiangcheng doesn't have such a good doctor."

This made Mr. Wang nod his head, and as soon as his heart relaxed, he began to criticize his son again: "Who is not good at provoking you to provoke someone surnamed Lu? You know that the ancestor surnamed Lu was from Jiangcheng, and the whole family is said to be poisonous." , who dares to provoke them, you'd better join them."

The more the old man talked, the more angry he became: "Well, tomorrow you and Kegui will change positions in the company. You will be the vice president, and Kegui will be the boss."

After speaking, she was still puzzled, looked at Shen Wanqing who had just walked in, "From now on, my man still has to take care of it, it doesn't mean that you have no responsibility at all."

Shen Wanqing felt better, but at this moment she felt like crying again, so she forcibly held back and said hello.

The old man felt that his family's ugliness was publicized, so he smiled uncomfortably, pointed at the tea and said to Bo Nianyao, "I'm laughing, drink tea."

Bo Nianyao is very open-minded: "If people don't flirt with young people, the old man should not take it to heart."

Mr. Wang sighed softly: "That being said, it's really hard to think about it. Nianyao, you are so lucky, Xichen is so outstanding, and Anxi married into your family again. I really don't worry about it at all. "

Bo Nianyao felt very comfortable, beckoned Gu Anxi to sit down beside her, and asked her if she was sleepy, if she was sleepy, go back to sleep first, Gu Anxi was refreshed, Wang Kefu told her to be natural like a pig.

Seeing that she didn't go back, Bo Nianyao didn't force him, knowing that this little brat liked to watch the excitement.

The treatment didn't end until three o'clock at night. At the end, Wang Kefu was really paralyzed like a dead pig, unable to get up, which looked pitiful.

Bo Xichen prescribed the medicine, and asked the old man to send someone to the pharmacy to buy it for him. Old man Wang asked, "Do you want to be hospitalized?"

"No, just don't use too much force for half a month." Bo Xichen smiled lightly, and then smelled the smell of sweat on his body.

Seeing that it was almost done, Bo Nianyao got up and said, "Okay, then we'll go back first."

Mr. Wang sent it to the door gratefully: "I'm really bothering you, if it weren't for Xichen Kefu, I don't know what I would suffer."

When he said this, Shen Wanqing felt very uncomfortable, and waited until the person left before saying: "The old man doesn't want to think about whether Gu Anxi did this, tonight Gu Anxi and Kefu are having dinner together."

Hearing this, the old man glared at her, feeling very displeased, but he did have something to ask Wang Kefu.

At this moment, Wang Kefu felt better, sat up slowly, took a breath and said: "It has nothing to do with Anxi, I asked her to come over for dinner."

Shen Wanqing's lips parted, unable to speak.

And even though Wang Kefu said this, he knew clearly in his heart that those cups of yellow soup were the fault, and those cups of yellow soup were poured by that brat Gu Anxi... But how dare he say these things at home, It's really embarrassing...

On the other side, Gu Anxi and his group went back to the villa and fell asleep. Lin Yuan's driver came to pick him up and picked him up. Chen Ming wanted to smoke in the room alone.

Upstairs, Gu Anxi lay on the sofa and waited for Bo Xichen. He was taking a shower and came out in about 10 minutes. He wiped his hair with a towel in one hand and came out. Seeing that she was still asleep, she sat down, "Why are you still doing this?"

Gu Anxi said softly: "Isn't the experiment at the second stage? I want to try the unmanned workshop."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Aren't the equipment in Wang's company useless?"

"It's useful, in case I can't get it out, I can only settle for the next best thing." She smiled, and then sat up, with a contemplative expression on her face: "Uncle, I looked at the experimental data the other day, and before synthesizing Are the ingredients too dangerous, not only toxic to the human body but also a certain degree of explosion risk.”

Bo Xichen nodded: "That's right, your father Bo and I are thinking about how to overcome this problem recently. Your unmanned workshop is correct, all robots operate, and we are thinking about supplying it from a third party. We will choose a place." Even if there is an accident in some places, there will be no casualties."

Gu Anxi was thoughtful, and after a while she said softly: "Where is the Lu family?"

She paused and said, "Uncle, did we make a mistake and shouldn't let them start in the first place?"

Bo Xichen sighed helplessly: "Jiang Chaoge has been unable to stop the Lu family since he got the project information. The only way is to let them study on the bright side. Everything is under our control. If we declare that the ownership of the project is ours, Lu Ze Lu Heng studied it in private and didn't know what happened."

Gu Anxi stared at him, and understood immediately, and said after a long time: "That's because the old brother can't tolerate them?"

Her eyes widened: "Jiang Chaoge is just a tool, what old brother really wants to deal with is Jiang Bin and the Lu family, right?"

At this time, Bo Xichen didn't hide her anymore, and said softly: "Yes, Mr. Wang has been unable to tolerate them since he came back from the Lu family."

Wang Jingyao is going to take this project, and Mr. Wang from the Jiang family and the Lu family will also take it.

Gu Anxi couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, and then asked softly, "What will happen to Jiang Chaoge?"

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "It depends on how Mr. Wang decides, and also depends on her attitude after the incident is exposed later. If she insists on standing with the Jiang family and committing crimes, she may end up like Lu Heng and his son."

Gu Anxi didn't make any more noise, but just moved over and gently leaned her small body into his arms.

Bo Xichen said in a low voice, "Sleep."

But she put her arms around his neck, refusing to move, and spoke again after a while: "Uncle, once I thought it was very hard for us to be together."

She smiled embarrassedly: "But now it seems that it is quite easy for us."

Bo Xichen lowered his head, pinched her tender little face, and smiled lightly: "Isn't it because you are more infatuated with me?" '

"Uncle Bo!" She got angry and thumped his lower abdomen, and he pretended to be in pain.

At this moment, Gu Anxi smiled, very happily: "Uncle, Chen Ming broke up with the kindergarten teacher."

He tapped her: 'It's weird. '

She lay in his arms, played with the belt around his waist with her small hands, and said limply: "Do you think he will be with Song Jiaren again? They obviously like each other, but whoever has a stubborn mouth?" And refuse to admit it."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "If we really like each other, of course we will be together."

Gu Anxi yawned: "Uncle, you really don't have the spirit of gossip."

She looked like she was going to sleep, so he carried her to the bedroom and put her away carefully. He thought she was asleep, but as soon as she lay down, she put her arms around his neck and murmured: "You said Why do other people have children so easily..."

Bo Xichen's heart ached, and he wanted to say something, but she was already asleep.

He let out a long breath, stretched out his hand to cover the quilt for her, and went to the balcony to smoke a cigarette by himself before coming back to sleep...

Early the next morning, Gu Anxi seemed to have forgotten what happened last night, and everything was as usual.

Bo Xichen hesitated to speak, but on the way to the laboratory, he told Bo Nianyao about it lightly, and Bo Nianyao smiled: "You put pressure on her, your mother and I agreed not to urge her for two years. , Zai Zai is not in good health, so you have to take good care of it.”

Bo Xichen was driving the car, smiling: "Maybe she wants to be a mother herself after watching other people get pregnant."

In Bo Nianyao's mind, he fantasized about a child who looked like Anxi or Xichen, but he felt that no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of a ten-thousandth chance of that child... At this moment, Bo Xichen said: "I plan to celebrate the new year." We're going to have a baby, and Anxi's body is almost ready by then."

Bo Nianyao thought about it carefully, and then calculated, "It's fine."

As they talked, they chatted about other things, which were related to the experiment, and Bo Xichen talked about Gu Anxi's recent busy affairs. Bo Nianyao was both surprised and happy, and couldn't help admiring: "This is great, Zai Zai is really a genius, by the way, Xi Chen, will you feel pressure?"

While driving, Bo Xichen said very calmly: "Anxi listens to me very much. If you have something good to invent, you will be the first to come over and show it to me."

Bo Nianyao's heart; MMP, I just cared about you, but you fed me dog food.


River City Hotel.

Lu Heng got up early in the morning, feeling a little dizzy. Mrs. Lu thoughtfully brought him a cup of tea, and then complained: "Your father can't see anyone all day long, and Lu Heng, you didn't come back until midnight."

She thoughtfully pressed her son's head: "Who was entertaining last night, and your father still asked about you when he came back so late."

(End of this chapter)

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