Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1093 Pregnant, you are now a mother! 3000 words

Chapter 1093 Pregnant, you are now a mother! 3000 words

She stuck out her tongue, and then her face suddenly became hot... Then she refused to speak a little hypocritically. Bo Xichen's heart was a little soft, but he was thinking of another matter.

It seems like she hasn't had her period for a while, maybe she's pregnant...

Of course, he didn't intend to make her pregnant, but she couldn't help it for a while after she recovered from her illness last time.

Bo Xichen wasn't sure, and he didn't rush to tell her right now, but he didn't allow her to enter the laboratory when he arrived, and only allowed her to retrieve data in the computer room outside.

Gu Anxi was dissatisfied: "I came to work for Papa Bo."

He reached out and tapped her little head: "I'll finish it, you stay here obediently, so that your body won't mess around."

Gu Anxi stared at him: "Despotism."

Complaining is nothing but complaints, but she still listens to him very much, sitting there doing her own thing. Many of the labs are elites of the Yunxi Group, and they have always admired Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu usually has no airs, so many people They still treat her like a little girl, especially when the two older female doctors knew she was coming and brought her lollipops, and the other brought two boxes of black tea and coffee from England for her taste.

During the lunch break, Gu Anxi held a lollipop in his mouth, brewed a cup of coffee and smelled it while walking, "It smells so good."

Bo Xichen came in just in time to meet him, his expression changed, and then he seemed to ask unintentionally, "Coffee?"

She hummed: "It was brought by Dr. Xia, she went to England last week."

Bo Xichen leaned over, picked it up and smelled it, Gu Anxi asked him as if offering a treasure: "Is it very fragrant?"

He smiled, and then drank it in one gulp. Gu Anxi felt very distressed, and shouted: "How can you drink it like this, you can't taste it at all, what a waste."

While talking, holding the cup to make another cup, Bo Xichen grabbed her wrist and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up after get off work."

Gu Anxi blinked: "I am in good health."

Bo Xichen took the cup from her hand, put it gently on the table, and asked her seriously: "How long has it been since you had your period?"

Gu Anxi was a little silly, and bullied Ai Ai and said, "Uncle, why do you remember this?"

He pulled her into his arms and sat there, paused for a moment and raised his hand to pinch her face: "You may be a mother."

She let out an ah, still in a daze, a little in disbelief.

It took a while for her to come back to her senses, and then she lay in his arms and said sullenly, "Is it that day?"

He hummed softly, and patted her back with his big palm, once and for all.

The little guy was buried in his heart, coquettishly: "That's why you don't let me into the laboratory?"

He kissed her hair and sighed: "You are so old and so careless."

"But, but it doesn't mean you're pregnant." Gu Anxi cried softly, her face was so hot that she buried herself in his arms and refused to come out...

Just as Bo Xichen was about to speak, there was an exclamation at the door. It turned out that a few female doctors came to look for Gu Anxi. When he opened the door, he saw Professor Bo making out with Mr. Gu. The single young women were very embarrassed. Immediately quit.

One person sighed: "It really took Anxi a few years to complete our more than ten years of hard work. Yep, we're married and just short of having a baby... She's only [-] years old, look at us."

Several female doctors were envious.

In the room, Gu Anxi was a little embarrassed, then looked forward to it and was a little scared: "Uncle, could it be that you misremembered, or my menstrual period was messed up, so why did I get pregnant? It's impossible."

Bo Xichen lowered his head and asked very gently: "Then do you want to be a mother, or take it easy?"

She looked up at him, then buried herself in his arms and whispered: "Actually, I also want to be a mother, but, it's just too sudden and I'm not ready yet, and what if it's not..."

Bo Xichen finally realized it, and smiled: "It sounds like you still want to be a little mother."

She refused to say it, and lay in his arms. Afterwards, Professor Bo fed her lunch, and she was very delicate.Usually she is not like this, but now he is willing to spoil her.

It was a bit of a torment in the afternoon. Fortunately, Professor Bo was very calm. He finished the work at four o'clock, pushed the door in and said, "Okay, okay, let's go to the hospital."

Gu Anxi pressed the mouse and whispered, "Are you really going?"

He took the coat on the side and put it on for her, zipped it up and paused: "Otherwise, Mrs. Bo."

Gu Anxi immediately began to bully Ai Ai... Bo Xichen wanted to take her away, but she refused. She let him go in front and followed behind, like a cat and a mouse.

After going out, he opened the car door and let her sit in the back seat. She pursed her mouth and said, "It's not necessarily pregnant, uncle, you don't have to be so cautious."

He smiled, closed the car door, and said while fastening his seat belt after getting into the car, "There's nothing wrong with being cautious."

Gu Anxi made a grimace.

Bo Xichen was in a good mood. After driving for half an hour, he arrived at the hospital, and he had already contacted the director of the obstetrics department. The director was a bit older and Bo Nianyao was an old acquaintance. After seeing them, he smiled: "Xi Chen Here we come."

Looking at Gu Anxi again, he couldn't stop admiring: "Your wife is so handsome, no wonder Nian Yao is always boasting."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Father and mother do favor her, almost spoiling her."

Dr. Wu glanced at him, "If I were a girl with such a mark, I would do my best to spoil her."

When it was over, he looked at Gu Anxi kindly: "Okay, let's check first."

She opened the form and handed it to Bo Xichen: "Let's do a blood test directly, to be on the safe side."

Seeing that blood was about to be drawn, Gu Anxi wrinkled her little face, and Bo Xichen touched her little head: "It doesn't hurt too much."

Gu Anxi wrinkled her small face: "But giving birth will be very painful."

He smiled, very gently, and Gu Anxi's little face blushed again, and it took a while before he said, "Uncle..."

He put his arms around her shoulders and took her to check.

Half an hour later, I got the report, and it was indeed pregnant.

In the hall, Gu Anxi looked at it several times before raising his head: "Am I really pregnant?"

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "Yes! Mrs. Bo, congratulations on becoming a mother."

She lowered her head again and stared at the paper several times... After a long time, she suddenly hugged his body and called uncle softly.

His heart suddenly became extremely soft, hugged her, and no one said a word.

In the distance, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family accompanied Shen Wanqing to the prenatal checkup, and happened to see it.

Shen Wanqing looked over there quietly, and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family exclaimed: "Why are Xichen and Anxi in the obstetrics department? Could it be that Anxi is pregnant? This is a big deal, Wanqing, why don't we go and ask?" .”

Where did Shen Wanqing want to ask, she pursed her lips for a long time without making a sound, just stroking her stomach with her hands.

——Gu Anxi was pregnant, and that man hugged her like a treasure.

A look of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Then, she said softly, "Don't bother."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family accompanied her with a smiling face: "That's fine. The young couple just got the news. It's time to enjoy the joy. Let's go back and report the good news to the old man."

Shen Wanqing's lips moved, but she couldn't utter the last word.

Before leaving, she turned her head and looked over there——

The two people with super good looks embrace each other, as beautiful and warm as in a Korean drama...

Here, Bo Xichen lowered his head, his voice was hoarse: "If you are pregnant, I will send you back to Beicheng to recuperate."

After all, there are parents out there who can take care of her.

Gu Anxi refused, and whispered, "I don't want to leave Jiangcheng."

He patted her on the back, thought for a while and decided to discuss it with his parents again, and then went to the consulting room again. Dr. Wu looked at her, smiled and said some precautions, and let them go back.

When returning home, Gu Anxi took the initiative to sit in the back seat, and Bo Xichen laughed: "Mothers are different, so be careful."

She snorted softly, buckled up her seat belt, and said, "I want to eat something delicious. Let auntie make something spicy tonight, I'm so hungry."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Why do you like spicy food all of a sudden, didn't you like sour and sweet things before?"

She hummed softly, "Suddenly I want to eat."

Bo Xichen started the car, thinking silently in his heart, this is probably a little girl as cute as Anxi, how much his parents will like it...

He was in a particularly good mood. After driving the car back to settle down, she went to the kitchen and asked her aunt to make some hot and sour food. The aunt was surprised: "No one in our family has ever liked spicy food."

My aunt is a good cook of Sichuan cuisine, but she is often frustrated. Although she is excited at the moment, she is still a little strange.

Bo Xichen smiled: "It's Anxi who wants to eat."

The aunt was even more strange: "This child has never liked spicy food." '

She shook her head: "Kids have a lot of ideas, maybe they won't like it after a few bites, okay, I'll make two spicy ones and then a few of her favorite ones, it's safer."

Bo Xichen just laughed: "You are too used to her."

The aunt also laughed, and pushed him out of the kitchen door: "Talk as if you don't feel pain."

When Bo Xichen left, the auntie still shook her head to express her surprise. At this moment, Ah Xiang leaned over and whispered, "Do you think Anxi is pregnant? There is a saying in our hometown that some pregnant people like sour, and some like it." spicy."

When she said this, the auntie's eyes stared straight, and she said, "I really don't know if you don't tell me, you kid. If you think about it carefully, it might really be the case."

She rubbed her hands excitedly, and walked back and forth: "No, I have to go and have a look. Although the young master is gentle and considerate and he is a doctor, he is always a big man. How can we women know more... Also, I will tell Mr. And wife, they have been looking forward to their grandson for a long time, how happy they would be if they knew."

When she was like this, Ah Xiang also became excited, but she still held back the auntie: "It's not certain, and if it's true, the young master has to tell the husband and wife himself."

(End of this chapter)

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