Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1094 In the past, I treated you badly! 3000 words

Chapter 1094 In the past, I treated you badly! 3000 words

"Yes, yes, you are right." The aunt rubbed her hands again, "Then let's pretend we don't know, have fun secretly, and observe secretly."

Ah Xiang was delighted: "I'll deliver a glass of milk."

The aunt held her back: "wait a moment, they must have something to say right now."

Ah Xiang hummed forcefully, her little face was also stained with excitement.

In the living room, Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa, staring down at her stomach.

Her expression is so cute.

Bo Xichen poured her a glass of water and smiled, "It's only the size of a mung bean."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes: "How big can you feel it?"

"About four months, the fetus will start moving." He sat down, turned on the TV for her, and then pulled her into his arms: "Take a rest, don't watch any more."

Gu Anxi still hugged her stomach: "But it's really novel, just having a child."

Bo Xichen smiled. At this moment, his cell phone rang. After checking that it was Bo Nianyao calling, he picked it up.

Over there, Bo Nianyao and Lin Yun had already heard the news, and the whole Siyuan was boiling. This was naturally the good news from Dr. Wu. Hearing his father's excited tone, Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "Yes, I just went to the hospital, I'm sure pregnant."

Over there, Bo Nianyao had just returned home to rest for a while, and he had so many words with his wife before he had time to say it, but he was overwhelmed by this bullet, both surprised and delighted.

Bo Nianyao was incoherent, he stammered for a long time, hung up the phone, and said to Mrs. Bo, who was also excited, "Great, great, the two of you have been together for so long, and they finally got it right."

Mrs. Bo was sitting beside him making tea for him. Although she was extremely excited, she still pretended to be calm and scolded her husband: "Look at your worthless appearance. You haven't seen anything like a big wind and a big wave."It's just a child, and their bodies are healthy at such a young age. It will be a matter of time before they get pregnant. '

Bo Nianyao clenched his fists, sat down and sipped his tea: "Although that's what you said, but Xichen is not young after all, isn't he? Besides, you only know to talk about me, but you have been looking forward to it for a long time in your heart. Say one."

As he talked, he sighed a little: "The family is so lively with one more child. I really can't imagine what it will be like if there is one more child... Xi Chen will probably be very busy. When will this child be old? Anxi is naughty together, but don't spoil him."

Mrs. Bo couldn't help thinking of a pink little guy, and when she thought about it, she showed a loving smile, as if a grandson or granddaughter was about to be born. She thought for a while: "Nian Yao, what do you think this baby is going to be like?" Is it a boy or a girl?"

Bo Nianyao knew that she was crazy about the little girl, so she said: "I hope it's a little girl, if it's not you, don't be disappointed, Zaizai is still young, and she likes children herself, if you give birth to a few more, you will always have a little girl." .”

Mrs. Bo was happy in her heart, and after thinking carefully, she said to Bo Nianyao: "Zai Zai is pregnant, why don't you take her back to Beicheng? Although Xi Chen is considerate and nice to her, but he is always busy with work. good her."

Bo Nianyao thought for a while, then nodded: "That's right, why not, I'd better go back to Jiangcheng and let Zai Zai come back to accompany you."

Although Mrs. Bo was a bit reluctant to part with her husband, cubs and granddaughters were more important, so she quite agreed with her husband's words: "Okay, why not leave tomorrow... No, I have to go to Jiangcheng to see for myself."

Bo Nianyao laughed when she saw her anxiously, "Madam is too impatient."

He looked outside, and it was snowing in Beicheng, and there was snow everywhere, and it was extremely cold outside.

He said: "You can go out when the weather is warmer. I saw you coughing badly."

Mrs. Bo didn't care: "What's wrong with this! All right, let's go see Zai Zai tomorrow. You think it's the first time she's pregnant. You should panic, but if you want to take care of Yun Tian, ​​you have to take care of this matter." I care so much."

Bo Nianyao joked with his wife: "You are a good mother."

The two of them seemed to have settled down after talking, but at this moment a thin figure loomed in the door of the study room, and it was none other than Mr. Bo.

Old Man Bo came in, lifted his robe and sat down. Lin Yun made him a cup of tea.

The old man looked at his son: "Zai Zai is pregnant, what do you think?"

Bo Nianyao then said: "I just discussed it with Xichen's mother. We decided to go to Jiangcheng tomorrow. In addition, we will let Zaizai come back to take care of his health. I can rest assured that Xichen's mother will take care of him."

As soon as he said this, the old man immediately asked, "What about you, living separately from Lin Yun?"

Bo Nianyao's face was a little hot, and he coughed lightly: "We are getting old, so it doesn't matter if we are separated for a few months."

The old man still didn't agree, and snorted softly: "At a young age, I see you are very hot."

When the father said this, the face of the son became even hotter: "It's okay, it's okay."

The old man didn't know the relationship between his son and his daughter-in-law, and he didn't make fun of it anymore. At this time, Lin Yun brought over the tea, and the old man took a sip of the tea before saying, "It's not a problem for your husband and wife to live apart for a long time, but where is it?" I can't ignore it. In this way, I will let Lao Lin come over to cook together at home. I don't believe that we two old men can't take care of each other. As for Lin Yun, I also know that she stayed in Beicheng to take care of my old bone. There are so many people in the family who are taking care of her, so she is not the only one left. I will make up my mind about this matter. Tomorrow, you and your wife will leave for Jiangcheng, so you can live there and take good care of your cub. Lao Lin will go to Jiangcheng to see you again."

After saying such considerate words, Bo Nianyao was a little stunned, and he stared at his father for a long time, unable to believe it for a while.

Mr. Bo pretended to be unhappy: "Why, don't you believe me?"

Bo Nianyao immediately said: "It's not that I don't believe it, but when did you become so enlightened, old man?"

Lin Yun laughed, took a sip of tea, and let the two of them bite the dog without saying a word.Sure enough, Mr. Bo went crazy all of a sudden: "Nianyao, what are you talking about? When did I lose my consciousness? Tell me, I went up to the mountain to clean up after you got married, is that right?" Have you ever disturbed the life of your young couple?"

Bo Nianyao's voice was suppressed: "You don't want to raise Boqing, leave it to me and Lin Yun."

The old man couldn't step down, "What do you mean you don't want to raise him? Is that my child?"

Bo Nianyao's voice was even softer, with some grievances mixed in: "But I'm still a fickle nephew. How can a nephew take care of an uncle?"

The old man's old face was flushed: "I shouldn't take care of it, it's not my kind."

Bo Nianyao looked at the old man complainingly, and fell silent.

The old man pretended to drink tea to cover it up, but after a while he secretly looked at his son... His heart was touched.

Nian Yao is also middle-aged, over 50 years old. Although he has everything, his son is excellent and he has found a kid. Now he has a grandson, but Nian Yao may not be very happy when he was young. Marriage Marrying Lin Yun back after the blow was over also had no emotional basis, and she had to be sloppy. Later, there was Xichen, and those years were really hard to think about. Fortunately, there was Lin Yun... a few days ago, he and Lao Lin were together. After a long chat, I found out that Lin Yun liked their Nian Yao when she was a girl. He was surprised and thought it was reasonable, otherwise, which famous daughter would marry Nian Yao and take care of a child under ten years old? , The saliva alone is about to drown.

Every time the old man thinks about it, he sighs and feels that he is sorry for his son. He is really not a person who only cares about his own comfort. He was almost cheated by that ruthless boy before, which almost caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, Lin Yun did not despise his old bone. Still taking care of him at home.People's hearts are fleshy, and it's time for his old bones to look after their home for them.

Bo Nianyao and Lin Yun were a little unaccustomed to his understanding of righteousness. When going to bed at night, Bo Nianyao was leaning on the sofa to read a medical book. Lin Yun came out after taking a bath and said strangely: "Dad, what's wrong? He is bewitched, do you want to ask Anxi's little pet to make a fortune for him?"

Bo Nianyao laughed when he heard the words: "That Wang Qin? Even Anxi's words don't work."

Mrs. Bo went to the dressing table to apply skin care products, and said, "I have become the head of the Gu family, you don't know, Gu Yuanshan is superstitious about her now, and treats her like a fairy."

Bo Nianyao put down the medical book in his hand, walked behind her and gently pressed her shoulder: "I heard that! It's a pity to think about it, Yuanshan was so prosperous back then."

Hearing this, Madam Bo frowned: "A fortune teller is like a star, you say, a walking KPI everywhere?"

Bo Nianyao smiled: "It's different today, the world is dominated by young people, we old men still stay at home with our wives and coax our grandson, don't you think so?"

After finishing speaking, he leaned his head slightly, put it on his wife's shoulder, and looked at the person in the mirror.

Mrs. Bo was applying skin care products, she didn't understand when he leaned over like this, and said calmly, "When you are old, you have to be old."

Bo Nianyao looked surprised: "We haven't seen each other for a few months, and Madam dislikes me for being old. In that year, Nianyao had to show a good performance and try to leave a good impression in Madam's heart."

He is such a rascal, Mrs. Bo glanced at him, and continued to apply her skin care products: "You don't have to impress me, just set a good example for the younger generation."

The owner of the Bo family immediately said: "Is there anything I can't do well in front of the children, Madam, please let me know."

Mrs. Bo stood up and poked him on the forehead: "From now on, those who don't move around outside are not allowed to speak nasty words."

Bo Nianyao immediately expressed his affirmation.

Lin Yun thought for a while, and then said: "Also, the new year will be over a month later. If we are in Jiangcheng, we can't just leave the old man in Beicheng. It's too shameful."

(End of this chapter)

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