Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1100 Beating into a move?Shameless

Chapter 1100 Beating into a move?Shameless

Mrs. Bo was a little worried, and said while pouring milk for her, "Zai Zai is going to work today."

Gu Anxi took a sip of milk, and hummed: "Yes, I'll be there in a while."

"Let Chen Ming go there with you." After Madam Bo finished speaking, she told Chen Ming again.

Chen Ming said with a smile: "Don't worry, I just look at her without doing anything recently."

She's pregnant, so she can't take good care of her, but he also knows Anxi's character, if she's not in good health, she won't bother...

After breakfast, they went to Wang's together. When Secretary Tang came in the office, he wanted to report on today's work, but Gu Anxi stopped her: "Call Vice President Wang to come over."

Secretary Tang was taken aback: "Vice President Wang may not be here yet."

"Then call him and ask him to come right away, and tell him that I have something important to ask him." Gu Anxi's face was expressionless, and Secretary Tang immediately guessed that something had happened, and said softly, "I'll be there right away." Call up."

In the end, Wang Kefu crawled out of a little goblin's den. When he got out, he was in a bad mood. He didn't realize that his affairs had been discovered when he got to the company, so he even dared to put on a bad face, "Anxi, Mr. Digging people up early in the morning makes them sleepless."

Gu Anxi was sitting, looking up at Wang Kefu's indulgent and vain face, and said softly, "I met Shen Wanqing yesterday."

Wang Kefu was startled, and then laughed: "Her...why, did she sue you? That I abandoned her? Anxi, don't believe her."

Gu Anxi shook her head: "No, she said that uncle treated her very well."

Wang Kefu was surprised, and then acted accordingly: "It should be, I have always been considerate and gentle to women."

After finishing speaking, he became a little self-satisfied and shameless.

Gu Anxi smiled faintly: "Shen Wanqing said that she will go back to Beicheng soon, and plans to buy a big villa. Uncle, you...are really good to women."

Now, Wang Kefu was a little stunned.

Grass (a plant)!

If this stupid woman really said that, wouldn't that kill him?

Wang Kefu scolded Shen Wanqing bloody in his heart, but he still pretended not to understand on his face: "She is bragging, the houses in Beicheng are so expensive, she can buy a flat at most, where is the money?" Buy a villa.This woman is vain, probably because she doesn't want to be compared to you. '

Gu Anxi smiled again: "I checked the current [-] million in her account."

As he spoke, he leaned forward: "Uncle, you are so generous."

At this point, Wang Kefu was sweating all over his body. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Gu Anxi had already cut to the chase: "Can you explain the 50 billion in my uncle's account?"

Wang Kefu broke into a cold sweat: "Misunderstanding, Anxi, this must be a misunderstanding."

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes: "I don't know if it's a misunderstanding, but now I'm going to the equipment factory to make sure that the management right is still in my hands."

Wang Kefu knelt down with a plop, hugging Gu Anxi's leg: "Anxi, save uncle."

Gu Anxi wondered, "What's wrong with uncle, do you want me to save you?"

Wang Kefu cried bitterly: "It's me... I signed the agreement with Lu Heng in a moment of confusion, and now the right to use the equipment factory is in Lu Heng's laboratory."

Gu Anxi really wanted to kick him to death, she sneered: "Why do I always disagree? Do you know what Lu Heng's laboratory produced, and will it kill Wang?"

Wang Kefu stammered: "I'm just...that's just doing medicine, it's nothing, right?"

Gu Anxi sneered again, kicked him away, and walked out by himself, while Wang Kefu was dragged out.

Naturally, Wang Kegui was startled by such a big battle, and rushed over to see his brother crying bitterly, his obese body being dragged like a dead pig, he couldn't help being angry and funny, Wen Yan said to Gu Anxi Said: "What's going on here?"

Gu Anxi's voice was very calm: "Uncle sold the equipment factory to the Lu family."

"Not all are sold." Wang Kefu said struggling on the ground.

Gu Anxi kicked him: "You will howl later."

Wang Kegui couldn't stand her being so rude, "Anxi, are you sure? Could it be a misunderstanding, but although Fu usually likes to play a little bit, the big things haven't been overwhelmed yet."

Gu Anxi kicked Wang Kefu again, and the guy started crying and howling, Gu Anxi hummed softly, "Say it yourself."

"Beating is a trick!" Wang Kefu squeezed out a few words.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Ming stepped forward and kicked off the big leather shoes: "It's really shameless."

This time, Wang Kefu suffered a solid blow, and after a long time of groaning, Wang Kegui was speechless, and asked someone to drag him into the car, and they wanted to go to the equipment factory together to have a look...

 Today's update will be intermittent, at least [-] words, don't wait, read it at four o'clock in the afternoon~~I wrote it because my shoulder hurts~~



(End of this chapter)

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