Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1089 We Are All But Marionettes3000 words

Chapter 1089 We Are All But Marionettes3000 words

Lu Ze chuckled, took a document from an assistant at the side, and threw it in front of Jiang Chaoge: "This is your information, and there are a lot of your deeds on it. You almost killed Wang Jingyao's father when he was transferred to another hospital. And the medical accident you had in the UK, don’t think that no one knows about it unless you’re in China, Chaoge, Uncle Lu believes that you can handle these things with ease, so now you won’t go against Uncle Lu for any moral reasons, right?”

After finishing speaking, he dropped the document, and gently twirled the wrench in his hand: "Almost no one who is against me is living a good life in this world."

Jiang Chaoge's heart was beating very fast, and she felt terrible looking at the man in front of her.And the most frightening Jiang Bin hit it off with him. The medical project she had been thinking about to turn over has now become a ticking time bomb. This man wants to use human life as a test product.

Lu Ze looked at the expression on her face, smiled lovingly, and then patted her on the shoulder: "Chao Ge, this is only temporary, we can modify it later... In the end we will gain both fame and fortune, everyone They will all worship us, won't they?"

Jiang Chaoge looked at Lu Ze's madness hidden under the calm smile, took a step back, and shook his head gently, "I also want to gain fame and fortune, but this is too far beyond my limit."

"Yes, break through your own limit... that will be invincible." Lu Ze smiled slightly: "From now on, you will understand that Uncle Lu is right."

Jiang Chaoge murmured: "But isn't the Bo family also gaining both fame and wealth?"

As soon as Bo Nianyao of the Bo family was mentioned, Lu Ze's face was distorted with jealousy. He smiled and said sinisterly: "No matter how good the Bo family is, you can't look back at Chaoge. Don't forget that you are on the same boat as us now." That's right, do you want to run away? How is it possible? You signed this project from the beginning, so..."

He gently patted Jiang Chaoge's face: "Be good, otherwise I don't know how I will treat you if you betray our experimental results."

Jiang Chaoge stared blankly at the person in front of her, and suddenly, she looked at Lu Heng.

Lu Heng was still very calm.

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "I know now, I'm just a springboard, right? If I win this project, it's basically useless, and you and my uncle hit it off right away. You never thought of making money in a proper way, but I want to get huge profits as soon as possible.”

"You can put it this way." Lu Ze smiled lightly: "Now that you know, you are going to expose us? Don't forget that you will not escape if you are the first one, and your uncle will let you go? Think about the 50 billion investment Is it that you can afford it?"

Jiang Chaoge fell silent.

Lu Ze's tone was gentler: "So, standing with us will ultimately benefit you."

There was some deep meaning in his eyes: "Don't talk about how much integrity you have. Isn't fame and fortune what you pursued? How did you get it, where did you get it, and how many people you sacrificed? What does it matter? Bright."

Jiang Chaoge was taught a lesson, and then she found that she no longer had access to the core data, Lu Ze dominated everything, and even Lu Heng had no control over many things.

At night, she asked Lu Heng to have a drink together, and Lu Heng frowned.

Jiang Chaoge said very indifferently and bitterly: "Brother Lu, with such a big shock today, don't you want to have a drink with me?" '

Lu Heng looked at her quietly, Jiang Chaoge moved closer to him, and said in a low voice, "Don't look at me like this, it makes me feel very pitiful. In fact, why aren't you a marionette in uncle's hands?"

Lu Heng's voice was cold: "I'm not."

"No?" Jiang Chaoge laughed mockingly: "Senior brother Lu, you are just lying to yourself."

Lu Heng's eyes turned cold.

An hour later, they were sitting in front of a bar in Jiangcheng. Jiang Chaoge drank a lot of wine, which strengthened her courage. She used to be afraid of Lu Heng, but now she became more daring. Looking at Lu Heng, he smiled, "Brother, did we take an oath when we were studying medicine, didn't we..."

Lu Heng didn't speak, but lowered his head, gently playing with the mug with his slender and beautiful fingers.

Suddenly, Jiang Chaoge held his face in his hands and lifted it up.

Lu Heng was a little angry, he didn't like others to touch him.

Jiang Chaoge's hands were not weak, pinching the flesh of his handsome face with his fingers, looking straight at him, and said half-drunk: "Senior brother, I did some bad things If you want to use a man to climb up, it's all because the past was too bitter..."

She let him go suddenly, holding the wine glass, "I like Senior Brother Bo, I have loved him with all my heart, but I also know that someone with my status will not be able to marry the Bo family, so I tried my best to think about becoming a blockbuster in the future, but I Before he worked hard enough, he brought Gu Anxi back...'

She raised her eyes and looked at Lu Heng with a smirk: "It doesn't matter. Without Brother Bo, I met Mr. Wang again. He is a powerful, good-looking man who can coax women. I like him not only because of his power." Ah, it's also because of him, but...just when I thought he would marry me, he announced Lin Hua as his wife."

She drank the wine in the glass in one sip: "I have become a joke of the whole North City."

After finishing the drink, he collapsed on the bar counter, looking sideways at Lu Heng, "This project is all my hope. I want to live like a human being. I think my mother can be upright when she goes out... I have Is it wrong, I have nothing wrong, but now you, you are telling me that this project is a joke like my life, and what I want is not the same thing as reality."

As she spoke, she stretched out a hand to lightly touch Lu Heng's face, and murmured: "Lu Heng, tell me, how did you submit? How did he distort your three views when you were a child? I think I have already Bad enough to be unscrupulous, but I didn't expect anyone to be so bad that in his eyes, other people's lives are equated with money."

She closed her eyes in pain: "Is the scalpel in our hands going to stab those innocent people?"

Her world collapsed. She thought she could become a master through hard work, but she fell into an extremely dirty circle, which was too far from what she thought.... She began to be a little scared, and even more At a loss, she wanted to grab something, but she found that she had nothing.

Jiang Chaoge smiled softly, tears were in the corners of his eyes under the crystal lamp, they were the tears of broken dreams.

She drank a lot of wine, and drank recklessly, and she didn't want to cherish herself anymore.

Her life was ruined because she knew she had no way out...

50 billion, enough to make her and her mother... die countless times.

Lu Heng has been watching her quietly without saying a word.

He is a man with a hard heart, because he has suffered a lot since he was a child, and he has seen much more than her. He has long been a numb person, and at this time, Jiang Chaoge revealed the truth. A layer of numbness reminded him of the unbearable past.

Those were unbearable, with blood and blood, painful groans, and the despair of many, many innocent people, but no matter how desperate and crying those people were, they could not escape the fate of being treated as experimental products.

Those are things that Lu Heng has been exposed to since he was five years old.

He didn't know if Jiang Chaoge would go through this, but she already knew too much at this moment, his father would not let her go... The scalpel in her hand was either stabbing innocent people or stabbing herself.

Because of this, Lu Heng had some patience with her for the first time, perhaps because Jiang Chaoge was a shrunken version of himself.He watched her drink glass after glass of wine, and occasionally had a drink.

It was late at night, Jiang Chaoge was drunk, and Lu Heng also drank a lot of wine.

In the aisle of the bar, it was dark and hot, and under the dim light, two figures overlapped each other...

Lu Heng didn't wake up until ten o'clock in the morning. He was woken up by the phone.

Picking up the phone and taking a look, it was his father calling, so he answered, "Dad."

Lu Ze's voice was tense: "Where did you go, Lu Heng? Your mother said you didn't come back all night."

Holding the phone, Lu Heng slowly sat up, looked at the sleeping person beside him, and said, "I'm in Beicheng, and I have some things to deal with."

Lu Ze's tone softened: "That's right."

Then he paused: "By the way, Chao Ge didn't come to the lab today, did you see her?"

Lu Ze was a little apprehensive: "This girl is afraid, and then ran to Beicheng to sue us in front of Wang Jingyao?"

Lu Heng stared at the sleeping person and coughed lightly: "Probably not, maybe it takes time to be in a bad mood."

"That's right," Lu Ze didn't have any doubts, "Alright, Lu Heng, anyway, pay attention to her, she's no better than our family, and you should go back to Jiangcheng as soon as you finish your business."

Lu Heng nodded.

After hanging up the phone, he threw the phone aside, took out a cigarette case from his trousers pocket on the carpet, leaned against the bed and smoked a cigarette, and when he was about to finish smoking, he saw Jiang Chaoge woke up, he got up without saying anything Went to the bathroom.

Jiang Chaoge sat on the bed alone, a little dazed, she hadn't fully woken up yet after drinking the tea.

Hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, she looked at the messy scene in the bedroom again, and only then did she understand what happened.

Covering her head with her hands, she was a little unwilling to accept this fact, but she had to accept it no matter how unwilling she was. She went to the bathroom after Lu Heng walked out to the living room outside, and washed for a long time before going out wrapped in a bathrobe.

Sitting opposite Lu Heng, she hesitated for a while before saying, "Lu Heng, I drank too much last night."

Lu Heng was smoking a cigarette with a dignified appearance. He didn't look at her and just said softly, "I drank too much, too."

Jiang Chaoge didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, Lu Heng suddenly raised his eyes again, "Jiang Chaoge, don't you want me to be responsible?"

He knew that he was not her first man to ask this question. He didn't like her either, but maybe he asked because he thought she was pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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