Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1098 No, we were betrayed

Chapter 1098 No, we were betrayed

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, she didn't bother to say anything to Shen Wanqing, she took her small backpack and walked out of the tea room.

For some reason, Shen Wanqing chased after him like this, and she was stunned when she reached the door.

Bo Xichen's car was parked at the door of the tea room. He stood beside the car smoking a cigarette. When he saw Gu Anxi coming over, he immediately put out the cigarette and opened the back seat door for her.

When the car door was closed and he turned around, Shen Wanqing quickly walked a few steps over to say hello: "Professor Bo."

Bo Xichen knew that Anxi and Shen Wanqing had met, and he also knew about Chen Jinfeng. Just now when he saw Anxi's complexion, he knew that they broke up unhappy. At this time, Shen Wanqing walked towards him with a smile on his face. .

Bo Xichen has always respected women and rarely hated anyone, but at this moment he really hated the girl in front of him.

Standing there without moving, she watched Shen Wanqing walk over.

Shen Wanqing is quite confident now. Although she failed to enter the Wang family's gate, she now has [-] million yuan and she is a wealthy family, so she has confidence in front of a noble person like Bo Xichen.

'Professor Bo. Shen Wanqing pursed her lower lip and smiled lightly: "I may be leaving Beicheng soon, please take care of me for a while, I would like to invite you to have a meal with Anxi."

Bo Xichen's voice was flat: "I can't talk about taking care of you. If you have time, you can ask Anxi out. She's quite boring these days."

Shen Wanqing froze for a moment, seeing that Bo Xichen was about to open the car door and leave, she took a step forward anxiously: "But tomorrow I'm going back to Beicheng."

Bo Xichen was still very polite: "Sorry, we have a family dinner tonight."

After finishing speaking, he ignored her and directly opened the car door and got in the car.

His movements are elegant and very good-looking, just like watching him drive away a sports car worth more than 2000 million at Qingda University. This man still has that noble aura when he is married, which is unattainable.

Shen Wanqing felt inexplicably that she could climb up now.

In the car, Bo Xichen fastened his seat belt, while Gu Anxi leaned on the back seat and asked him, "What did she tell you?"

Bo Xichen put his slender fingers on the steering wheel and smiled after a while: "She wants to treat us to dinner."

"She wants to invite you." The little guy muttered, "You refused?"

"Otherwise?" He laughed, and then started the car.

He didn't take this matter to heart either. For Bo Xichen, those unimportant people and unimportant things don't need to take up time at all, and he won't give him a chance to fantasize.

He took Gu Anxi back, and just after entering the gate, Mrs. Bo took her hand and sat down, asking about Shen Wanqing carefully.

Gu Anxi thought for a while: "She said she was going back to Beicheng. It's strange. She almost entered the gate of the Wang family because my uncle was pregnant. Now that the child is gone, she doesn't make a fuss. , and go back willingly.”

She thought of what Shen Wanqing said about going to the North City to buy a big villa, and suddenly felt something was wrong——


It is impossible for Mr. Wang to spend so much money. After all, a villa in Beicheng starts with 2000 million yuan, while her unsatisfactory uncle only has [-] million or [-] million on his account. Where did the hundreds of millions of money come from?

Gu Anxi suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming quickly waved his hand: "It's not me, I have no money, and I'm not interested in her."

Gu Anxi's eyes tightened, "I didn't mean that!"

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, it scared me to death."

Gu Anxi said again: "Chen Ming, go and check Wang Kefu's account. I mean check all the accounts, including domestic and overseas, that can be related."

Chen Ming was stunned, not knowing what was going on for a while.

Gu Anxi clenched the cup in his hand: "I suspect that Wang Kefu made a deal with Lu Heng on his own initiative."

Chen Ming said stupidly: "Dr. Lu doesn't look like this kind of person, he would sell himself for a little money?"

When he said this, Gu Anxi was speechless and stared at him.

On the other side, Bo Nianyao, his wife and Bo Xichen couldn't help laughing. Manager Ma said, "Chen Ming, you still have the talent to be a comedian."

 Others will be later, see you tomorrow morning~~



(End of this chapter)

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