Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1101 Are you the rescuer brought by the monkey?

Chapter 1101 Are you the rescuer brought by the monkey?

Wang's equipment factory is some distance away from the urban area, and it was shut down for rectification a while ago, so there are quite few people, but when their cars drive into the factory gate, something is wrong.

People, too few.

It was quiet all around, except for the uncle who guarded the door, there was no one there, but there were green moss marks on the edge of the wall, and a few grasses half a person's height.

After getting out of the car, Gu Anxi looked around, then stared at the few grasses, and smiled: "With the nourishment of [-] million yuan, the grass grows well."

Wang Kefu was thrown to the ground by Chen Ming, he struggled to get up, and looked around, suddenly a little frightened.

He ran over, looked at the empty factory, and shouted, "Where's the equipment?"

No one could answer him. Wang Kefu walked around like a mad dog for a few times before catching the gatekeeper: "Master, where is the equipment? Where is our equipment?"

He signed a contract with Lu Heng and sold Anxi, but these equipment belonged to the Wang family, and now it seems to be flying away, can he not be in a hurry?

The gatekeeper was dragged, trembling all over, stammering: "I...I..."

Wang Kefu didn't have time to listen to him say this, his face turned into a pig's liver: "What about me, tell me."

The gatekeeper was full of energy: "Yes... yes... Young Master, you signed the contract and let that Dr. Lu get the equipment, saying that it will be returned in two years."

Wang Kefu was a little confused when he heard that, "When did I sign such a contract?"

Just finished speaking, the janitor slapped his head: "That's right, they brought a copy of the contract when they came a few days ago. I saw that it was signed by you, young master, so I asked them to move it." .It is you who said that everything here must not be publicized, and you are solely responsible for the problem? '

Wang Kefu was so angry that he slapped him and said, "What contract, bring it to me." '

He didn't believe it anymore, he... how could he sign such a contract, it must not be true, as long as it is not true, he can find that bastard Lu Heng to get the equipment back.

The janitor was beaten, and he covered his face and ran as fast as he could...

Wang Kefu was terrified to death, but his mouth was still firm, "Anxi, don't believe me, I'm greedy for money, but it's impossible to sell the old man, right? After all, this belongs to our Wang family. How could I... ..."

Gu Anxi lowered his head, kicked a stone, and smiled faintly: "Is it possible, let's talk about it later."

Wang Kefu rushed to his younger brother again and grabbed his hand: "It's rare that you will believe me, right?"

At this time, Wang Kegui was really scared——

Lu's laboratory is doing medical projects, and it is still working against Mr. Wang, the boss is too confused.

He sighed: "As long as you have some things to discuss with us, the current situation..."

——The Wang family is in turmoil!

Boss has stabbed the sky!

Gu Anxi also narrowed her eyes——

Well, it has been under control before, but now the equipment is gone, where is she going to find evidence, in case the Lu family finds a place where birds don't lay eggs, and destroy the traces of the experiment, The things they made... made money, harmed people, and got away with it.

Even with an old dog's temperament, she was a little restless at the moment.

At this moment, the janitor came running over, holding an old and dirty contract in his hand, and said happily: "I found it, I found it, luckily I didn't throw it away when I went to the toilet last time."

Everyone's face turned black, that's what I said.

At this moment, Wang Kefu was the first to snatch the contract over, and while looking at it, he said, "I still don't believe it, I'm so stupid to sign such a contract."

However, he was stunned after only a few glances, and then subconsciously wanted to tear it off——

As long as it is torn off, no one will see it, and they will never admit it.

But he just wanted to move, Chen Ming came over with one kick, the force directly broke Wang Kefu's hand, and the piece of paper fell lightly into Gu Anxi's hand, she looked at it, and then handed it to Wang Kegui: "Second Uncle, take a look as a witness."

Wang Kegui looked at it, and his expression changed drastically.

Wang Kefu's hand hurt terribly, but at this moment he was even more frightened, and he knelt down in front of Gu Anxi with a plop, "Anxi, I am obsessed with money, I am confused, and I don't know how I signed the contract. I also regret it to death, I didn't mean it."

"Is it intentional? It's already like this now." Gu Anxi let out a long breath, then looked sideways at Chen Ming: "Pay attention to the movements of the Lu family."

Chen Ming nodded, and ordered his subordinates to proceed.

After explaining, Gu Anxi stepped forward and kicked Wang Kefu lightly: "Uncle, let's go."

"Where are you going?" Wang Kefu said stupidly, "Oh...I see, go home, right? The old man will definitely beat me up. I can't handle this matter well, so the old man should be beaten."

Gu Anxi sneered: "Secretary Tang, call the police."

Now, everyone was stunned.

Really call the police, really kill relatives righteously.

Gu Anxi saw that Secretary Tang didn't move, and said: "Call the police, and then let the company's legal affairs prepare to sue him for using power for personal gain..."

She sneered at Wang Kefu: "50 billion, uncle is going to squat in there until he dies of old age. By the way, I am also going to get Shen Wanqing's [-] million back."

Wang Kefu was frightened to death, and cursed, but when he heard Shen Wanqing's name, he immediately cursed harder: "That shameless woman must give me back the money, if it weren't for this woman, I wouldn't have It's going to be so miserable..."

Gu Anxi chuckled: "Think about it, is it really Shen Wanqing who hurt you? She wants to use her son to tie your heart, how could she encourage you to have that hobby? Think again, usually it is the one who encourages you the most. Who is the person?"

When she said this, not only Wang Kefu but also Wang Kegui were stunned.

What, who else?

What is Anxi talking about?

Wang Kefu is quite stupid, he still doesn't understand when it comes to this, he only knows that Gu Anxi is going to send him to prison——

[-] billion, he won't be able to get out in this life, and he will never see a fresh little girl in this life.

He was subdued by Chen Ming, and when Secretary Tang was on the phone, he screamed like he was killing a pig——

"I'm the eldest son of the Wang family. Even if I sell all the things of the Wang family, you still have no right to arrest me."

"Anxi, you little bastard, you probably did it on purpose, what a big deal it is."

"I want to find the old man, it's precious, you go to the old man, I want justice..."


He yelled like a butchered pig, Wang Kegui also shook his head, unable to listen anymore.

But it was brothers after all, so he turned his head to Gu Anxi and said, "Anxi, why don't you go back and discuss with the old man first, after all... it's a family, do you think it's okay?"

Before Gu Anxi could speak, Wang Kefu climbed from the ground to Wang Kegui's legs, hugged his younger brother's legs and howled, "It's better to be a's not like some people's hearts are as hard as stone, after all, it's not like your own, but everything Some blood relations would not be so cruel to let me go to jail, but you should call the old man quickly and let the old man give me justice. I can't go to jail. The Wang family is still waiting for my body to spread out. It's precious, you can't stand the pressure of the Wang family on you, brother is willing to share the burden with you..."

He was crying and fussing, talking nonsense, showing his ugliness.

Everyone was quite speechless, especially Wang Kegui.

He frowned: "Boss, what you said is ugly, why isn't Anxi like your own?"

Wang Kefu tactfully stopped talking now, and at this moment, an old and loud voice sounded: "No need to call, I'm coming now."

This voice is exactly Mr. Wang.

As soon as Wang Kefu saw his father, he immediately crawled over, and that one was crying hard, "Old man, woo woo, you are finally here, you are finally here to rescue your poor son."

As he said that, he hugged his old father's leg and cried like a child.

Mr. Wang kicked the child away with one kick——

Wang Kefu's body rolled like a ball for two or three meters before lying on his stomach. It took him a long time to raise his eyes in disbelief: "Dad?"

The old man leaned on his crutches, sneered at him a few times, and then looked at Secretary Tang: "Don't call the police yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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