Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1102 I want to kill my relatives righteously!

Chapter 1102 I want to kill my relatives righteously!

Now, everyone was stunned again.

Old man, what kind of peerless father is this?

Mr. Wang said again: "Why don't you go soon?"

Secretary Tang was stunned, and immediately dialed the phone with an oh, and after hanging up, she looked at Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi wanted to laugh at this moment, but couldn't... All that was left was a wry smile.

At this time, Mr. Wang looked at his unworthy eldest son again, and said in a strong voice, "Ke Fu, don't blame me for being cruel, this time you have made a big hole."

He has heard about the affairs of Lu Bo's family for a long time, and it also involves a Wang Jingyao. Whoever helps him is clear in his heart, and all the things before Anxi are also to protect the interests of the Wang family. Everything... It's all right now, Kefu, an idiot, was easily deceived by Lu Heng, didn't that Lu Heng just rely on his aptitude for being a bit of a jerk!

When Mr. Wang said this, Wang Kefu was so frightened that he peed in fright. He raised his face and said blankly, "Mr. Wang, I'm your seed..."

As he said, he crawled over and hugged the old man's leg: "Dad, I made a mistake. I will never dare again. Once you forgive me, I will work hard for the family like a cow and a horse. Dad, I will give you ten grandchildren, Dad...'

Mr. Wang was really furious, and he kicked it over: "What nonsense are you bastard talking about?"

"Dad, I'm serious, I'm really willing to give birth to ten grandchildren for you... Woohoo, I can't go to jail, my life will be over if I go to jail, Dad." Wang Kefu howled like a pig.

He tugged on Mr. Wang's trousers desperately, and Mr. Wang raised his head and sighed: "Ke Fu, this is your fate."

After speaking, he turned around and left slowly.

After a while, he paused, and Wang Kefu looked at him with mud and tears all over his face, hope always rising in his heart.

The old man said to Gu Anxi: "Anxi, leave this matter to you, don't be selfish, otherwise you will not be a member of our Wang family."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head around, with unprecedented trust and absolute determination on his face.

Gu Anxi nodded: "Don't worry, grandpa, I will sue Wang Kefu and try my best to recover our equipment."

At this moment, Wang Kefu's heart was ashamed, and he murmured: "That's right, that kid Lu Heng cheated on me, and he must never let him go. If I want to go to jail, he will follow me." '

Gu Anxi smiled, "Did you eat a few peanuts and become so drunk, do you know what nationality Lu Heng is from?"

It is difficult to convict.

Wang Kefu fell to the ground again, and then howled again: "I will never let him go."

Gu Anxi went over and kicked him: "I'm surprised, uncle, did you do such a thing, did Lu Heng sing you a little song?"

Wang Kefu raised his eyes, opened his mouth, and remained silent for a long time.

Sing, sing a hair ah.

Wang Kefu was taken away, and the legal department that followed the Wang family was also very helpful and directly sued him. The news shocked the whole Jiangcheng, and the Lu family naturally knew about it.

In the hotel, Lu Heng held the cup in his hand and smiled lightly.

Gu Anxi knew it really quickly.

They moved the equipment away with the front foot, and she knew it with the back foot. He was a little curious how she knew it.

At this moment, Lu Ze came back, dressed in travel and dust, obviously he came back from other places.

He sat down and looked at Lu Heng: "The laboratory here can be withdrawn."

Lu Heng was puzzled.

Lu Ze said softly: "Lu Heng, this project...doesn't exist anymore. All the research is over here, and we will mass-produce it and put it on the market soon."

Lu Heng was startled: "Dad, we haven't tested the drug yet, how can we launch it all at once?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ze threw a stack of documents on the table. Lu Heng picked it up and looked at it, and then his gaze became a little straight——

It was a forged document with a full set of back and forth.

Lu Ze said softly: "This is Jiang Bin's meaning. Because of Wang Jingyao's relationship, it is too dangerous for us to use the Jiang family's banner, so it would be better to directly use the name of imported drugs, directly buy a foreign pharmaceutical company, etc. When the money is almost earned, it will be canceled.”

After he finished speaking, Lu Heng's complexion was a little ugly.

From start to finish, it was a scam.

It wasn't just the Bo family who got scammed, but also him.

Only then did Lu Ze speak: "Do you think the experiment you conducted is legal? Lu Heng, the Huaer Laboratory has already authorized the results to the Bo family for free, and Jiang Bin's [-] billion was cheated. Now If we continue to use the name of this experiment, the medicine will be illegal, and it will be used as a wedding dress for others.”

Speaking of this, he laughed: "You have done a good job with the equipment and solved all our problems."

(End of this chapter)

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