Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1096 In My Hands, I Have Your Hands3000 words

Chapter 1096 In My Hands, I Have Your Hands3 words

At this moment, Wang Kegui came here just for this matter. He said that Mr. Wang was heartbroken at home. He came here now because he heard that there is a little fairy in Beicheng. The little fairy is very familiar with the Bo family. Please come here and ask for a good fortune for the Wang family, to wash away the bad luck.

Hearing this, Mrs. Bo became a little angry, "What's going on? If the child has a miscarriage, if you don't go to the hospital to find a way to save the child, what's the use of asking a god to dance? Besides, if you despise it, you shouldn't have it at the time." The girl was brought back to live, but she didn’t take good care of her.”

Wang Kegui felt a little ashamed when he was told that. How could he not know that the Wang family was at fault for this matter, but their old man believed it and insisted on inviting the best ones... At this moment, Mrs. Bo robbed him of some words, and he sighed: "He has been sent to the hospital, but it doesn't look very good. The child probably won't be able to keep it. Now I just want to be rich and get a boy."

Mrs. Bo sneered: "I don't care about your lord at the moment, but I'm thinking about these crooked ways. I'll ask you, will you pick him up after he's discharged from the hospital?"

Wang Kefu couldn't answer these words, and didn't answer for a long time.

Madam Bo smiled coldly again, "We can indeed find the person you are looking for, but there is no shortage of money."

Wang Kegui was in a dilemma, and after a while he said sadly: "Okay, then I'll go back first."

Bo Nianyao asked Bo Xichen to see him off, because he was an elder after all.

Bo Xichen sent him off, and when he reached the door, Wang Kegui felt hopeful again, "Xichen, this matter...can you help uncle, nothing else, the old man really believes in this."

Bo Xichen smiled: "To tell you the truth, I also know Wang Qin. He is one of my students. He is ordinary and has no special skills. As for the ones in the rumors, it is indeed because of Anxi's mischievousness that he earned his reputation. If Mr. Wang is particularly concerned about this, why don't you move?"

Wang Kegui was a little disappointed: "Is it really not as effective as in the legend?"

"Yes. The rumors are unbelievable. Even Wang Qin himself said that he is just a crow's mouth, a good but not a bad spirit." Bo Xichen smiled lightly, and then stopped.

Wang Kegui looked at him, moved his mouth, but finally said nothing.

After he went back, the Wang family's mansion was filled with smoke and smoke everywhere... He was also a little silent, but the miscarriage was not a trivial matter at home, the old man was too much, and he also knew that this Shen Wanqing It is impossible to enter the gate of the Wang family.

Walking into the hall with a somewhat complicated mood, the Wang family is not like the previous Wang family, it is almost like the Hall of Hell.

Mr. Wang sat on the sofa with a livid face, while Wang Kefu knelt aside and shivered, waiting for the old man's words.

Today he also drank a few more cups of yellow soup, and when he came back, he was alone with Shen Wanqing. Recently, the old man was so strict that he couldn't go out, so when he saw the sow, he regarded it as a beautiful woman, so, he couldn't help it.

If he couldn't help himself, something serious happened. At this moment, Wang Kefu himself was frightened, and he was still sitting there in a daze. Those who accompanied Shen Wanqing to the hospital were only two servants of the Wang family.

At this time, Wang Kefu sat down and watched his brother come back, and asked blankly, "Is anyone here?"

Wang Kegui went over to sit down, "Go and invite, but everyone in the Bo family said it didn't work."

The old man's face turned ashen immediately: "Why doesn't it work?"

Wang Kegui couldn't help but said at this time: "Dad, no matter what, you still have one life. No matter how much you don't like that girl, you should at least let the eldest brother take some responsibility. If the child is aborted, he will still think about it here and there if he doesn't go. If it gets out, our Wang family will lose all face."

When Mr. Wang heard this, he hated his elder son to death, it was too disappointing.

At this moment, Wang Kefu coughed lightly: "It's not my fault, and I didn't do it on purpose. I still feel sorry for the loss of my eldest son?"

Wang Kegui asked at this time: "How is the person now, are you sure he is gone?"

Mr. Wang sighed, so he knew it, and looked at his wife: "Xiufen, do you want to go and see, the old men at home are inconvenient, why don't you go with elder brother?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family nodded approvingly: "Wan Qing must be in need of big brother right now, as for's not convenient for me to go."

The old man of the Wang family looked at the eldest son, "Okay, but Fu, don't be such a coward, go and have a look, and give me some money."

He paused, and then said again: "I was thinking about it, you still have to get your original woman back, after all, the outside one is unreliable, luck is not good, and it has dirty our house."

Wang Kefu cried out: "I'm also a little scared of the old man's big night."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked by Mr. Wang and scolded angrily: "It's a worthless thing. What are you afraid of from your own kind? You didn't mean to harm their wives. What are you afraid of?"

He raised his eyes and looked at his second son and daughter-in-law: "Precious Xiufen, are you afraid?"

Wang Kegui said: "It's not a big deal, just be careful when you get pregnant in the future."

Gu Xiufen also echoed: "Yes, originally it wasn't a big deal, but..."

Mr. Wang looked at her: "What's wrong?"

Gu Xiufen hesitated for a long time before hesitatingly said: "Is this something mysterious? Anxi was only pregnant, and Wanqing had a miscarriage. Could it be that Anxi's child is too hard-fated and born..."

She didn't dare to say the following words, and Mr. Wang guessed what she wanted to say, and immediately became angry: "What nonsense, how could such a thing happen?"

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family's voice was very soft: "Old man, you still have to invite the little god yourself. Some things are so mysterious that they have to be doubted."

But she paused, and then said: "Of course, Anxi's child must be much more expensive than the one in the belly. Even if Ke dies... there is nothing to say."

At this time, Mr. Wang laughed instead of anger: "They are all children. Where is Jin Guiyi saying that it only depends on whether the child's mother is not well-off. People who are not well-off usually do too many bad things. There will be retribution."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family said softly: "The old man is right, there must be an indulgent person behind this evildoer, don't you think so?"

Mr. Wang snorted softly and went upstairs slowly.

Inside the Wang family's mansion, there was still a cloud of smoke. Mrs. Wang was chanting scriptures, and a group of people in robes jumped around.

Wang Kegui patted his elder brother on the shoulder: "Anyway, it's your woman, go and have a look, and we'll talk about it later."

He looked at his woman again: "Let's go with elder brother, you go up with him, I'll wait for you downstairs."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled faintly: "It's fine, sisters, let's go and see it once."

Wang Kegui looked at her indifferently, and then went out to start the car.Here Wang Kefu is a little timid: "Xiufen, why don't you go with Kegui, I think the hospital is against me."

Gu Xiufen pretended to put on a straight face: "Brother, Wan Qing is yours, and the child she is carrying is also yours. You can't be so irresponsible, right? What happened in the past?"

Wang Kefu opened his mouth like a catfish, but finally went away dejectedly.

In the car, the boss sat in the back seat, crying bitterly: "It's precious, I regret it now. If I hadn't been deceived by lard, and insisted on divorcing your sister-in-law, I wouldn't be where I am today, and I wouldn't be here today." I'm sorry son, I'm fine now, it's all my fault for the family to be like this."

Gu Xiufen also said a few words of comfort: "I beg my sister-in-law more, she will come back."

Wang Kefu was still crying bitterly: "She ran away with the driver, A Liang, how could she come back, most likely she is very happy now."

While driving, Wang Kegui said calmly, "Brother, you dislike all kinds of Miss Shen now, but it's not that the novelty has passed, and you don't like it anymore. It has nothing to do with sister-in-law, and it doesn't mean that you have repented."

Upon hearing this, Wang Kefu slapped his thigh: "It's precious, I have to say that you really understand me. There is probably no one in this world who understands me like you do."

Wang Kegui wore black-rimmed glasses and smiled lightly: "It's not just me, everyone in the family knows you quite well, no one expects you to grow old with Miss Shen forever."

Wang Kefu's mouth moved again like a catfish, but then he stopped talking.

It was very reluctant for him to go to the hospital, and he didn't say anything after he went there, and he didn't feel very comforted. All the signs showed that he didn't want this woman anymore, and Shen Wanqing simply lay there alone crying .

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family went over to grab her hand and comforted her carefully: "Take good care of yourself, you and the boss will have a long life, and you will have children in the future."

She added: "Also, you have to be more careful when you go downstairs in the future."

Shen Wanqing asked softly: "Is there a future with him?"

Gu Xiufen pushed Wang Kefu: "Boss, say something, say it."

Wang Kefu didn't make a sound all the time, and when he was in a hurry, he talked nonsense: "A Taoist priest came to the house, saying that Anxi is pregnant with a child and our child is destined to be a match. The child's life is not good, so don't think too much about it."

Shen Wanqing burst into tears when she heard it——

What is hit and miss, and what is bad fate?

But she didn't say anything, just shed tears silently, and about half an hour later, Wang Kefu and the second sister-in-law of the Wang family left together. How sad to hear that you just lost your child, why don't you hate Anxi in the future?"

Wang Kefu didn't care, and shouted: "It's not good for her to have someone she hates, so she won't hate me and pester me later."

Seeing him like this, Wang Kegui shook his head, saying that he was hopeless, and drove the car away without further ado...

Three days later, Shen Wanqing was discharged from the hospital, but Wang Kefu did not.

Shen Wanqing dialed his number, but he didn't answer, which meant it was obvious.

Shen Wanqing sat on the ward, holding her mobile phone in both hands, and sent a WeChat message.

——Let's talk, otherwise I will tell Gu Anxi about your affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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