Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1095 Shen Wanqing Had a Miscarriage3200 words

Chapter 1095 Shen Wanqing Had a Miscarriage3200 words

Bo Nianyao pondered for a while: "You are right in thinking, then we will discuss the situation after that."

After a pause, he coughed lightly: "Ma'am, do you have more important things to do now?"

Lin Yun gently pushed him away: "I don't know..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand was caught, and then Bo Nianyao took his wife into his arms and said in a hoarse voice, "I haven't seen you for a few months, I really miss you."


The next day, Lin Yun's father, Mr. Lin, came to sit in Siyuan. With such a person here, no one in Siyuan dared to act rashly.

Although he is the father, Mrs. Bo still explained some things in detail, Mr. Lin waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you can go about your business, I am very strong old, don't worry about it."

Lin Yun smiled: "Alright then, I'll go and pack my luggage."

She went back to the bedroom to pack up, and a few men chatted about things. About half an hour later, Bo Nianyao returned to the bedroom. Seeing that his wife had prepared several big boxes, he smiled: "So many things."

"No, the whole family has gone, and besides, Zai Zai is pregnant, so it is necessary to prepare more things. Some things that Jiangcheng does not have have to be brought. We will be in Jiangcheng for about a year and a half after this trip. Maybe the child He was also born in Jiangcheng."

Bo Nianyao lifted his robe and sat down: "We'll come back during the Chinese New Year."

Mrs. Bo was together, too, so I prepared some things for the near future, but even this kind of stuff was quite a lot. I packed the trunks of several cars when we set off... When the special plane arrived in Jiangcheng, they didn't say anything, so Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi didn't know that the two elders had come, and they were still going to work normally.

Naturally, Bo Xichen originally hoped that Gu Anxi would rest at home, but Gu Anxi couldn't be free, and besides, the laboratory really needed her...

It's just that Bo Xichen also took it very seriously, the kind that asked Chen Ming to follow her, never leaving her.

Chen Ming went on a business trip two days ago. He didn't know it at the moment. He just felt that Professor Bo suddenly became nervous and came out to see Anxi every one or two hours. He couldn't figure it out until he drove back after get off work. Looking at the villa, seeing Bo Nianyao and Lin Yun, he felt that something serious must have happened.

He looked at Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi: "What's the big deal?"

Bo Xichen watched his parents come out of the living room, smiled and said to Chen Ming, "Anxi is pregnant."

Chen Ming was a little terrified, "We were still on the shooting range two days ago, Anxi, you are still pregnant."

"That's how I found out." Bo Xichen explained, and then said to the people around him: "Chen Ming said so, stay at home obediently for the next nine months, don't run outside, and if you go out, you have to be with your mother. "

"I know, I know." Gu Anxi said impatiently, then opened the car door and got out of the car, and rushed towards Mrs. Bo.

Bo Xichen shook his head: "It's really hard for her to settle down."

Chen Ming also smiled: "It's good to be lively. The child born must be like Anxi, a cute little girl."

Bo Xichen shook his head helplessly: "If it's a young man, how many people will be disappointed. My parents are looking forward to holding their granddaughter wholeheartedly." '

Chen Ming scratched his head bluntly: "Aren't boys and girls the same? Why..."

Bo Xichen walked side by side with him, stepping on the snow, making a small sound.

Over there, Mrs. Bo dragged Gu Anxi into the room quickly. After entering, Gu Anxi took off her coat. Mrs. Bo's gaze was fixed on her stomach. Bo Nianyao coughed softly: "This child is only a little older, can you see it?" What's going on?"

Mrs. Bo glared at him: "It's just a little bean sprout, and it's also my lovely little granddaughter."

After finishing speaking, he rubbed Gu Anxi's hands: "Zai Zai, is it cold, drink a cup of hot tea."

"There is an air conditioner in the car, so it's not cold." Gu Anxi hasn't seen her for several months, and she misses her very much. In the past, she would act like a baby when she saw her, but now she's embarrassed, and she wants to be a mother anyway. people.

But Mrs. Bo still spoiled her like a child as before, and even looked at her and said, "If you have a child, you will be a child in mother Bo's heart."

Bo Nianyao coughed lightly: "You'd better take it easy, will your pampering method weaken Zai Zai's femininity in Xi Chen's eyes?"

Mrs. Bo gave her husband a sideways look: "When everyone thought I was a tigress, did you ever weaken?"

Well, Bo Nianyao stopped talking.

Mrs. Bo hugged her dear baby again and loved her dearly. Even the men of the Bo family couldn't stand it, but they dared not speak out.

Chen Ming on the side watched eagerly, thinking to himself, so holding a grandson is such an exciting thing, so his mother might be quite disappointed now.

Zhou Su broke up in Jiangcheng before, and later he went to Zhou's family to make amends, just because Zhou Su's family and Zhou Yu's family were some distant relatives, he and Zhou Su broke up because of a quarrel, and then they broke up in front of Min Xin. Shame on...

As Chen Ming thought about it, he couldn't help but think of Song Jiaren again.She stayed in Jiangcheng for a month and then left. She didn't say anything when she left, and they had no contact with each other in the past few months, as if they had never seen each other in their lives.

He also saw that the movie she made was printed, and she went abroad to win the Golden Globe Award. She was wearing an evening dress and she was magnificent, and he was sitting in front of the TV or opening the video app with his mobile phone. She is separated by a galaxy, she is the star in the sky, and he is the dust on the ground.

Just as Chen Ming was thinking, his body was suddenly pushed. He saw that it was Bo Xichen.

The two of them did not know when they were on the terrace at the back of the first floor. Chen Ming came to his senses: "Why don't you accompany Anxi?"

After Bo Xichen looked at the excitement in the living room, he smiled: "I probably don't need me over there."

He took out the cigarette case and gave Chen Ming one. Chen Ming was quite surprised: "Anxi is pregnant and you still smoke."

Bo Xichen lit one and took a deep puff: "I can only smoke one secretly."

She smiled again: "She hates me for smoking."

Chen Ming was holding a cigarette, and thought it was quite interesting: "Unmarried girls think that smoking men are handsome and masculine, and when they get married, they will let you brush your teeth."

Bo Xichen was a little strange: "Chen Ming, you are not married, how could you have such a feeling? Why, you arranged a blind date again?"

Chen Ming shook his head and smiled wryly: "I won't go on blind dates for the time being. I found out that it might be my own problem. I'm probably really that kind of steel straight man. I don't understand women, so I can't make women happy."

As he spoke, he took another drag on his cigarette and raised his eyes: "Professor Bo, sometimes I envy you, you can handle everything."

Bo Xichen stood at the railing, held on to the railing with one hand, and smiled: "I can handle Anxi because I only... () her alone."

Chen Ming was slightly taken aback.

After a while, he asked, "You mean..."

Bo Xichen patted him on the shoulder: "Chen Ming, there are actually quite a few women around you, but there is nothing you like, that's why none of them succeeded, but you ask yourself which one you really want."

After finishing speaking, he pinched out the cigarette butt and walked slowly into the living room, leaving Chen Ming standing there alone in a mess.

Why is he not single-minded? Even if he wants to be single-minded, he must have a goal, right?

However, Bo Xichen's words echoed in his heart again——

Chen Ming, ask yourself which one do you want?

He scratched his head, what did he want?He doesn't want anyone!

Chen Ming didn't want to think about it, so he took a cigarette and went to the living room. The house was very lively today, and Manager Ma also rushed back from other places. There was a small family feast at home, and Auntie and Ah Xiang also ate together. Everyone also gave some auspicious gifts, which made Gu Anxi happy.

At night, she was sitting on the sofa with a pile of boxes in front of her. Bo Xichen came over after taking a shower and patted her forehead: "Your mother Bo gave it to you?"

Gu Anxi flipped through this and that, and said with her little mouth upturned, "That's right, Aunt Bo Jin gave it, Robert gave it, and the old man, grandpa, old brother and sister Lin Hua also gave it to me. Oh, and Miss Zhou Yu...Speaking of which, Miss Zhou Yu's children should be quite young, and Miss Lin Hua's belly is quite big too."

She spoke with a milky air, Bo Xichen smiled and sat down beside her.

He opened a box casually, and then sighed: "The elders spoil you too much."

This is pregnancy, so giving such a valuable gift is a bit too much.

Gu Anxi blinked: "Isn't this for Little Bean Sprouts?"

As he spoke, he picked up a string of emerald chains, "This is all for Little Bean Sprouts."

Bo Xichen was really angry and funny: "What little bean sprouts? You gave her a nickname before she was born?"

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "The child was not born yet, so you taught me for her."

He laughed: "Gu Anxi, you are being unreasonable now, aren't you?"

"It's unreasonable." She hung the emerald chain around his neck childishly, "Little Bean Sprout, let Dad try it for you first."

Bo Xichen sighed, but didn't take it off...

Gu Anxi continued to tidy up her treasures, was satisfied with one book, and made a small fortune.

After she finished tidying up, she looked at Bo Xichen strangely: "Uncle, why aren't you sleeping?"

He looked straight at her.

She oh, went to wash her face obediently, and then crawled into the bed.

Bo Xichen stroked his forehead and sighed. After a while... he sighed even more...


Sleeping until midnight, suddenly there was movement downstairs, Gu Anxi woke up and turned over: "It's my uncle again, right?"

Bo Xichen patted her: "I'll go downstairs to have a look, you continue to sleep."

Gu Anxi thinks about it too, how big things can happen to the Wang family, the sky is falling, but the hole is poked by her uncle, she doesn't care, and continues to sleep with her head covered.

She closed her eyes, and her fresh and picturesque face was buried in the white pillow. Even at this moment, Bo Xichen couldn't help but look at it for a while, and his voice was even more gentle: "Don't wait for me, go to bed first."

She put her arms around his neck and murmured softly, "I'm so sleepy. You think I can't wait for you."

He bowed his head and kissed her before going downstairs.

When he went downstairs, his parents also got up, even Manager Ma and Chen Ming were alarmed, and there was a big fight.

Sure enough, something happened to the eldest son of the Wang family. His wife, Shen Wanqing, had a miscarriage. The five-month-old child fell down on the stairs and died. It was a pity for the whole Wang family. Moreover, the old man and the old lady are a little jealous of this, after all, they are women who have never been married, and miscarriage is always a bad thing at home, so it is midnight, and the Wang family invited a Taoist priest over.

(End of this chapter)

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