Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1090 I Just Came to Take a Bath3000 words

Chapter 1090 I Just Came to Take a Bath3000 words

Jiang Chaoge was obviously stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, we are all adults."

She is not stupid, she has been suppressed and controlled by Lu Ze now, if she dares to touch his son again, the end will not be good, she heard that Lu Ze intends to climb Zhou Yunchen.

Since she refused, Lu Heng didn't force it, but he wasn't a free eater either. After thinking about it, "I'll buy you a flat in Beicheng."

He didn't say anything else, he went back to the bedroom and changed his clothes. When he came out again, he had already changed his cold face: "I hope this matter will not affect our cooperation, and I also don't want the first Three people know."

Jiang Chaoge pursed his lips and said in a tense voice, "Don't worry, Senior Brother Lu."

Lu Heng left quickly, but what he didn't expect was that he met an acquaintance in the elevator.

It was none other than Wang Kefu who was beaten to death by him.

Wang Kefu's injury was healed, but he couldn't hurt his muscles and bones. He really didn't know how to live or die in the hotel at the moment. Lu Heng just gave him a cold look, and the very sexy girl in his arms.

When Wang Kefu saw him, he immediately let go of the little girl in his arms and sent her away.

After the elevator closed again, he said to Lu Heng with a playful smile: "The one who came for the massage just now has a good technique."

He was flattering like this, and looked at Lu Heng's face carefully, obviously he was the one who was beaten and hated Lu Heng very much in his heart, but he had no choice but to let his heart soften when he saw it, so how could he hate him.

Lu Heng has always looked down on him, and just glanced at him, then stood up straight.

Wang Ke is as rich as a fine man, and also a seasoned veteran. When we met at the hotel, there was still a little romance in the eyes of the other party. What do you not understand now?

So, Wang Kefu licked his face, drooling: "Who did Dr. Lu reward?"

Lu Heng lowered his eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Wang Kefu smiled maliciously: "Otherwise, Dr. Lu came here to take a bath."

He boldly approached and smelled it, "It smells like hotel shower gel." It's just that he didn't know which woman was cheaper.

Lu Heng didn't want to pay attention to him, and walked out when the elevator arrived, but Wang Kefu followed like a follower, licking and explaining: "I was rude that day, and you treated me badly, Lu Heng Doctor, let's even it out, okay, I promise not to say a word when I see you today."

Lu Heng sneered: "Do you think I will be afraid of you talking?"

Wang Kefu posted it shamelessly: "You probably seldom get close to women, right? Are you high-sighted? Still thinking about my niece? Let me tell you, the wine that day was poured by someone else or Anxi, otherwise I would Don't lose your temper, you think she has hurt you like this, why do you still think about her in your heart."

Lu Heng stopped, his eyes were calm, and he took a moment to ask: "Do you really mean that?"

Wang Kefu was stunned immediately, as if he had been a vegetarian for a long time and suddenly a big piece of fat was about to fall into his mouth. When he regained his senses, he immediately swore to the sky, pointed to the sky, and was very excited.

It probably means that I am satisfied to watch Lu Heng sing a little song, and dare not think about anything else.

Lu Heng smiled slightly: "It's not impossible."

Wang Kefu's heart was beating like thunder, and he almost jumped so high that he licked his face: "You say it, you say it, as long as you want, I can give my life to you."

Lu Heng had already gotten into the car at this time, and the car window was open, so Wang Kefu pulled the car window and watched eagerly.

Lu Heng fastened his seat belt slowly, then looked at Wang Kefu and said lightly, "I want the right to use Wang's equipment factory."

Wang Kefu was originally full of hope, but now his eyes dimmed, and he rubbed his hands together: "Dr. Lu, you are embarrassing me. You say that Anxi is the butler, and I am so brave that I dare not do such a thing."

"50 billion." Lu Heng said softly: "I only need two years. Think about it, the big deal is that you will be reprimanded by your old man, and you will be sent to squat for a few years? Besides, the Wang family's property is only tens of billions. If you want to divide the property, you have to wait for the old man to return to the west and Gu Anxi is willing to let go, and at this time there are 50 billion in front of you, only a fool will miss it."

This remark moved Wang Kefu somewhat.

He didn't make a sound, but his face sank a little, and there was a sense of underappreciated talent in it.

Lu Heng accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said quietly: "Think about it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wang Kefu's face, started the car and left...

The car drove away, and Wang Kefu was still reminiscing about Dr. Lu's last look. No matter how he analyzed it, he felt that the other party appreciated him to some extent.

"Yeah!" He clenched his fist vigorously, his whole body was full of strength.

Turning around, he drove to the company by car, and as soon as he entered the hall, he asked the front desk lady anxiously: "Has Mr. Gu come to the company yet?"

The lady at the front desk shook her head: "Mr. Gu hasn't come yet."

Wang Kefu came here with enthusiasm, and now he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. A thin figure leaned against the front desk when he was disappointed, "Uncle looking for me?"

Wang Kefu was so excited that he stepped forward and held her hand: "Anxi, you are finally expected to come? Uncle has nothing else to do, he just misses you."

Gu Anxi smiled, straightened up and walked towards the elevator, Wang Kefu immediately chased after seeing him: "Wait for me."

When he got to the elevator, Gu Anxi stared at the sweat on his forehead, and smiled again: "Don't just think about me, think about your family's sweetheart, I heard that her child was not stable after you were beaten, she has already gone to the hospital."

And Wang Kefu is still spending time and drinking outside, really... he doesn't care if he gets it.

Wang Kefu didn't take it seriously, "Your second aunt is with her. She's a little girl and she's delicate, but it's really nothing. I usually see her quite strong when I look at her."

After he said that, Gu Anxi lost his temper. He looked up at the numbers in his pocket and obviously didn't want to talk to her. She ignored him. Wang Kefu still had something to say, and he was as anxious as something.

When Gu Anxi got off the elevator, he followed him step by step. Gu Anxi smiled strangely: "Uncle, why are you following me?"

Wang Kefu followed into the office and closed the door first, then smiled a little rascally: "Uncle is here to care about you."

Gu Anxi poured a glass of water to drink, stood there silently, Wang Kefu smiled and moved over: "Anxi, uncle has something to tell you."

"It's still about the equipment factory?" Gu Anxi turned his head, then went to sit on the sofa with the cup in his arms, and put the cup away: "Didn't we talk about this? No way."

Wang Kefu immediately licked his face and went over: "Anxi, you can also give uncle a charter, why not, Dr. Lu is very sincere and urgent, everyone is acquaintances."

Gu Anxi squinted at him: "I said I would use it too."

Wang Kefu opened his mouth wide: "Then you are determined not to?"

He patted his brain: "No way, Anxi, you came to Jiangcheng and you took down the Wang family. You made such a big noise because of the equipment factory, right?"

Gu Anxi took out his mobile phone to play, and hummed softly: "Uncle, you are thinking too much."

Wang Kefu wasn't so stupid that he opened his bull's eyes wide at once, "Why is uncle thinking too much, Anxi, I finally understand, you have been scheming against us all the time, you said that the equipment factory is your uncle Created by one hand, the whole country is unique, now you can hold it in your hands if you want it, why, we will not be able to say a word in the future?"

Gu Anxi said quietly: "It's the second uncle who is busy."

She raised her eyes and smiled; "Second uncle has no objection."

Wang Kefu pinched his nose: "That's also our Wang family."

"Why, I'm not one of my own?" Gu Anxi asked lightly, "Then uncle means that I, an outsider, can act on my own?"

She suddenly smiled: "If it's an outsider, I might not tolerate Mr. Wang in the company."

Wang Kefu was really an MMP in his heart, he kept his mouth open for a long time without making a sound.

Gu Anxi changed his face again, "There is no need to discuss this matter, uncle had better leave it alone. If you help Lu Heng, you are against Mr. Wang, think about it carefully."

so serious?

Wang Kefu still didn't close his mouth, and stared at Gu Anxi for a long time before he was convinced: "Why does this have something to do with Mr. Wang, isn't it just a matter of an equipment factory."

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "If it's just a matter of the equipment factory, do you think me, my uncle, Dad Bo, and the Lu family will all be in Jiangcheng? Is it the beautiful scenery of Jiangcheng or the love story of my uncle? Attract us?"

Wang Kefu was a little shameless, scratching his head: "If you don't come, maybe I won't be with Wan Qing."

Gu Anxi laughed: "Regret?"

Wang Kefu became even more uncomfortable: "It's not that I regret it, but it's just that I don't have much freshness... Come on, let's not look back, and besides, your aunt is getting along with someone else."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but thumped my feet: "Anxi, didn't uncle say, this is so annoying, she is a good wife and has to follow a driver..."

A look of regret, hating that iron can't be made into steel.

Gu Anxi asked coldly: "Does she still have this Mrs. Wang?"

Wang Kefu was stumped by the question again, and it took him a long time to smile uncomfortably and try to regain his place, but Gu Anxi didn't want to say anything to him, and waved his hand to signal him to go out first.

When he went out and Secretary Tang came in, Gu Anxi raised his eyes, "Check where Mr. Wang went last night?"

Secretary Tang was a little strange, and Gu Anxi said again: "As soon as I saw it, I asked about the equipment factory. I must have met Lu Heng. You can check if they have met."

Secretary Tang's efficiency was very fast, and he found out very quickly, and the result was quite surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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