Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1092 Anxi's Period Is Postponed! 3000 words

Chapter 1092 Anxi's Period Is Postponed! 3000 words

Shen Wanqing shook her head, and leaned into his arms charmingly: "Ke Fu, I will definitely give birth to a son for you."

Wang Kefu pinched her face and coaxed her casually, but his mind was buzzing... thinking wildly.

Shen Wanqing was not a fool either, seeing him like this, one was dissatisfied and the other was that she didn't want to see such a face, so she made excuses and went downstairs.

Just after going downstairs, she saw the second sister-in-law of the Wang family spinning wool in the living room. Seeing her coming down, Gu Xiufen smiled and said, "I'm tired of going with the boss."

Shen Wanqing was a little embarrassed, and went to help the second sister-in-law of the Wang family.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family looked at her, and still smiled: "I didn't say you, you are too honest, the old man doesn't allow you to get close to you, and you can't neglect the boss, although the boss is a bit older, you are still a newlywed couple. , there is no reason not to be greedy, besides, you have to find a way to catch the boss's heart."

Shen Wanqing was more or less moved, and hummed: "I know."

Gu Xiufen moved closer: "By the way, I heard some bad rumors."

Shen Wanqing's heart skipped a beat, and the second sister-in-law hesitated seeing her expression: "I don't know whether I should tell you."

Shen Wanqing asked her to speak, and Gu Xiufen lowered her voice: "Boss didn't come back last night, and some rumors spread today that someone saw Boss coming out of the hotel with that very good-looking Dr. Be careful, don't care about other things, but if this matter is not handled well, it will really make the old man angry, and there is no place for taking you with him."

Shen Wanqing smiled forcedly: "But Dr. Lu..."

"I don't mean anything else! Boss isn't very obsessed with some operas recently. He always thinks that he spends a lot of money on opera actors like a rich young man in the national period. I saw that Young Master Lu was so beautiful and beautiful. She looks really beautiful, and I don't blame the boss for being so obsessed." The second sister-in-law spoke earnestly.

Shen Wanqing didn't know these things, but she didn't expect Wang Kefu to...

She wanted to ask, but dared not.

The second sister-in-law patted the back of her hand and comforted her: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just a hobby and like listening to little songs, that's all." '

Shen Wanqing hummed, bit her lip for a while and said nothing.

The second sister-in-law smiled again: "Okay, it's good that you know what you want, give birth to the child quickly and secure your position, and the boss will take you to grab the one in your hand."

Shen Wanqing was silent.

She really doesn't have any bargaining chips except for the child in her belly, even if a man goes out to spend money, she has to bear it, even if he has such a hobby, she also pretends not to know...

In the final analysis, it all boiled down to the fact that she didn't have a good natal family, and she didn't have a good backer. Just thinking about it like this made her very unconvinced, and she also hated Gu Anxi very much.

This incident became a thorn in Shen Wanqing's heart... The reality made her unable to breathe.

Wang Kefu came back less and less, and almost regarded her as a transparent person. Fortunately, his attitude was good, but he didn't make out with her. He knew in his heart that she would look ugly after pregnancy, with a big belly and spots on her face. He was outside The little girls I'm looking for compete with each other's water spirits...


Summer goes and autumn comes, and in a blink of an eye, the winter solstice is almost here.

Jiangcheng ushered in the first snow.

In the evening, when the sky was getting darker, Bo Xichen's car drove slowly through the black carved gate, and when passing the courtyard, he saw a little girl squatting there in thick clothes, making a snowman again and again, while his serious His father was holding a shovel and shoveling snow hard for his cubs. The old and the young were very happy.

Bo Xichen got out of the car, looked up at the snowflakes floating in the sky, and then walked over, "You're covered in snow, aren't you cold?"

After speaking, he patted her and looked down at her little face.

Gu Anxi raised her head, "Uncle, it's so early today."

He hummed, "The experiment went well today."

After finishing speaking, he hugged her: "I'm a little fatter."

She had an illness a while ago and lost some weight, and now she managed to gain some meat.

Gu Anxi obediently let him hold him, feeling that his body was warm. At this moment, Bo Nianyao stood still and held the shovel in his hand: "Xi Chen, how about seeing my work with Zai Zai?"

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "It looks so cute, is this a rabbit?"

Gu Anxi groaned: "Yes, three rabbits."

Bo Xichen looked at it carefully, and his smile deepened: "The biggest one is your father Bo." '

Gu Anxi let out a strange cry, jumped from behind and lay on his shoulder and said no, but Bo Nianyao was dumbfounded: "This is clearly a female."

Then it was angry and funny.

After laughing, the family walked into the living room, where the heating was fully turned on. Auntie’s meal was ready, and Ah Xiang brought it down. The last dish was thick soup. Seeing them coming in, she said with a smile: “This soup It's really delicious."

She was brought by Gu Anxi from Wang's family. She was well-behaved and likable. Gu Anxi also liked her a lot, and planned to take her to Beicheng in the future.

Gu Anxi went to sit down and smelled it: "It's really delicious. You can ask auntie to serve you a bowl of it. It's warming your stomach in snowy days."

Ah Xiang sweetly responded.

Gu Anxi patted the place next to him: "Uncle, come and eat quickly."

Bo Xichen washed his hands, came back and sat down, and Bo Nianyao sat in the first place, "Look, I only care about your uncle. Father Bo helped you shovel the snow all afternoon when he was old, and he didn't think about me when he was eating."

Gu Anxi carried him a big chicken leg, and Bo Nianyao was overjoyed immediately, took a sip of sake and said, "The snow scene in Jiangcheng is very nice, it's a pity that your mother Bo can't see it with her own eyes."

Gu Anxi opened his eyes while eating, rarely looking cute: "When the snow stops, pick up Mommy Bo."

Bo Nianyao didn't say anything, it's easier said than done, today is a special situation and he has a day's leisure, Lin Yun is good to pick it up, but he may not have time, and the old father at home is also worried.

Gu Anxi looked at Bo Nianyao, and felt a little sad. Although he didn't say anything, she thought that Bo's father and Bo's mother might not have been separated much these years, but now they have been separated for a few months.

She bit her lower lip, wanted to speak but held back.

Bo Xichen glanced at her, smiled, and poured her a bowl of soup.

Gu Anxi looked at him reproachfully, and obediently drank it.

When it was time to go to bed at night, she couldn't sleep left and right. Bo Xichen pinched her little face: "What are you thinking?"

Gu Anxi tilted his head and said softly, "I didn't think about anything."

He smiled, stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, said nothing, just lay quietly.

After a long time, Gu Anxi said softly, "Mama Bo's health isn't very good recently, is she?"

Her eyes were shining brightly in the dark: "Uncle, are you worried?"

"I'm not worried." Bo Xichen said and sighed again.

Gu Anxi groaned, resting his little head on his shoulder, and said nothing.

Early the next morning, the snow stopped, the sun came out, and it was dazzling white outside.

The three of them had breakfast together, Bo Nianyao joked: "Woke up so early today?"

Gu Anxi looked at him, and suddenly took out a receipt from his pocket.

Bo Nianyao took it over and took a look, he was stunned——

It turned out to be a special plane to take off from Jiangcheng to Beicheng. He took a second look and found that Gu Anxi was neatly dressed, and it was obvious that he had been out of the house.

Bo Nianyao was speechless for a while...

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Don't be too moved, it's only half a month."

Bo Nianyao was very excited: "Half a month is good, half a month is also good."

He hasn't seen his wife for a long time, and he misses and worries very much. She has been in good health all these years, but she hasn't been well since autumn this year. He thought about it, it should be because he wasn't around her and no one took care of her. I wanted to go back a long time ago, but I couldn't let go of the things here.

Thinking of what happened here, he hesitated again, Gu Anxi said generously: "Just go back to visit relatives, and remember to pay me when you come back."

Upon hearing this, Bo Nianyao laughed, "I'm still a little money fan."

Gu Anxi whispered, "Could it be that you and Mama Bo have other babies?"

Bo Nianyao's heart was soft, and he really wanted to hug and kiss the little cub. These days, he always felt that Cub was probably his and Yun'er's biological daughter in his previous life. As for Xichen, he didn't know where it came from.

These two are as numb as their own father and daughter, Bo Xichen stroked his forehead and smiled lowly: "It seems that I am just a tool man."

Bo Nianyao said earnestly, "You should also thank me and your mother for raising you so well that you are worthy of our cub."

Bo Xichen: ...

At this moment, Ah Xiang came over to deliver the soup, and when she heard it, she covered her mouth and smiled.

Bo Xichen also smiled: "Father is very partial."

Bo Nianyao said seriously, "That's also a thoughtful one."

After finishing speaking, he returned home like an arrow, and after explaining some things to the two younger ones, he packed up and flew to Beicheng. Only when he arrived at the airport did he know that the special plane was a Keru number... Well, if it is a Keru number, it can be a Keru number.

After sending off Bo Nianyao, Bo Xichen grabbed Gu Anxi's little head: "You got up early in the morning just for this?"

Gu Anxi hugged his arm, "Follow the water, this month I have to go to the laboratory to extract the data, so I just took the part of Bo's father."

Bo Xichen smiled, took her to the parking lot, and said after getting into the car: "Then you may not be able to sleep in every day."

She murmured, "For the happiness of Papa Bo."

"So good." He pinched her small face, his heart suddenly moved, and then he looked at her quietly.

Gu Anxi looked at him stupidly: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

He still looked at her, and smiled slightly after a while: "It's okay."

"Aren't you afraid that you have changed earlier, and you will go to a specialist tomorrow?" She whispered, a little mischievous and malicious.

Bo Xichen turned the steering wheel and left the airport. After a while, he smiled lightly, "Don't you know if I had an early watch?"

(End of this chapter)

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