Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1117 You Think I'm Old! ! !

Chapter 1117 You Think I'm Old! ! !

Lin Hua stroked her hair: "It helped a lot."

At this time, she even wanted to kiss Anxi... When she married Wang Jingyao, Anxi was seriously injured, otherwise she might not have a husband, and Anxi told her when Feng Sheng came back...

Lin Hua probably knew why she was liked by so many people.

No one would dislike Anxi!

Lin Hua was a little preoccupied and didn't fall asleep until midnight, but Gu Anxi slept like a pig.

On the way, Wang Jingyao came back, mainly because he was worried about his wife, who was seven months pregnant, and Anxi was sometimes childish.

Open the door and come in, the light is very dim, his sister is sleeping soundly and snoring.

Lin Hua lay on her side, obviously not asleep.

He used to squat down in front of her, stroked her face with his hand, and asked very gently: "I can't sleep anymore?"

Lin Hua shook her head and said softly, "I'm a bit reluctant to sleep."

Wang Jingyao just smiled: "Silly girl, if you really like her, you can keep her... But don't worry, I heard from Xichen that Anxi will stay in Beicheng after the next year."

Lin Hua was a little surprised: "Really?"

Wang Jingyao pinched her face: "When did I ever lie to you?" '

Lin Hua moved her head to rest on his shoulder, "Jingyao, our baby is a boy."

He hummed: "You don't like it?"

After finishing speaking, she said very heroically: "If you don't like it, we will have another child. It depends on whether you want to have one or not."

Lin Hua glanced at him faintly, and said softly, "I heard from Anxi that she might be pregnant with twins, if both are girls..."

Wang Jingyao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You're asking me to steal it, it depends on whether the Bo family is willing!"

Lin Hua glanced at him: "I didn't say grab it, I just envied that he could conceive two at a time."

Wang Jingyao finally understood that it was useless to despise him, so he pinched her and that little bastard's cheek, and said, "I'm going down first, Xi Chen is still waiting for me."

Lin Hua grabbed his hand and whispered, "Don't be too late, you're already old."

"I think I'm old, so I'll hold three for three years." Wang Jingyao smiled, but couldn't help but leaned over and kissed his wife, "I'm going down."

After finishing speaking, he heard squeaking laughter, and he immediately felt embarrassed, and left a sentence: "Teach your sister well. It's incredible."

After finishing speaking, he went downstairs quickly...

Lin Hua was also quite embarrassed. She didn't know what to say for a long time, but Gu Anxi quickly fell asleep again, as if she hadn't woken up...

At ten o'clock in the morning, no matter how reluctant Mr. Wang and the old lady were, Gu Anxi followed Bo Xichen back to Jiangcheng.

Wang Jingyao was scolded for no reason, and called Wang Jingchuan: "Go to the hospital, see that Lu Heng, and tell me about it by the way."

Wang Jingchuan nodded: "OK."

As he spoke, he sighed: "It's a pity, Dr. Lu is such a good student, it's a pity."

Wang Jingyao confessed some more words, and Wang Jingchuan went to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, Secretary-General Wang met someone unexpectedly.

This person is none other than Wang Kefu.

Ever since something happened to the Lu family, Wang Kefu was finally released. He was like a bird flying out of the cage, free as hell, but he was happy for less than two days when he got a piece of news——

Lu Heng's leg was amputated, which was unacceptable to Wang Kefu, who loves beauty, like a thunderstorm on a sunny day.So he didn't care about his face and came here without telling his family, and sneaked into the ward while avoiding Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen.

At that time, Lu Xueman was resting, two nurses were dispensing medicine, and Lu Heng was leaning on the hospital bed alone.

The door was pushed open, revealing Wang Kefu's face, Lu Heng looked up, his face was not good at that time: "What are you doing here?"

Wang Kefu thought he was affectionate and righteous, so he came in and coughed lightly: "I'll come and see you."

Lu Heng is usually the one who cares about face the most, but at this moment he couldn't help being shocked and angry: "Get out."

The nurse was also alarmed and came over: "Sir, please go out."

Wang Kefu came here for this trip, how could he leave so easily, he licked his face and smiled: "Dr. Lu and I are old acquaintances. I heard that he is sick, so come and see."

The nurse saw Lu Heng.

Naturally, Lu Heng didn't want to see him, but he also knew that Wang Kefu was a shameless person. If he was forced to leave, he might say something earth-shattering, so he pursed his lips and said softly: "You guys first go out."

The nurse was a little uncertain, Lu Heng looked at them, and the two little nurses went out.

When the people went out, Lu Heng put down the book in his hand, "What are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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