Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1115 Our Bo family has twin genes

Chapter 1115 Our Bo family has twin genes

Lu Heng lowered his eyes. At that moment, the reflection of the fan-shaped eyelashes under the light was very beautiful, and he felt very fragile. He looked to the side of the bed, and then stretched out his slightly pale hand to take the book...

Looking up again, he looked at her, "This is for you."

Jiang Chaoge walked over, took the book, stroked the cover, and said thank you in a low voice.

Lu Heng looked at her, his eyes inadvertently passed over her flat belly, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Is there anything you want to say to me?"

"No." Jiang Chaoge took a step back, "If we weren't in the hospital, we could have a drink together to celebrate that we are all free."

Lu Heng suddenly laughed, and after laughing, his eyes fell on her face, and he said softly, "I won't drink with you again in the future."

Jiang Chaoge was stunned.

At that moment, she even thought he knew something, but then Lu Heng said again: "Alcohol is not a good thing."

She was relieved, relaxed, and carried her bag, "Yes, it's not a good thing. By the way, Anxi is here. I'll go and talk to her. I heard that she is going back to Jiangcheng soon."

Lu Heng didn't make a sound.

Jiang Chaoge looked at him again and walked out.

They are not lovers after all, some things happen and know, but there is no way to say it.

Because, saying it is just because I feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Chaoge left and went directly to Bo Xichen's office. Gu Anxi happened to be there, leaning on the sofa playing games. Jiang Chaoge knocked on the door and went in. Gu Anxi looked at her and said softly, "Wait until I finish this game."

Jiang Chaoge took the phone from her hand, "Senior Brother Bo is too indulgent, you still play with your phone when you're pregnant."

There was still a very sour sentence in her heart that she didn't say: the sky-high price every day spoiled her like a child.

Gu Anxi was quite speechless, and withdrew the phone from her hand, "It made me lose."

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "I'm leaving soon, isn't it worth a game of yours?"

Gu Anxi shrugged: "Going abroad?"

"Why do I say I'm going to go abroad?" Jiang Chaoge smiled: "It's just in the suburbs, it's farther away, and it may not be easy to meet in the future."

"That's good, I just don't want to see you either." Gu Anxi snorted softly, looking unfriendly.

Jiang Chaoge just smiled, a little helpless: "Look at your mouth, it has always been unforgiving...I came here to thank you."

Gu Anxi pretended to drink saliva: "Thank me for what?"

Jiang Chaoge said seriously: "Thank you for speaking well for me in front of Lin Hua, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten away so easily."

Even if she didn't know about it, she would still be in this prison.

Gu Anxi smiled, "I don't want to help you, but I think you are a doctor anyway, and you are not particularly bad. It is better to work outside than inside."

Jiang Chaoge's face immediately stretched, "Gu Anxi, is it difficult to say a few nice words? You have to be so angry with me, how many times have you said you have been angry with me, from Brother Bo to Jack, to Wang Jingyao, and Chen Ming, how many times have you spoiled my good deeds?"

Gu Anxi blinked, looked at her, and suddenly said, "I don't seem to have gotten involved in the matter between you and Lu Heng. If this matter didn't work out, you can't blame me."

Jiang Chaoge's face burned instantly, the secret in her heart was exposed, she became angry from embarrassment: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Gu Anxi walked over with a smile, and tapped her shoulder with her mobile phone, "You know it yourself."

Jiang Chaoge was in distress when Bo Xichen came over, and she immediately pretended to be angry: "Brother Bo, take good care of your family, Gu Anxi."

After that, the man ran away.

Bo Xichen looked at it strangely, and then turned to his wife: "What did you say again, she is so angry?"

Gu Anxi raised her mouth: "She ruined a game of mine."

After finishing speaking, he ran over to play again. Of course, he was pulled away by Professor Bo: "Take a break."

After he finished speaking, he sat down beside her, and she leaned over naturally, yelling for him to give her a pinch.

While Bo Xichen was busy, he said absent-mindedly: "Mr. Wang called us to have dinner, and said that he was leaving tomorrow. No matter what, the old lady wanted to see you tonight, and said that you, Sister Lin Hua, also missed you. "

Gu Anxi snorted, leaned on him, and said lazily, "Then we'll go after get off work."

Bo Xichen suddenly said, "After Jiangcheng stabilizes, you and your mother will be in Beicheng next year. I'll come back every half a month."

Gu Anxi sat up and looked at him.

Bo Xichen shook her hand, and whispered, "Jiangcheng is not as convenient as Beicheng. Be obedient."

Her eyes were hot, and it took a long time before she bit her lower lip to agree.

Bo Xichen reached out and rubbed her little face, "You're so good."

She doesn't want to be obedient, she just wants to be with him, but she knows that she is not in good health, and staying in Jiangcheng really worries him, and she will be better taken care of in Beicheng.On the other hand, he probably also found that Mama Bo was not used to the winter in Jiangcheng, so he wanted to let them come back together.

After thinking about it, Gu Anxi leaned against him softly, like a kitten.

Later, she took a nap, and when she woke up, it was almost time to get off work. Bo Xichen came back and got her coat to help her put it on, while she took her coat and went out together.

When they walked to the door, Director Hao came over, Babaer said a lot of things, and Bo Xichen confessed a few more words. Naturally, Lu Heng was the most important thing...

"Don't worry, Dr. Lu has me." Director Hao said with a smile, and then sighed: "I really didn't expect Dr. Lu to be quite bloody, and he is still different from his father."

Although it was stimulated by that group of children, it was considered a good thing this time.

After finishing speaking, Bo Xichen took Gu Anxi to the parking lot and got into the car. After getting into the car, Gu Anxi took off his coat and yawned: "Uncle, shall we go to the old lady's place now?"

He started the car and hummed: "Yes, I may stay there for one night tonight, and leave directly for the airport tomorrow morning."

The car slowly drove out of the underground parking lot, and there was still some snow on both sides of the street outside, but it was already dark at 05:30, and the outside of the car looked even more rustling.Gu Anxi lay on the glass, wiped it away with a sigh, looked outside, and murmured, "I don't know if it will snow tomorrow, uncle, if it snows, we can spend another day playing in Beicheng. "

"It's you who are playing, I'm still working hard." Bo Xichen smiled while driving.

Gu Anxi stuck out his tongue, and said a lot of stupid things.

Suddenly, she saw two children playing water fireworks on the side of the road, and she remembered that when she celebrated the New Year in Siyuan last year, her uncle bought a lot for her, and she put them in the garden, and bought a lot of couplets to post everywhere. , She took a lot of red envelopes, some from Bo's father, Bo's mother, Bo Jin's aunt, and Boqing's second uncle...

She blinked, because her eyes were a little blurry, and it took her a long time to say in a hoarse voice, "Uncle."

He hummed, and his voice was very gentle: "What's wrong?"

Gu Anxi turned around a bit, looked at the back of his head, and said softly: "When we're free, let's go see Second Uncle. Also, after returning to Jiangcheng, we will take a walk in Qingcheng to see how Mr. He is doing." ,New Year is coming."

Bo Xichen's heart suddenly felt soft and distressed, the little guy was probably feeling sad... He shook his head.

Anxi is very decisive every time she makes a decision, but afterwards she...will not regret it, but she will blame herself, feel that she has not done well enough, and feel that she has failed that person, although she never said , but he could feel it.

Especially for Mr. He.

After all, that man is like a father to her.

Bo Xichen sighed lowly, and wanted to stroke her little hair, but she didn't sit beside him.

Right now, this kind of trouble is also sweet and slightly sour...

He knew that his relationship with Anxi had taken up a lot of family affection, but...he knew even more that he would never give that percentage of love to others.

He is already busy and not easily tempted.

Once is enough.

And just so, she is so good.

Uncle Bo drove the car to buy gifts for the Wang family, especially for Lin Hua. Pregnant women need to be happy.

Of course, he also bought a very cute plush toy for his little one. Although it is not that expensive, she will definitely like it very much.

When he got in the car, he threw her little toy to her, and Gu Anxi suddenly yelled: "How do you know I want this recently?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "I'm not at home during Qixi Festival, this is for you."

Gu Anxi obviously couldn't put it down, and he still said, "Is this going to send me?"

"If you like jewelry, go back to Siyuan to pick it at night?" He raised his eyebrows.

Gu Anxi yelled, "Let me go."

She's grown a lot... She doesn't use those at ordinary times, so it's better that these cute little things make her happy. She kissed the little bear, and held it in her arms for a while.

Bo Xichen turned around and saw how happy she was, how much she liked her, and she was in a good mood: "It's different for people who want to be little mothers. I remember that you liked guns more, or antiques and figurines."

Gu Anxi hugged the little bear, kissed it and said: "I want to set a good example for the baby, otherwise I might not be able to bear it if I go out all day."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Want a baby girl?"

"Well, it's better to be like what is written in the book, one birth with seven treasures, eight treasures, ten births or something."

Uncle Bo tanned slightly, then smiled lightly: "Twins are still possible."

Gu Anxi's eyes widened, and he smiled again: "The Bo family has twin genes..."

She opened her mouth amusedly, and then her eyes fell on her flat belly: "But, but you didn't say it before."

Bo Xichen smiled.

In fact, Dr. Lin told her about fetal heartbeat last time, but he didn't tell her because he was afraid that she would be nervous...

She was so thin that she couldn't imagine being pregnant with two children.

(End of this chapter)

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