Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1116 What, committed suicide?

Chapter 1116 What, committed suicide?

Ever since Bo Xichen said it, Gu Anxi felt uneasy, and secretly touched his stomach to make sure if he had two children.

Then she couldn't help but said, "Uncle, why don't I feel that there are two of them?"

Bo Xichen smiled, and said casually while driving: "You can feel...then..."

He didn't say anything after that, just smiled again.

Gu Anxi groaned, sat obediently, and looked down at her stomach from time to time. Later, it was probably because the car was too warm, so she hugged the things in her arms tightly and fell asleep.

Bo Xichen's car drove to the Wang's mansion, and it happened that all the family members were there. In the afternoon, Wang Jingyao didn't go to the office. Even Wang Jingchuan was there, saying that he wanted to be happy.

The car stopped, Bo Xichen got out of the car, opened the back door and patted Gu Anxi's face: "Here we are."

With that said, put the coat on for her.

She woke up, called him softly, and then rubbed her eyes.

Bo Xichen kissed her forehead: "Okay, stop acting like a baby, are you hungry?"

"A little bit." She smiled sheepishly, then got out of the car by herself.

Bo Xichen took the gift from the trunk, and then walked to the lobby with her. Before he arrived, Wang Jingyao brought Lin Hua to greet him: "Finally, I'm here. I thought I wouldn't come if I went directly to Jiangcheng without a conscience."

Lin Hua tilted her head, smiled, looked at Gu Anxi's eyes, and said with some distress: "You are tired, hurry up and eat, the old ladies and gentlemen are waiting, take a good rest after eating."

Now that she is a sister-in-law, she can naturally teach Bo Xichen a thing or two: "Look, you don't feel sorry for Anxi who follows you around here and there."

"I neglected it." Bo Xichen smiled slightly, stroked the hair of the little wife next to him, and handed the gift to Wang Jingyao.

Wang Jingyao looked at the little bear in Gu Anxi's hand: "This is good."

Gu Anxi hugged and refused to give it, Wang Jingyao smiled and said, "Your sister Lin Hua also likes these little things recently."

Presumably pregnant women will do this.

Lin Hua glanced at him, and Wang Jingyao smiled again: "Why are you so embarrassed, in my heart you are a little girl just like Anxi."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Shun Shun helped her tidy up the woolen shawl, very considerate.

Lin Hua was a little moved and looked up at him.

"Okay, let's go to dinner, the old lady and the old man really want to kill this baby." After finishing speaking, the old brother pulled people into the magnificent hall one by one.

The old man and the old lady hadn't seen her for a long time, so they were naturally affectionate, but the old lady was careful and did not neglect her daughter-in-law. She served a bowl of water calmly, and sent them upstairs to rest after dinner.

Bo Xichen stayed behind and discussed things with Wang Jingyao. While talking, Wang Jingchuan went out for a while and said softly when he came back, "Chen Ming is here."

Wang Jingchuan was surprised: "Chen Ming?Why is he here so late? '

Just as he was talking, Chen Ming came in, with some thin snow on his body, it seemed that it was snowing outside again.

Wang Jingyao tapped the pipe, "Why are you here? What happened?"

Chen Ming nodded; "There is something."

He hesitated before speaking: "Both Lu Ze and Jiang Bin committed suicide."

Wang Jingyao was startled, and immediately stood up: "Suicide?"

Chen Ming lowered his head: "I am the one who is unfavorable in custody, and I am willing to accept all punishments."

Wang Jingyao stared at him.

At this moment, Bo Xichen said, "The Lu family started out as a drug maker."

Wang Jingyao's complexion got better now, and he turned his head, "Xi Chen, you are helping this kid."

Then he nodded himself: "It's fine if you die. Have you recruited everyone who should be recruited?"

Chen Ming nodded and sent a document: "This is the entire confession."

Wang Jingyao smoked a cigarette in one hand and held the document in the other. After reading it for a long time, he said calmly when he put it down: "The two of them are very smart. If they die, can they keep their property?"

Secretary Wang looked at him.

Wang Jingyao put the materials away, "Jingchuan, you can handle this matter."

As he spoke, he leaned back towards the chair behind him: "Just do what you want, and don't do too much, the rest of the people can't make waves."

Wang Jingchuan said yes, and then Wang Jingyao asked again: "Has Zhou Yunchen come to work today?"

Secretary-General Wang immediately became embarrassed, and it took him a long time to say: "Well, Mr. Zhou said that he asked for leave today to take care of the children at home."

Wang Jingchuan immediately became angry and tapped on the table: "Who doesn't have a child yet? Don't I, Xichen? Or Min Xin?"

Speaking of it, he was a little relieved: "After Min Xin became a father, he worked very hard to earn money for milk powder, and he never said anything when he was tired like an old dog."

Secretary Wang immediately coaxed him to be happy: "He is repaying you."

Wang Jingyao snorted softly: "I want him to repay? He still can't handle the family by himself. This is trying to curry favor with me, pointing at me to say good things to him in front of Zhou Yu."

Now, everyone laughed.

After all, Wang Jingyao is a good player at enlivening the atmosphere, so he accepts it when he sees it. The main reason is that he knows that Chen Ming has worked hard for several days, so he patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, everything happened, you go back and have a good rest."

Chen Ming paused: "OK."

When he left, Wang Jingyao looked at the door and thought, "Is he still in touch with Zhou Yunchen's sister? The boss is not young, and his personal problems should have been resolved long ago."

Wang Jingchuan just laughed: "Didn't I have a long-distance relationship with my wife before, named Zhou Su, but later the little girl chased him to Jiangcheng and broke up. I heard that Mr. Zhou's sister happened to be in Jiangcheng at that time. "

Wang Jingyao laughed: "This Chen Ming, he obviously just can't let him go."

He stopped talking, and looked at Bo Xichen: "Xichen, you have to stay and play chess with me, and Anxi just had a good chat with her, Sister Lin Hua, before she got pregnant. There are many things she doesn't understand, Let her sister-in-law teach her well."

Bo Xichen naturally agreed, so he talked about the past and the present all night...

Upstairs, Lin Hua chatted with Gu Anxi for a long time, but Wang Jingyao was nowhere to be seen upstairs at eleven o'clock, guessing that her husband would not come back, so she simply let Anxi sleep with her.

Anxi likes her very much, and also likes to act like a baby... When they hugged her to sleep together, Anxi curled up beside Lin Hua on her side.

In the darkness, Lin Hua suddenly said, "Thank you, Anxi."

Gu Anxi froze for a moment.

Lin Hua whispered: "Thank you for Feng Sheng's matter."

She knew that Feng Sheng was still alive, and that he had treatment later... that's all. She is a smart woman, and she knew that it would be bad for anyone if she got involved with Feng Sheng too much.

Gu Anxi said softly, "This one."

She said again in a low voice: "I didn't help much either."

Lin Hua stroked her hair: "It helped a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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