Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1097 5 million, I have 5 million 3600 words

Chapter 1097 Five hundred million, I have five hundred million3600 words

Half an hour later, Wang Kefu arrived at the hospital.

He looked really well-groomed today, he was dressed in a white suit, he looked well-dressed, and he probably had a social event at night.

Shen Wanqing was very chilling: "You can't wait for a day, our son is gone."

Wang Kefu smiled, and sat down on the small sofa beside him without paying too much attention, "Call me, what's the matter?"

Shen Wanqing's face was a bit haggard. After all, she was the only one who had no children. She looked at Wang Kefu and asked softly, "What do you think?"

"What do you think?" Wang Kefu said very calmly: "The child is gone, let's break up."

As he said that, he straightened his clothes, "The old man loves you and said that you have worked hard so that I can't treat you badly, so I'm here today to give you an explanation."

He took out a check from his pocket and put it on the small round tea table in front of him: "[-] million, it's your reward, and it's also our breakup fee."

Shen Wanqing smiled, "Breakup fee."

She went over to pick up the check and looked at it, and then tore it up in front of Wang Kefu. With a wave of her hand, pieces of paper fell down...

There was a hint of anger in Wang Kefu's eyes, and he knew very well in his heart that this woman was not easy to deal with.

So he pretended to be relaxed, licked his face and said shamelessly: "You have a backbone, I really didn't see the wrong person."

Shen Wanqing sneered: "You signed the equipment factory to Lu Heng privately, Gu Anxi doesn't know about this, right?"

Wang Kefu's eyes widened, "How do you know about this?"

Shen Wanyan still sneered: "Do you really think that other people are fools! You did this only for money, and you didn't want to look at that person more..."

Wang Kefu calmed down at this moment, or he never took her seriously, but she was just a vain woman.

He sneered: "Why, are you still jealous?"

Shen Wanqing said in a cold voice: "Wang Kefu, you don't put gold on your face now, think about it for yourself, you got 50 billion, Anxi doesn't know about it, your old man and brothers and sisters don't know about it. You know, if I say it, are they going to strangle you to death?"

Wang Kefu squinted his eyes and stared at her: "What do you mean?"

Shen Wanqing smiled lightly: "I don't mean anything else. As a woman who has paid for you, I just want to get what I deserve."

Wang Kefu stared at her: "Really, then tell me how much you want."

"Five million."

"It's impossible." Wang Kefu's eyes showed a fierce look, his former affection was long gone, and all he wanted to do was strangle her, this greedy woman.

Shen Wanqing sneered and looked straight at him: "Impossible? Wang Kefu, let me tell you, you can't lose even one penny. If it's less, I'll reveal what you did. I think if you are caught now If you knew, it would be difficult for you to stay in the Wang family."

Wang Kefu's face was almost distorted, staring fixedly at the woman in front of him.

Shen Wanqing raised her chin slightly: "[-] million, I will take the money and leave, and I will never appear in front of President Wang again."

Wang Kefu smiled, with a gentle smile: "Wan Qing, you have to be more pragmatic in life. If you say tens of millions to me, I might still agree. With [-] million, what do you think is so valuable on your body?" ? Or is the fallen meat worth [-] million?"

"Wang Kefu, you are not a human, you are an animal." Shen Wanqing cursed.

But Wang Kefu is still indifferent, he is not a good person in the first place, he is used to playing around, at first he saw that she was cute and charming and could serve others, and she was a female painter, but what did she paint after she entered the Wang family? up?

He was such a rascal, Shen Wanqing took out her mobile phone, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth: "Okay, I'll call Gu Anxi now and tell you what you did, see if she will send you to jail!"

After speaking, he really dialed the phone, Wang Kefu was in a hurry, this damn bitch really came?

The obese body rushed over, and Shen Wanqing was overturned by him in an instant, and then her body fell on the sofa.

Wang Kefu strangled her neck tightly, his face grim: "You bitch, I treated you so well before, but now treat me like this, I will strangle you to death."

Shen Wanqing's face had turned a liver-colored color, and it was difficult to breathe. She lay there with her mouth open and struggled in pain. She wanted to push him away, but Wang Kefu weighed [-] jin, and she was almost powerless to fight back. .

Fortunately, the nurse came in at this time, and as soon as the door was opened, she was frightened and screamed...

Immediately, several people ran over, including a department director.

Wang Kefu was also discouraged, immediately let go, and raised his hand towards the door: "Conflicts within the family, conflicts within the family."

The director of the department came over and asked Shen Wanqing, "Miss Shen, do you need to call the police?"

Shen Wanqing still fell on the sofa, motionless, coughing violently from time to time.

Just now, she was really likely to be strangled to death by him.

Wang Kefu acted as a good gentleman at this time, and supported her very gently, "Wan Qing, husband and wife are fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, tell them we are just joking."

Shen Wanqing finally regained her composure, and stared at him resentfully from the side: "Are we still husband and wife? All right, go get the certificate now and I'll believe you."

At this moment, Wang Kefu was a little dumbfounded, and stretched out his hand to touch his nose: "Well, don't be in a hurry, right? Let's take a while to get the certificate, go home first, go home first."

Shen Wanqing was quite clear and determined: "Do as I say, otherwise I will call the police immediately, and there are so many people watching on the spot."

Wang Kefu's expression changed: "Are you really going to kill them all?"

"What I want has always been money, and you didn't know it the first day." Shen Wanqing stopped pretending to him at this time, and sneered: "You look like a fat pig, do you really think I like you?"

Wang Kefu was about to hit him, but the director of the department and several nurses stopped him immediately. The director of the department said decisively, "Call me to call the police."

Wang Kefu was full of sunshine, "Damn, do you know who I am? I am..."

"I don't care who you are, I just know that you don't look like a man." The director of the department said nothing.

At this moment, Wang Kefu was a little panicked, and they must not be allowed to call the police, otherwise the woman surnamed Shen would probably have to deal with this matter, and if she said anything about him and Lu Heng, the brat Anxi would not let it go over him.

Wang Kefu gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Wanqing: "Okay, that's the number."

When he said this, Shen Wanqing also simply spoke to the director of the department, meaning not to call the police.

With her like this, the director of the department was stunned, and the nurses were dissatisfied——

"Miss Shen, we are helping you."

"You're only condoning crime."


Shen Wanqing smiled, took out a cigarette case from the bag beside her, lit a cigarette and took a deep puff: "Can you give me [-] million?"

Everyone was stunned.

The breakup between Shen Wanqing and Wang Kefu was very dishonorable, and the two finally went to the bank to complete the transfer procedures.After the transfer was over, Wang Kefu put his hands in his pockets and looked at her with indifference and disgust: "When the money arrives in the account, get out of here immediately. If I let Lao Tzu know that you have revealed a single word, you will die."

Shen Wanqing sneered: "You think I want to see you?"

"Get out of here as soon as possible, far away." Wang Kefu was particularly disgusted.

Shen Wanqing is not nostalgic either, she already has feelings, so it is normal to separate at this time.

It's just that she is always unwilling in her heart, not reluctance, but anger.

Once again, she was treated as a plaything.

Shen Wanqing turned and left, sat in the car, behind Wang Kefu stared at her background, poohed——

Money hurts in my heart, so I hate Shen Wanqing even more.

On the one hand, the novelty was over, and on the other hand, he also noticed that this woman was restless. While eating rice from their Wang family, she was eager to hook up with Xichen, and she didn't even look at her background With her virtues, how could someone like Bo Xichen value her?

As for how she knew, it was thanks to the reminder from her siblings, if it wasn't for the piece of meat in her stomach, she would have been kicked out of the house long ago.

Wang Kefu yelled again, and walked towards his car cursing...

Shen Wanqing took [-] million and wanted to leave Jiangcheng. After all, staying here has long nights and dreams.

She asked Gu Anxi to have a cup of tea together, and Gu Anxi readily agreed for some reason.

An hour later they were sitting together in a tea room.

Shen Wanqing's face was haggard, but she was wearing heavy make-up, she couldn't tell at all that this was someone who had only lost her child for a few days.On the contrary, Gu Anxi had a clean little face, soft and tender.

They are the same age, but they look about ten years apart.

Gu Anxi quietly stirred the creamer in the cup, very carefully and patiently, which was different from what Shen Wanqing had seen before.She stared at Gu Anxi and said softly, "Are you pregnant?"

Gu Anxi didn't hide it either, hummed, and then asked lazily: "Did someone tell you that my child killed your child?"

"How do you know?" Shen Wanqing's voice was tense.

Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "Guess."

Shen Wanqing's gaze was fixed: "Gu Anxi, why do you always act like you know everything?Do you know that you are really annoying like this? '

"Is it annoying?" Gu Anxi smiled: "I don't care much."

In her opinion, as long as uncle likes it, that's fine.

Shen Wanqing was a little angry, but as a rich woman with [-] million yuan, she was much more tolerant.

The voice was tense: "I didn't believe it."

Gu Anxi took a sip of milk tea, then looked at her again: "I don't need to thank you for this, do I?"

Shen Wanqing's voice became more tense: "You are really the same as before, I will hate you all the time."

"I hate you and ask me to come out, isn't it just looking for guilt? Shen Wanqing, I really don't understand you, what is your brain circuit like? Aunt Chen who treats you wholeheartedly, you don't say a word to her like that. Listen to her, you look down on her, but it's like... being a relative to someone else, just because the other party has money?" Gu Anxi looked at her and said coldly: "I didn't come here today to listen to what you said, I just wanted to Let me tell you, my mother called me last night and said that Aunt Chen is not in good health, you can figure it out. If you want to go to Beicheng, please contact my mother. "

After finishing speaking, she wanted to leave, Shen Wanqing pressed her hand, "Wait a minute, Gu Anxi."

Gu Anxi frowned: "What else?"

The corners of Shen Wanqing's mouth trembled slightly, and she said word by word: "I will go to Beicheng, and I will buy a villa to raise my mother there."

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's pretty good, you're promising, but you'd better figure out whether Aunt Chen wants a big house or a considerate and sensible daughter."

Veins popped out on Shen Wanqing's forehead, and she laughed at herself: "Gu Anxi, you are always superior, you are always self-righteous, do you think I don't want to, but does reality allow me to be like that?"

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes: "According to you, those ordinary people are not worthy of ordinary happiness, and those parents who are incapable of giving their children a good life should be damned?"

Shen Wanqing was speechless.

Gu Anxi raised his eyes and smiled again: "You really haven't changed at all, you still use money to measure the world, family affection, and all relationships, thinking that people with money can look up to you."

"Isn't it?" Shen Wanqing pursed her lips, "Gu Anxi, you don't know how I feel at all."

"I don't need to know." Gu Anxi sneered: "I'm not your mother, but Aunt Chen is your mother. She understands you and is considerate of you, but so what? Shen Wanqing, if you don't mean it, I advise you If you care about her, then don't bother her, the Gu family can raise her until she grows old, and there will be someone waiting in front of her bed, so you can live alone in your villa."

She regretted it. She thought that Shen Wanqing could feel the pain of losing her child and know the pain of being a mother.

No, she...doesn't love that child at all!

 Will update at ten o'clock in the evening~~



(End of this chapter)

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