Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1118 One leg is gone, can it be okay?

Chapter 1118 One leg is gone, can it be okay?

Seeing that he was willing to talk to him, Wang Kefu was very happy. In his heart, Lu Heng was like a mountain and flowing water, so he immediately came to sit on the side of the ward affectionately, "Lu Heng, how are you doing now?" Is it any time?"

Lu Heng stared at him, and said coldly: "One leg is missing most of it, do you think it will get better?"

Wang Kefu was choked up and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lu Heng didn't want to say anything to him, so he said softly, "Let's go!"

Wang Kefu was very disappointed.

For a while, I didn't know what to say, and after a while, I said, "Well, I just came to see you."

There was no one around, so he boldly said, "Actually, Dr. Lu, with your... appearance, even if it is like this now, I don't think there will be a shortage of people who are willing to take care of Dr. Lu."

At this moment, Lu Heng raised his eyes and looked at Wang Kefu quietly. He was born very well, but at this moment, his eyebrows and eyes were a little more indescribable, and Wang Kefu's eyes were straightened.

Lu Heng's eyes became colder, but that person still didn't wink, and he still looked straight at Lu Heng.

Lu Heng had a half-smile on his face, "Why? Does Mr. Wang have any good suggestions?"

Wang Kefu's heart tightened, and he secretly rejoiced, and he said directly: "If Dr. Lu doesn't mind, you can go to Jiangcheng with me."

"You take care of me?" Lu Heng chuckled lightly.

That smile made Wang Kefu very happy, and his voice trembled with excitement: "If Dr. Lu doesn't dislike it, that's the best. I don't have any other advantages as a person. The only advantage is that I am considerate and take care of others. "

Lu Heng looked at him: "Really?"

"Of course it is." Wang Kefu was delighted, half kneeling in front of the ward: "Why don't you let me try?"

Lu Heng lowered his eyes. His thin and sickly appearance was extremely beautiful. In Wang Kefu's eyes, he looked like a son in distress. Heng's hand...

Lu Heng looked down at those hands, gently pulled them away, and then smiled lightly: "I may not be so easy to serve."

Wang Kefu immediately expressed his heart: "I will treat you like a brother, I just ask Dr. Lu to give me a chance."

There was something strange in Lu Heng's downcast eyes. After a while, he raised his eyes lightly and landed behind Wang Kefu: "However, you have to ask my mother."

Wang Kefu immediately became more confident, and said without shame: "Don't worry, I will convince Auntie, I am the most ingenious in taking care of people."

Lu Heng just smiled, but looking carefully, there was an unspeakable disgust for Wang Kefu in his eyes.

Wang Kefu felt more and more proud. He squatted down in front of the bed, his body was piled up with fat, but at the moment he felt that he was extremely handsome, so he said to Lu Heng very gently: "From now on, you won't go anywhere. , just live in my house, you were born so well, the old man and the old lady will definitely like you."

Lu Heng chuckled again.

Wang Kefu said foolishly: "We can study opera together, and that life is called life."

Lu Heng asked back: "I'm missing a leg, you don't mind?"

"I'll take care of you." Wang Kefu patted his heart and promised.

At this moment, his scalp hurt, and his body was dragged on the ground for several meters. When the man let go, he felt that his scalp was about to drop a piece of flesh and blood. He turned around and saw two big men in black, and There is a beautiful woman.

That woman is so beautiful, except that she is a little older, her eyebrows and eyes are carved out of the same mold as Lu Heng.

Wang Kefu forgot the pain, and immediately licked his face: "It's auntie, I'm Lu Heng's friend. This isn't chatting, and it definitely doesn't mean it's bad for him."

Lu Xueman didn't care about him. She heard what the fat pig said just now. She never paid attention to such inferior things, so she sneered: "My son will take care of himself, don't bother Mr. Wang."

She winked and signaled the two men in black to drag Wang Kefu out.

With a wink, the two people already understood that they not only wanted to drive away, but also had to beat them hard to relieve their hatred.

So Wang Kefu was dragged away like a pig, howling like ghosts and wolves, but his mouth was quickly covered, and he couldn't scream, like a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

The door just opened, and I met Secretary-General Wang Jingchuan. Although Wang Jingchuan didn't know Wang Kefu, he had heard of it and checked the information. He knew at a glance that this was Anxi's uncle, the famous uncle.

Secretary-General Wang asked the two bodyguards with a smile: "Where is this going? Mr. Wang is not decent."

When the two bodyguards saw this man, they were full of style, and they were stunned for a while, not daring to make any more moves.

Secretary-General Wang looked around, and then smiled: "You are busy with your work, don't worry about me."

Wang Kefu was still holding on to a sliver of hope, thinking that this person must have status and status, and he must be very upright, but what he said was not a joke, so he immediately yelled again, but the two The strong man dragged him far away at once.

After being dragged away, Secretary-General Wang smiled, patted his clothes, and walked into the ward.

When Lu Heng saw him, his expression was a little tense. After all, they were not on the same path, and he didn't know the purpose of the other party's coming.

He didn't know, and Lu Xueman didn't know, staring at his son.

Secretary-General Wang knew that they were suspicious, so he smiled faintly: "I am the person next to Mr. Wang."

"I know you." Lu Heng said.

Wang Jingchuan chose a place to sit down, looked at Lu Heng and then at Lu Xueman, and said after midnight: "There is news, I don't know if it is good news or bad news for you."

Lu Xueman's heart skipped a beat.

Lu Heng stared at Wang Jingchuan: "Is it Lu Ze?"

He no longer has feelings for Lu Ze, so he called him by his first name.

Wang Jingchuan smiled: "Dr. Lu is really smart and transparent."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Lu Ze committed suicide inside, and so did Jiang Bin."

After he finished speaking, there was a deathly silence in the ward...

Lu Xueman's body swayed a bit, and she reluctantly supported the corner of the table.

Lu Heng clenched his fists, and asked softly after a while: "Are you it gone?" '

"Yes." Wang Jingchuan smiled lightly again: "Mr. Wang asked me to inform Dr. Lu that if it is convenient or necessary, we can arrange to see him one last time."

Lu Heng looked at Lu Xueman.

Lu Xueman gritted her teeth, and said softly, "It doesn't matter if you see someone dead."

She felt sorry for her son and insisted on going by herself, but Lu Heng, like her, hated more than love.

He wanted to go to this last side no matter what.

Two days later, Lu Heng's mother and son went to see Lu Ze for the last time. The scene was very cold. They were the only mother and son to say goodbye. When they came out, Lu Xueman pushed Lu Heng, surrounded by a dozen or so bodyguards in black, who were about to go to bed. car.

Lu Heng said softly, "Wait a minute."

Lu Xueman looked over and saw two women in front of her with two children, both boys.

It's beautiful, and it's smart to look at.

Lu Xueman and Lu Heng knew almost at the same time that he was Lu Ze's son.

Lu Xueman felt a toothache when she saw it, and her hatred for Lu Ze deepened in her heart. As the first wife, she naturally didn't need to pay attention to those women and children, so she whispered: "Lu Heng, let's get in the car, you have to go later Physiotherapy in the hospital."

Lu Heng was sitting in a wheelchair, his legs were covered with a blanket, but he could still see that one side was empty.

He looked at the two women and children calmly. He knew that they were only the second of Lu Ze's women and children, and there were more. Maybe they didn't want to come because they got money, or they didn't have feelings.

But the two women in front of me came, and the children were very young, about five or six years old.

The two children stared at him with timid eyes.

Lu Heng said softly, "Mom, you get in the car first."

Lu Xueman was dissatisfied: "Lu you know who they are?"

"I know." Lu Heng said very calmly: "But people are dead, aren't they?"

He raised his eyes and said softly: "Mom, the things you care about the most are in your hands, what else do you care about?"

He is already an adult, but these children have no father since they were a few years old. These women have probably been raised by him for many years and have no ability to make a living. They probably came here to find a way out.

After Lu Heng finished speaking, Lu Xueman was a little embarrassed.

She admitted that Lu Ze's death and property fell into her and Lu Heng's hands, diluting the pain in her heart, but she still hated those women, and she was not willing to give any money to those women and those... ... debt collectors.

She put on her sunglasses and said displeasedly: "Lu Heng, can you think about your mother's mood."

Lu Heng smiled faintly, and then whispered: "We are already very lucky."

Lu Xueman was startled, then fell silent.

That's right, they are very lucky. If Lu Ze didn't die, if Lu Ze escaped, then they... don't know what to do.

Lu Heng let out a long breath, and said, "Mom, get in the car first, and I'll tell them."

Although Lu Xueman was unwilling, she had always been a woman who was dependent on a man and didn't have much opinion. Naturally, she had to rely on her son when her husband was gone. If Lu Heng insisted like this, she got into the car first, leaving two people to take care of her. he.

Far away, those two young women came over with their children. They were really young, about the same age as Lu Heng, and the two children were even younger.

Lu Heng raised his eyes, looked at them, and asked very lightly and gently: "Do you want to see him?"

The two women were a little flattered, and nodded after hesitation.

Only then did Lu Heng realize that they looked alike, and then thought they might be sisters.

Sighing in my heart, I immediately confessed a few words to a bodyguard beside me, and then said, "I'll wait for you here."

The two women were a little excited, glanced at Lu Heng, and then hurried away with their children.

Lu Heng was sitting in a wheelchair, waiting quietly...

The sun shone on him after the snow, and he was wearing a black overcoat, making him look as dazzlingly white...

(End of this chapter)

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