Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1088 My dream is broken, who will pay for it? 3000 words

Chapter 1088 My dream is broken, who will pay for it? 3000 words

Just as he was talking, Lu Ze came out of the bedroom with an uneasy expression on his face.

Lu Heng called him, and Lu Ze sat on the sofa and read the morning paper, and then asked, "Where did you go last night?"

Lu Heng paused before saying, "I went to a dinner party last night."

Lu Heng glanced at him and said, "Who is there?"

At this time, Lu Heng guessed that he knew something, so he didn't lie: "Lin Yuan, there are several investors and actresses."

Lu Ze folded the newspaper and continued to read, and said slowly: "I heard that Gu Anxi and Chen Ming also went, and the Wang family... Didn't you say that he can help us take down the Wang family's factories and equipment? ?”

Lu Heng's voice tensed slightly: "Maybe he can't."

Lu Ze put down the newspaper and said very flatly, "Then why do you still want to associate with this kind of person?"

Lu Heng lowered his eyes: "It won't happen in the future."

Lu Ze still didn't let him go, and said softly, "But I heard that you beat him to death last night, didn't you?"

"That's because..." Lu Heng wanted to argue.

Lu Ze got up, walked towards the dining table, and said as he walked, "Didn't Lu Heng feel that his hands were dirty when dealing with this kind of person?" '

Like the Bo family, the Lu family has a family history of hundreds of years, so Lu Ze has always been arrogant. A vulgar person like Wang Kefu doesn't stand out at all, and he feels that his son doesn't need to pay attention to him.

Lu Heng sat over silently and said after a while, "I really can't bear it."

I thought Lu Ze would blame him. He has always been strict with himself, but what he didn't expect was that Lu Ze let it go lightly, "That's fine."

After speaking, have breakfast quietly.

At this moment, Lu Xueman came over, sat next to Lu Heng and brought him a sandwich, and said: "The hand is not healed, and there was a fight, I will go to the hospital to have a look at it later."

Lu Ze looked at his son, then said lightly: "It's too impulsive."

Lu Heng didn't make a sound, but Lu Ze said, "By the way, that Song Jia is Zhou Yunchen's sister, isn't she?"

Lu Heng's heart skipped a beat: "Father."

Lu Ze looked at him seriously: "I heard that she is 28 years old, about the same age as you. Lu Heng, if you have time, spend time with her. I heard that her foot was injured. Girls always need to take care of her."

Lu Heng didn't want to speak because he didn't want to, and Lu Xueman spoke for him: "Lu Ze, it's better for him to be the master of his son's life."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was scolded by his husband: "Do you think that Lu Heng's future wives are just wives?"Do you know who Zhou Yunchen is? '

Lu Xueman didn't understand.

She didn't dare to ask.

Lu Ze's voice was cold: "Zhou Yunchen is Mr. Wang's promising successor, but there were some conflicts before, but now they are reconciled. Seeing that Zhou Yunchen is going back to the office again, with Gu Anxi on the floor His position will be absolutely stable in the future, Lu Heng, do you still think Song Jiaren is insignificant now?"

Lu Heng took a sip of milk: "As far as I know, she has her own heart."

Lu Ze also heard about it a little bit, and said indifferently: "The fickleness is gone, it's not a threat,"

He paused before saying: "Thinking is indeed a talent... To make such a big commotion, if it wasn't for Gu Anxi's appearance, maybe he would have succeeded."

Lu Ze is very experienced. Others may not know these things, but Lu Ze does.

Because he knew that he didn't take it seriously, but Lu Heng said, "It's not fickle."

Lu Ze was surprised: "Who is not fickle, who has such a great charm?"

Lu Heng looked at his father and said softly, "Chen Ming."

"Chen Ming?" Lu Ze frowned. "Are you right? I remember that he is also someone close to Wang Jingyao, and his appearance is not particularly outstanding. He is a rough person. What attracts Song Jiaren?"

Lu Heng expressionless: "Probably because I like it."

When he saw their relationship last night, they were awkward, and he could tell at a glance, so he was sure that now his father asked him to intervene between others, he was unwilling, and besides, he didn't like Song Jiaren's character.

Lu Ze is also an old ginger, how could he not understand his son's intentions?

But I didn't say any more, instead I raised another question: "Wang Kefu must be taken. In addition, Lu Heng, you also know the pros and cons of this project. Some problems can't be solved for the time being..."

Lu Heng clenched the hand holding the milk cup: "Father means..."

"It's time to find workers to put more money in, in case someone dies..." Lu Ze said coldly: "There is nothing that money can't settle."

Lu Heng was still trying to convince him: "Father, it's not yet that time. Maybe we can think of a way."

Lu Ze narrowed his eyes and glanced at his son, and then said: "Lu Heng, you are thinking too simply. It is not wrong for you to think about those people, but have you ever thought about it? The Bo family must also study this project. We put Time wasted on this, if the opponent is faster than us, and they have Wang Jingyao as their backer, then we will be a step slower, and the bamboo basket will be empty."

After saying that, Lu Ze got up, lit a cigarette, walked to the sofa and sat down, and said without hesitation: "Now we just want to be fast, even if it is dangerous in the middle, even if it is overbearing, we must develop it first."

Lu Heng lowered his eyes: "Didn't father want to replace the Bo family's name forever?"

Lu Ze sneered: "History has always been decided by the king. When the Bo family falls and our Lu family becomes the savior, who cares?"

Lu Heng remained silent, without any expression on his face.

Lu Ze got up and went to pat him on the shoulder again, "Lu Heng, you were not like this before, you are very much like your father, and you will never be soft-hearted."

He moved closer and lowered his voice: "Lu Heng, only successful men can get what they want."

Lu Heng's eyes tightened, and he immediately understood what he meant.

Mrs. Lu's heart was also tense. She looked at her husband and didn't understand what he wanted to do.

She thinks he is dangerous.

At this moment, Lu Heng went out first. Mrs. Lu went to help her husband by pressing his shoulders, and she couldn't help but said after a while: "This kid Lu Heng doesn't like girls so easily, Lu Ze, you will make him even more reluctant to let it go." .”

Lu Ze snorted softly: "What do you know? You don't know about men."

Mrs. Lu's face froze, and she was about to say something, but Lu Ze also went out soon, leaving her alone.

She was alone, very lonely, her husband didn't love her son and he wasn't very close to her son, and Lu Ze's words just now were full of ambition, and this ambition included women.

Lin Yun is Lu Ze's ambition.

This made Madam Lu unbearable.

But no matter how much she couldn't bear it, she couldn't change anything, because she depended on her husband to survive... Without Lu Ze, she was nothing.

Downstairs in the hotel, Lu Heng opened the car door and got into the car. Instead of driving immediately, he quietly raised his hand. That hand was about to heal, but he would rather not.He beat Wang Kefu to death last night, but who knew that he was also venting his anger, because Gu Anxi obviously knew everything, but he still made Wang Kefu half drunk, Lu Heng felt that his sincerity had been trampled on. Trampled on the ground... Of course, someone has to pay the price, and Wang Kefu just happened to be that unlucky person.

Lu Heng drove to the laboratory, but Lu Ze didn't come. He was probably busy with other things. Jiang Chaoge was there. When she saw Lu Heng coming over, she immediately stood up from her chair, "Senior Brother Lu."

Lu Heng went to sit down, Jiang Chaoge was a little anxious: "Brother Lu, what did uncle say?" '

Lu Heng looked up at her, and said softly: "He... Chaoge, we still have to buy more time, after all, you know the situation at the Bo family, and they will probably have produced it by the end of the lawsuit, so we have to It will be produced and launched for the first time.”

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "But we can report their illegal operation now, they don't have a project authorization letter."

"But they have Wang Jingyao." Lu Heng pursed his lips tightly: "It's not like you don't know that guy's methods."

Jiang Chaoge still couldn't accept it: "But if we can't solve the two important problems in the early stage, people will die, and a large number of workers may get sick later."

Lu Heng stared into her eyes: "Then you mean to give up such a good opportunity? Chaoge, if you want to succeed, you have to give up something."

"Conscience?" Jiang Chaoge shook his head: "When the time comes, those people will be ordinary people."

"We can afford it." Lu Heng said lightly.

Jiang Chaoge was stunned again, and then said after a long time: "Have you decided? No, I want to tell Uncle Jiang that I am fully responsible for this project, and I have the right to say no."

Lu Heng frowned slightly, and was about to say something, but at this moment Lu Ze came in. He probably heard this, smiled coldly, and walked towards Jiang Chaoge step by step.

Jiang Chaoge was usually a little afraid of him, but this was the first time he saw such an expression.

Lu Ze walked up to Jiang Chaoge and said softly, "Jiang Bin has given me full responsibility for this project. Chaoge, you are just a decoration here."

Jiang Chaoge didn't believe it: "Impossible, my uncle only trusts me."

"Jiang Bin only believes in those who agree with his ideas. You are too impulsive." Lu Ze sneered.

Jiang Chaoge still didn't believe it, so she dialed Jiang Bin's cell phone with trembling hands, but Jiang Bin seemed to know what she wanted to ask after dialing, and said very simply and directly: "Chaoge, from now on, you can do whatever Uncle Lu wants you to do. Everything is predicated on him.”

Jiang Chaoge said quickly: "But as long as you give me time, I can make a safer finished product without side effects."

Jiang Bin only threw a few words to her: "I only look at benefits, and Lu Ze can bring me benefits."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and there was a beeping sound from the phone. Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a long time before looking up at Lu Ze and Lu Heng, "Aren't you doctors?"

(End of this chapter)

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